I love the history channel. When the kids aren't around and one of those 2012 shows are on, I watch them because I'm intrigued. I watched one of those shows today.
I'm taking some classes toward an advanced degree and am enrolled in physical science for an elective. My instructor made a comment on a discussion board that maybe in some experimental areas, ignorance may be bliss. I brought up that maybe in some instances this may be the truth as in the December 21, 2012 claim. The more I thought about it, the more I thought that I may want to know more.
I wondered if there was really any scientific support to the end of the world occurring on this date. It seems like the history channel uses asrologers and numerologists, but even those who try to talk about scientific criticisms always say something like= you never know! I think what really made me wonder was that Nostrodamus, the Mayans, and the Hopi were all referenced for evidence. Was it truly possible for more than one culture in different times to agree on the same date? I think I took it more for entertainment, but the curiosity was there. So research on the internet ensued.
This site looked pretty legitimate with all of the scientists with astronomy and astrobiology and all those other "ologies" that I am glad there are people intelligent enough to understand all of them. It sure isn't my area of expertise! All of the information and debunking made complete sense to me and sound so much more concrete than what is on TV.
I worry about my 10 year old seeing the show on the history channel and I am so glad I found this site so I can show it to her should the topic come up. I am relieved as well because that small part of me that wondered "Is it possible?" has been snuffed out.
My younger child will not have to struggle to survive after the ripe old age of 3! LOL! : )
Thanks !!!!!!