I don't think anyone here would steep so low as to call anyone afraid stupid. It is however, a very unrational fear (that I share with you). The good thing with this whole hoax is that there is so much talking against even the remotest possibility of it happening, and not a single thing point to the opposite. There is absolutelly not a single shred of evidence for anything said by the hoaxers. Believe me, I know. I wasted close to whole 2010 researching this crap. Do you know what I came up with?
Nothing, absolutelly nothing at all. I couldn't find any single claim made by the some times utterly stupid, and sometimes utterly insane, proponents.
All this comes down to who you want to trust; credible scientists that have devoted their entire life to different fields of science or some random kid with a Youtube-account (and the latter is about as qualified as they get in the field of science). Trust me, there is not the slightest chans in hell that the world will end in 2012, or any other time during our/our childrens lifetime.
As for the whole bird scenario, I'll gladly admit that there is a change going on; the media is getting more and more ruthless in their hunt for readers, and fearmongering sells. Did you know that over 15000 birds died in total in 2006 (I believe it was)? How many times did you hear about that in the media? My guess is close to none, because the media wasn't interrested in this quite common phenomena then. But now they feel the need to start off this year in the same manners as last year, by promoting fear. Last year it was the arthquakes, now it's bird/fish/crab deaths.