I am so glad that I came across this website about four days ago. At first, I found about about the whole 2012 thing when my friend told me about it way back in 2008. I didn't believe her then, but as 2010 was ending, I realize that 2011 and 2012 will be just around the corner. Then I started to worry a little bit. I began to become really scared and sad. I mean, I'm only 15 right now. And in 2013, I will be turning 18 and graduating high school. It just scared me so much to think that I might not be able to see those days happen. It scared me to think that there was nothing I could do to save my family or anything. It also didn't help that I watched the movie 2012.
I decided to do some research a little bit until I found this website. It really lifted some weight off my shoulders. I even laughed at myself for almost falling for the trap that these horrible frauds made up. I still feel a little scared at times, but it's just my fear trying to get the best of me. Anyways, I'm really happy that I found this site! Thank You :)