I just wanted to thank everyone who has taken the time to research this 2012 stuff and find the truth behind the claims. I have worried about the end of the world since I was a kid in the 90's, mostly because I graduated high school in the year 2000 and they (whoever they are) but they made predictions about the world ending in the year 2000. I was scared because I knew I wanted to graduate high school and grow-up and get married and have kids, which by the way I did all of those :) Well it came and went and here we are still here, 11 years later!! I never really worried anymore about it until, hearing of the Nostradamus predictions and the Mayan Calendar predictions. However, it really got me worried and I know it's stupid, but hearing of Harold Camper's end of the world prediction in May 2011. It bothers me so much because I am a mother to 2 beautiful little girls and it pains me that they say that my girls will basically have no future. I believe in God and our Savior Jesus Christ, so I try to turn my thoughts over to them, however, because this site is not about religion, I will be respectful and not say anything more about it. I thought it was illegal to create panic, seriously. If it is, then why isn't the government or the FCC doing things to stop these idiots from from having tv shows about it or any other type of media on it. I want to say that after reading your whole entire site, it calmed me down alot. I have read other sites, but reading the people who contributes to this sites backgrounds and where they come from, to me, makes this a credible site. I was very sick the night before and had a panic attack because of all this end of the world crap and then yesterday I took the time to explore your site and by a miracle, I felt so much better!!! I am glad though to see that I am not the only one who has experienced this kind of fear, that I am not crazy. I decided that I am no longer going to read any yahoo stuff, because they like to post pro-2012 stuff and I will not be paying attention to any news, other than what I read in my local newspaper. I think that is the 1st step to my recovery and 2nd, I plan on getting help for my anxiety. I have never felt I could talk to anyone about this stuff and now I have found a site where I can talk to people about it and have credible sources give me feedback. Thanks so much Bill and the crew!!!
Hi mommyandnurse,
I'm so glad we were able to help you. If you are still suffering from anxiety about this nonsense, it's good that you are going to get some help for that. Oh, and don't take Harold Camping seriously. He has predicted this with a number of different dates. Each time it doesn't happen, he just moves the date out a bit and carries on until that one is past.
Thank you for taking the time to read the "entire" site and even more time to send us some feedback. Gosh, I haven't even read the ENTIRE site! Really, though, I believe this whole thing is about fear. Sure, we simplify the problem into two parts, one, that somewhere there is someone promoting a product who is willing to scare two, somebody else either gullible or uneducated in science into buying said product, but there is really a lot more going on.
Most people only experience fear as a sudden fright (boo!) or as a nagging worry in the back of their minds (is the stove on?), but those of us with chronic fear are different. We live with a giant gray beast day in and day out. Its always there and the only thing we can do is stay away from whatever triggers it. The fear can be about the End of the World, crowds of strangers or even what would happen if I actually spent eight hours a day writing… and still failed. We also live with all those well-meaning meddlers telling us to just "face your fears". As if.
Sure, we can help people with doubts about 2012 with lists of facts and explanations, but the real success is when we ease the presence of that fear-beast just enough to allow you to get along with your life. I wholly encourage your plan to get help with your anxiety and want you to know you aren't alone. Even some of us helping put up this site have fear. Probably not about 2012, though. The other guys mostly are afraid of my jokes, I bet.
Glad we were some help.
mommyandnurse, Hi there! I am so glad that you came across this site. Unfortunatley it was a little too late for me. I was married and am no longer. I did go crazy (had a nervous breakdown) Anyhow I am so much better now, I still get nervous maybe once a month or so but I am getting help (therapy) This site helped me and it will for sure help you. I stay away from end of world type movies and Ive stopped searching the internet for 2012. It was hard to stop, but I did. I continue to visit this site just to remind myself.
Hello Lovingmother,
I am so sorry about your marriage, but I'm glad to hear that you got the help you needed to conquer your fear. You are doing the right thing by staying away from EOTW movies and not searching for 2012 on the internet. Come back as often as you like. We're here to help you.