This website is a 2012 proponent. Here I will debunk his 2012 article.
Look at this page to see Great Dreams website ideas. Really fake, but I think that some people can be concerning about it. Some GD quotes:
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.
According to modern mayans, this date is not significant for the mayan civilization. But is significant for doomsayers. And, guess what, nobody knows if the new cycle of the mayan calendar starts at 21st December at 11:11.
Real science is predicting the next/current sun cycle to be the worst in 50 years. The first two sunspot's of 2006 are moving in reverse direction.
Hmm… amazing, but not convincent. However, the next sun cycle will be not the worst in 50 years. In truth, it will be relatively weak.
Have you ever looked out into the night sky and seen the Milky Way Galaxy? Did you notice the obvious tilt? It is at a steep angle to the straight line of the horizon. Why?
I don't know… alcohol?
The Bush family has made one of the largest land purchases in history for their own personal private compound in Paraguay (the only inland nation of South America) and told the rest of us to fend for ourselves. Now that is Grand Old Party Republican Leadership for ya!
Oh, like in that Hollywood movie! What a coincidence. Why Paraguay and not Mongolia, Congo or Czech Republic?
The winter solstice sun will be aligned in the Serpent's mouth on 21 December 2012, at 11:11 AM Universal Time. The new formation may also represent the great cosmic Serpent of the Milky Way galaxy, biting its own tail, sometimes called an Ouroboros.
Whow! So, you put an ancient symbol of a dragon eating his own tail with a galactic alignment in 2012? Give me a break. The solstice alignment happens every year. An exact alignment is impossible, and if this happens, wouldn't bring any consequences for Earth. Like the 2012hoax page called "Solstice Alignment" correctly says:
"The line of the Earth and Sun comes close to alignment with the center twice a year, on the solstices. Of course, we remember the plague of locusts, major famine, death and destruction raining from the skies every December and June 21st, don't we? Oh? We don’t? No ill effects noted so far, no swarm of earthquakes, no plagues of locusts? Funny, that."
We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered — until now.
Nice fable. He say that because he doesn't know that the Earth has a rotation axis. Anyway, nothing in the universe is perfect or exact. And, if he says that we are not part of the Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar System isn't too, but… is pretty hard, isn't?
For a long time the professional scientific community has resisted the thought that the different time periods of the Mayan calendar are driving cosmic and human evolution through their influence on consciousness. While of course a large number of professional Mayanists have worked with elucidating the structure of the calendar system of the ancient Maya there has always been a resistance to acknowledging that there would be a reality behind these energies. Hence, even though it may not have been said so directly these cosmic energies have often been regarded as some kind of superstitions.
Why the professional scientific community deny all this? Why the mayans didn't said that? Why you invented that?
According to many prophecies something important is about to happen in 2012.
What prophecies? Your prophecy? Can I trust it and build a anti-armaggedon shelter or buy "solar flares sunglasses"?
However, this website connect 2012 'prophecies' with crop circles photos, although some photos I think is pure photoshop. But the Great Dreams website uses to much astrology, and I think that this is not very trustable. Their 2012 page is very big and has to much lies that I think needs to be debunked, before someone become scarred with.