if this Nibiru will be near Earth in 2012 and now is "far beyond the outermost planets" this must have speed better that today space probes.
-Vivos uses also fears about nuclear war, asteroids etc and… financial collapse (I dont know how shelters could protect against finance crisis)
-Vivos has on his site counting down to 2012 and photos of feared peoples.
-Also Vivos uses videos on his site. Some are from our "favorite" channel: History Channel.
-Vivos (virtual)shelters seems to be quite large - rooms seems to be large.
-Site describe things as armoured transporters and helicopters for transport of customers. Along with claims as "Vivos may prove to be the next "Genesis" for Earth and a new beginning for Life." this is quite megalomanic.
-Shelters acording to site will be unconcurable fortress.
-Claim several thousands membeship aplications.