All yours Obaeyens…
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All yours Obaeyens…
A diagram of the “electric Sun.” Illustration from Don Scott’s book
Hahah, he dared to use the word electric Sun (aka Electric Universe)!
He is dead in the water! That theory has been blown out of the water many times.
Also the solar flare mass has as much sense as throwing a ping pong ball to a full loaded mega oil tanker.
But today I have no time to debunk this.
Lol. I figured you'd like that. Did you see the video? Apparently it's new. Pretty snazzy stuff from the G-man.
I really didn't wanna have to worry about this stuff today.
Not really anything to worry about James. Make a wikidot account. I have some stuff I can send you. It's directly from some 2012ers, it'll make you feel better.
I also wanted to comment that the diagram that Obaeyens is referring to is by a fringe guy named Donald Scott. I wouldn't take him seriously either.
You'll also notice that Geryl has changed his mode of operation to fit the situation. He predicted a solar climax near this time. Unfortunately for his theory, it hasn't happened that way so now he is saying that it's "part of his theory."
I thought maybe his theory was changing a bit based on new findings or updates. I wonder… Bikenbeer linked a site months ago that showed the history of webpages. If we were to go back to his original howtosurvive2012 page, I am curious as to what it says in relation to what it says now.
It looks to be the same. He still has the Dikpati report of solar cycle 24 being 30-50% stronger…..which isn't what he said on the top link.
Oh ok…darn. I was hoping he would have put something that contradicts his current theory.
I created a wiki account though.
It does. He stated that Solar intensity would only increase at the end of the "mega cycle." Now he's stating that he expected everything to be quiet. By the way, there have been 4 flares in the last 3 days. Two weeks before his next prediction.
Geryl is using a tactic common to pseudoscientists and fringe believers called moving the goalposts. It means he is changing his claims after the fact and claiming, as Cane pointed out, that it's just part of his theory.
"The Universe is cool enough without making up crap about it". —Dr. Phil Plait
"If psychics are capable of seeing into the future—why the f**k can't they give us the score to next year's Super Bowl" —Denis Leary
You don't have to. Patrick Geryl is a garbage writer.
About the diagram, it's made by Donald Scott. Honestly, I didn't found his biography on Internet, just this diagram and a website about the "Eletric Sun" theory.
Well, I will safely ignore this diagram, Donald Scott and his theory.
I really didn't wanna have to worry about this stuff today.
Worry? Worry? Having a big laugh at G-man you mean?
He is using the electric sun as proof. These people are like the flat earthers, but in this case they claim that gravity does not exist but is caused by some electrical phenomenon.
The Solar flare is just like the fog outside your house.
The only problem this solar flare has is that it consists of fast moving charges that when hitting your computer at the right location might give a blue screen. So you have to reboot.
Also if you have extreme long lines like power lines you get a charge build-up in your power lines so that could cause a problem. For this they have circuit breakers.
Your radio signal might get a bit noisy.
But these electrical and magnetic fields causing problems in your electrical equipment is in no way related to what Geryl his claims. It is annoying but that is all it is.
Well, the computer wouldn't blue screen most likely….it would just shut off because it would overload the board in one of the components…maybe all of them depending on how strong it is. Even a small static shock from your finger tip could fry a board in a computer if its running.
No time yet, and I probably have no time for the rest of the week too because of work.
I was driving through the fog and this is exactly the same thing as Earth moving through a solar flare. The fog/solar flare is so low in density and gaseous that it has zero effect on the car/Earth.
Also the electric Sun is so wrong in so many ways that I am not even going to explain everything in detail, only the part related to 2012. The solar flare if it did have a magnetic field would be just to light for Earth ever to notice it, simply because it lacks mass. The number of electrons and ions is limited because of the low density of the solar flare mass.
The other thing, positive charges repel each other, opposite charges attract each other so your solar flare will be basically neutral in charge once it reaches Earth orbit. Neutral charge means zero magnetic field.
And I think that big G makes another big mistake (I did not check this) he confuses the magnetic fields ON the Sun and caused BY the sun with the magnetic fields of the solar flare itself away from the Sun.
This is one of the huge flaws of the EU:
Positive ions leave the Sun and electrons enter the Sun. Both of these flows add to form a net positive current leaving the Sun.
So + charges leave the sun, and - charges enter the sun, this would indicate that the sun would become completely negative.
So what happens when the sun becomes negative? Yes it is going to repel the - charge slowing the incoming - charges and it will re-attract the + charges leaving the sun slowing it down and fall back. Basically the Sun will become neutrally charged over time.
Also why would a + charge want to leave the Sun when it gets attracted to the - charge at the other end?
What is the source of the incoming - charges?
Also when you have 2 streams of + charges and - charges they will attract each other. The higher density the moving charges the stronger they will attract and when they meet the charge will become neutral. Again stopping any electric current in space. Remember we are in free space! The charges do not move over copper wires that keeps them separated! We do not have cathodes and anodes separated by some mechanical means like being fixed in the ground.
Big confusion of the EU proponents is that they compare the moving charges with engineering electricity used at home in copper wirings. ONLY negative charges aka electrons move in the copper wires!!! We do not use positive charges as a mean of transport of electricity in our homes! It is basically the equivalent of water (electrons) moving from high pressure to low pressure. The pressure is caused because there are too many electrons wanting to repel each other at one place and lack of it at the other side.
Electric engineers are not used to think about moving positive charges. The closest thing they come to positive charge is in semi conductors called holes. These holes are not moving charges! It is just a lack of negative charge because of a missing electron in the used semi conductor atom. The atom becomes a bit more positive but it is fixed in the material matrix and cannot move. It will attract electrons to fill the hole. There is an appearance of holes moving but that is only an illusion caused how the electrons move.
First question I ask, is what is his model and what are his numbers and maths so others can check.
Especially what in his maths makes its prediction so accurate. What causes it it move toward Earth and not toward a direction away or above or beneath Earth?
This is it. He somewhat explains the model below.
I need time for this, and it wont be this week.
But as far as I see, it is predicting the chance of something occurring, it does not predict when, where and what direction a solar flare will occur. It also does not tell anything about the solar flare itself.
And again the solar flare does not have enough mass to do anything useful. It is like getting hit by a thin fog.
I read somewhere recently from an article that was about 2 years old with a segment on Geryl. From the article he stated that he needs his 4 billion dollars in no later than 4 months, and that he intended to get most of it from Roland Emmerich.
I wonder how thats going…
Can you give me the link of where you saw this article, if you have?
This is from 1 year ago 17 De 2009.
Patrick Geryl, de man die ervan uitgaat dat de wereld zal vergaan op 22 december 2012, is op zoek naar een vrouw die hem bijstaat in de laatste drie jaar van zijn leven. Ze krijgt een bevoorrecht plekje in de bunker die de man wil bouwen in de Sierra Nevada.
It is in Dutch but he is basically searching for a wife for the last 3 years in his life before the world ends and she will get a special place in his bunker. (How desperate can you become.)
Also In Dutch how he wants to sue 2012 movie makers
Geryl wil immers een schadeclaim indienen tegen de makers. Samen met gelijkgestemden is de Vlaming wereldwijd bezig om geld bijeen te krijgen, waarmee ze op een berg in Spanje een veilig onderkomen willen bouwen. Dat moet het natuurgeweld trotseren dat de aarde zal treffen.
Basically translates to: I and some other people are busy worldwide gathering money because we need to build a bunker on a mountain in Spain.
'Tien miljoen euro is daarvoor nodig', zegt Geryl in zijn bescheiden appartementje in Deurne, bij Antwerpen. Het geld moet er binnen de vier maanden zijn als ze het bouwwerk op tijd af willen krijgen.
This translates to, we need 10 million Euros in 4 months to build the shelter in Spain in time. (I thought nly Afriwa was safe, but later he tried Morocco, now Spain?)
' Patrick Geryl hoopt dus op een forse schadevergoeding van regisseur Ronald Emmerich en Sony Pictures. 'Als we vijf miljoen zouden krijgen, zijn we al halverwege.'
This translates to that they would be happy if they only get 5 million from the 10 million for suing the 2012 movie makers so they are halfway building the shelter.
He sues the 2012 movie maker since they stole his idea of the end of the world.
Yeah that was probably it. Sorry for some reason I thought it was 2008. But yeah, I have a feeling he never got his 10 million euros.
By the way I was meaning to ask you, do you have any references that debunk the electric universe theory? I find plenty of websites that say its real and here is why, but nowhere have I found it debunked other than "thats wrong cuz scientists say so."
Earlier this week, a well understood theory (or they thought) involving active galaxies was shown to be wrong. So for years these scientists have been using this theory that black holes are being 'fed' by large collisions which is what keep galaxy's active (if I understood right).
That being said, I want to be sure that this electric universe thing has been thoroughly debunked through well known observation.
I understand the Geryl could very well be crazy, and that probably a lot of what he says is a misunderstanding of science and archeology. However, what I am most fearful of is that he stems his "research" from other authors who believed basically the same stuff and may not be crazy at all. Slosman, Bauval, Scott, LaViolette just to name a few.
By the way I was meaning to ask you, do you have any references that debunk the electric universe theory?
No really. It sounds plausible the first time I heard it but when you dig into it then you pretty soon discover how flawed it really is. The biggest flaw is that charge repel each other so if the EU is true then we should see evidence of planets actually repelling each other because they happen to have the same charge. But we only see attracting orbits.
If you only have one Sun and one planet then you can create a plausible EU theory, but it creates havoc to the theory when you put in a second planet or Moon in it. The EU version of gravity would be very irregular depending on the planets orbit and moon location.
Also the EU tries to explain gravity by squashed orbits of internal sub-electron particles. Somehow they confuse quarks in atoms and assume that electrons also have some quark-like internal structure.
The dead give-way of EU is when they claim that those evil scientist have some conspiracy against them. LOL
Regarding "Electric Universe" …
The Electric Sun (ES) model claims there are streams of electrons inbound towards the Sun, sufficient to explain the total energy output of the Sun. Yet the ES models don't explain anything about the fluxes and energies of electrons & protons this model requires. We've flown satellites with plasma detectors in this region for over 40 years (see "Video: Sentinels of the Heliosphere"), but have yet to detect inbound particle flows with sufficient energy to power the Sun.
Other refs;
Earlier this week, a well understood theory (or they thought) involving active galaxies was shown to be wrong.
That is how science works. Your claim is challenged and fine-tuned with reality. Everything that does not conform to reality is thrown in the garbage can.
Earlier this week, a well understood theory (or they thought) involving active galaxies was shown to be wrong.
This is just a variant on the tired old "they said the Earth was flat but they were wrong". The same mantra can be used to "support" ANY theory, such as my theory that purple flying moles are emitting cancer causing chemicals. The fact that one theory was disproven has no bearing whatsoever on any current theory. Each needs to be judged independently on the evidence.
In short, NO solar flare can do any damage on Earth except for annoyance in electronics and localized power outages.
It doesn't matter how good your prediction is and even if you are spot on and a massive 1000 times bigger than ever solar flare moves to Earth on that day, it is the equivalent of shooting a cannonball (=Earth) in the fog (=solar flare). It has zip effect on the cannon ball. There is simple not enough mass to have enough energy to do anything. Except for a light show.
Even the Excel spreadsheet is only giving some statistical number of chance that a Solar flare will happen, it does not mean that there will be one and it does not mean that it is going to be in the direction towards Earth. This spreadsheet is as silly as claiming that in December somewhere snow will fall on this Earth.
I thought CME's and flares couldn't be predicted. So why does he keep trying?? And why has he changed the date from 12/21 to 12/20?? He really seems like a quack. And did you see his wall paper in the Penn & Teller video?? I saw somewhere that he accurately predicted a flare or CME on 10/27???
I thought CME's and flares couldn't be predicted.
Well, the Solar Flares predictions aren't very accurate, because there's no way to predict if a specific region of the sun will produce a Solar Flare. But there are some ways to get an approximate prediction. For example, Delta Spots are regions of the sun that produce the largest solar flares. If astronomers know where are the Delta Spots,they know that probably the next solar flare will be there.
The CMEs happens in those regions, too. In truth, they are product of magnetic reconnection, the same cause of solar flares.
And why has he changed the date from 12/21 to 12/20?
Maybe he is trying to be more original (I'm not sure about this).
I saw somewhere that he accurately predicted a flare or CME on 10/27???
Well, he missed other predictions too (between August and October).
Do you want a quite curious thing about Patrick Geryl?
He doesn't have a page on Wikipedia. Ok, he isn't a scientist, nor a good writer, but is quite curious, still. I think this curiosity would make anyone worried about Patrick Geryl's ideas feel rather better.
I have been thinking a lot how to visualize the Gerly claim so simple people can understand it.
I already showed that the mass of the solar flare would be like a ping pong ball (solar flare) versus a fully loaded mega supertanker (Earth)
Geryl his claim is that some super-strong magnetism would tip the Earth. So I started to come up with something visually.
So it goes like this. Take your ping pong ball, and glue the biggest meanest magnet ever found on the ping pong ball. Something that has near infinite attraction force. And throw the ping pong ball into the air to simulate free fall in space.
What will happen? The oil tanker moving towards the ping pong ball floating in air? Or the ping pong ball flying to the tanker and the tanker never moved a millimetre?
If you would nail the ping pong ball to some very huge massive anchor, then this big mean magnet would pull the tanker, but in space there is nothing you can nail the ping pong ball to it. It is only harmfully for the ping pong ball but Earth does not notice it.
I enjoy these kind of visualizations. They help a bunch. Its hard to test his claim using 'on Earth' tests.
Its hard to test his claim using 'on Earth' tests.
Just take a ping pong ball, glue the mega supermagnet to it and find yourself a fully loaded mega supertanker near you. ;-)
I think I may be visualizing this differently than you, and its probably wrong and may possibly be a source of my fear altogether. So instead of this supertanker being on the ground, what if it is suspended in the air and spinning? And then you throw the "mega supermagnet" attached to the ping pong ball extremely fast at the tanker. Oh, and the tanker has a small magnetic field as well. For some reason I keep thinking that since the objects are suspended in the air, that any magnetic force strong enough would be able to over power the mass and push or pull it.
Geryl uses a motor for an example. He says that "everyone knows" that when you shock the spin on the electric motor that it starts spinning in the opposite direction. You can probably search the exact quote on his site, I don't feel like going through his site again in fear that I will spend the rest of the night on it trying to convince myself there are obvious mistakes on it to make me believe he is crazy.
Also, another thing. Is there a forumula that I can use to calculate what would happen even IF the inner core starting spinning the opposite direction? The actual effects on the momentum of the mantle has to be tiny, but I wanna work with some numbers to see how tiny. Whats been reassuring to me is thinking that if Geryl's theory were correct, then we would be changing the length of day and night every 11,500 years. I just need to find somewhere where it tells me what kind of evidence would be left behind if the hours in a day were reduced or increased significantly throughout Earth's history.
Hi James;
Let's visualize it this way….
Take the fully-loaded supertanker, and wad it up into a ball, and suspend it in space. Now spin it.
Take the ping pong ball, and blow it up into it's constituent atoms, and spread it out over an area several times the diameter of your super-tanker ball.
Give either one of them, or both, a magnetic field, as big as you like.
Now, toss the ping-pong ball cloud at the wadded-up spinning super-tanker ball, as hard as you like.
What do you get?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
The length of day has been decreasing steadily since the formation of the moon. If I recall correctly, shortly after the moon formed the days on earth were about 18 hours long. The angular momentum of the spinning earth is being transferred to the moon via gravity. This is also causing the moon to recede from the earth a few centimeters per year.
There's a nice description of this at
There have been no other significant changes to the length of day since that time.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Welcome back Bill, haven't heard from you in awhile = )
Anyways, I really thank you for putting that into a little perspective.
I know I shouldn't worry about this, and trust all the scientists. It just makes me easy that this claim from Geryl dates all the way back into the 1800s from the guy who did the french translation of the Popol Vuh. And he was actually a maya scholar back then! Now we have Bolon Yakte, God of destruction descending on us, the last Aztec calendar world which states we will die from Earthquake/Sun, and then someone like Geryl who devotes every last bit of his time begging people to believe him. I just don't see that amount of certainty in anyone else that something like this cant happen, or hasnt happened.
Then I occasionally read in wikipedia about how this breakthrough scientific discovery was originally discovered by this no name researcher who was ridiculed for his theory, then it so happened that he was actually correct.
Not to mention the thousands of people out there who think there will be a geographical pole shift soon that post their stuff stating that there is evidence for a magnetic pole shift just 11,000 years ago? How? Where?
See how all of this kind of adds up in my mind to start to worry?
So instead of this supertanker being on the ground, what if it is suspended in the air and spinning?
It doesn't matter. Mass is the same.
…that any magnetic force strong enough would be able to over power the mass and push or pull it.
Mass is the same, and so is the force required to influence that mass.
I don't feel like going through his site again in fear that I will spend the rest of the night on it trying to convince myself there are obvious mistakes on it to make me believe he is crazy.
I think staying away from Geryl's website will serve you well.
Also, another thing. Is there a forumula that I can use to calculate what would happen even IF the inner core starting spinning the opposite direction?
Also, another thing. Is there a forumula that I can use to calculate what would happen even IF the inner core starting spinning the opposite direction?
Try to look up information regarding gyroscopes.
Earth is a big huge gyroscope.
Loved this lecture. Was over my head mostly, but I liked the demonstrations. I would like to actually try it sometime and feel the force and see how hard it would be to turn it all the way around and what would happen to the spin. I also can't help but wonder, in the Earth's case, if there is a spinning mass inside of a spinning mass,how do the two seperate masses react to each other?
Please understand that most of what I ask about regarding this stuff is not in regards to Geryl specifically. There have been pole shift claims by several different people, even possibly the ancient aztecs. Not to mention, Bauval's Orion correllation theory could possibly be correct, which doesn't relate to 2012 until you mix in the disaster claims of around 10,000bc. I sometimes have a hard time believing all the dating of rocks and structures by scientists, because the methods don't seem incredibly sure.
I would like to actually try it sometime and feel the force and see how hard it would be to turn it all the way around and what would happen to the spin.
Do you have a bicycle nearby? ;-)
You can experience yourself how much force you need to pull it.
I just calculated, that if your spinning bicycle wheel would be 2 kg (inner core), you have to hang 1.59 mg (yes I said mili gram) on it to represent the CME tugging on the axis.
It is not completely correct, but it gives a sense of scale.
It is not completely correct because the CME is not a concentrated ball of mass, but big fog.
You should actually spray 1.60 mg of of gas (parfum) on your rotating bicycle wheel from a distance of lets say 10 m.
But you get the idea of the sense of scale what the problem of a CME theory is.
The core is rotating slightly faster than the mantle, on the order of 0.3 to 0.5 degrees per year.
There is not a lot of difference there, and probably what is happening is that the outer layers are being slowed down by the drag of the moon to a slightly greater extent than the solid core. It's taking time for the change in angular momentum of the crust and mantle to transfer to the core.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Geryl is wrong!
This is the real cause of the inner core toppling over!