Hi everyone. I write this for all the people who are clearly in a state of panic of recent events regarding birds dying etc. I know what you are going through, I have experienced that type of crippling fear numerous times throughout my life. I feel like I can give u some advice on coping and combatting these fears. Your brain is playing games with you, your fears are on edge due to the whole 2012 thing and any negative occurrence, be it earthquakes, volcanoes, bad weather, animal deaths or whatever are going to push your brain into a full blown panic. The human brain is a good friend but a very bad enemy. My advice is simply get help. Go to a doctor, they won't put a straight jacket on you. Tell them how you feel, how your behaving, what's worrying you. They are trained to deal with you and make you feel better. You feel like if you stop worrying and let your guard down then something bad might happen yes? You have to get that thought out of your mind, your eventually going to get to a stage where you won't feel normal unless your fretting over something or other. Please take my advice before you damage yourself mentally, and believe me, if you don't, 2012 will come and go and you will be looking for the next thing to be afraid of. Good luck to you all.
Hi Gary,
Thanks for your post. That is some very good advice. We're all dancing as fast as we can trying to calm the kids who are panicking over some birds and fish dying. They don't know that this has always happened. Everything is new to them so they think it's never happened before. Anyway, your post should be helpful to them.
Thanks again.
Thanks, Gary.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
would it be helpful to ask the person afraid why they are afraid, usually people try to calm someone down saying oh thats nothing don't worry but try asking the person why are you afraid of it
then they might say well i heard about mayans 2012 end of the world and then you could say what proof is there really that could be true, there's been a lot of kooky said stuff in the past that hasn't come true why believe this
and try to make people think rationally about being afraid over nothing, its like being afraid of Satan …..other people create the fear in these people because of their own fears and irrational thinking
Thanks but if you read what I say at the start, you will see I'm aware that these people are worried because of birds dying etc. People on these forums are desperately trying to tell them that they're worrying for nothing but these people are so terrified it just isn't registering. My advice is to see a professional face to face because clearly evidence and reassurance is not enough for some. There is far to many morons telling these young people that these are signs of the end times and it's terrifying them. I'm not trying to make these scared people feel bad, I just know how it feels to live in fear and as such I know the most effective ways of dealing with it.
Don't think the media is helping matters either. It's a shame but apparently that's the world we live in. Keep it up, you guys are all doing a great job.