Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
I'm not freaking, I'm just curious and am having a little trouble trying to understand what it would mean if we do face a complete reversal.
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
This story has nothing to do with reversal.
Nothing special.
When an air-plane pilot is heading for the landing strip he uses his compass to confirm that he is heading in the right direction and thus approaching the right airstrip.
They divided the 360 degree into 36 angles each in 10 degree jumps.
So runway 18 would be 180 degree heading on your compass.
Because it is a 10 degree interval, the real heading could be between 175.5 and 185.4 on you compass all pointing to the rounded up 180 degree.
Now the magnetic pole is on the move so your magnetic compass would change slightly over the years. And in this case the runway is not aligned to 185.4 degree any-more but 185.6 or so the rounding off means that they assign it to the next 10 degree interval 190 = runway 19.
Of course the 2012 hoaxers take this and run with some big claim but it has zip effects on Earth. Only birds might fly off a bit off course because they use the magnetic fields.
Here you see how the poles have been moving since 1831
Ok, cool!! Thanks!! It was on the nightly news on NBC but the story didn't elaborate enough for me to quite understand. And, it at first, did get the wheels turning, but the more I read, the more I get it!! Thanks again!!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
The thing is that the compass is not really pointing towards the magnetic North and the South pole is not really at the opposite angle of the North pole. The magnetic field is so weak on Earth that it gets influenced by the shape of the Earth, internal and external reasons. For example a lava pocket could influence the magnetic field depending on what the lava pocket contains.
You can easily see that you compass can point to a wrong direction when you move close to big metallic objects and power lines.
I actually like this video cuz it kind of makes Geryl look dumb. If the magnetic pole has been moving without the geographic physical pole, then we know that it has no effect on the physical Earth even if Geryl's large solar flare flipped in in less than a day. Correct?
Geryl didn't need this video to make him look dumb. But that is correct, it has no physical effect on the Earth. However, it can't happen in a day or a year or 100 years.
That sounds more like a case of apparent polar wander, which has more to do with tectonic plates moving about rather than the the magnetic poles themselves - if you had a compass in your hand faced North, over time the land beneath your feet would move and turn you to the left say, such that even though you knew you hadn't moved, and as far as you knew you were facing the same direction, magnetic north appears to have moved relative to you.
Edit: Of course the poles in the first place aren't exactly simply things, we could have a north pole pop up anywhere, but by pop up we really mean 'over a few hundred years'.
I'm going to guess/hope the various pole shift pages are up to date, if not there is a thread over in Misc about it, right about here.
This is nothing new. The magnetic poles have always wandered and the north pole is now closer to Siberia than it is to Canada. This isn't new and it isn't related to geomagnetic reversal. As we've said many times, and the guy in the video said, geomagnetic reversal takes hundreds to thousands of years to happen. It has no effect on us, except for the reading of compasses.
What they are doing in Florida is making an adjustment for the polar wander that has taken place since the runways were laid.
I love this stuff :) I love the science of it all *blushes*
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Great. I'm glad to see someone who appreciates the science instead of panicking at everything they hear.
Ok, thanks!! I just has some trouble trying to understand it all from a small segment on the news. And of course, googling it blindly, I got some information that was waaaay out there!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
My first thought when I saw this story was that Geryl and his ilk are going to jump up and down on their couches like Tom Cruise on Oprah and scream, "YOU SEE, SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!" Then I did a double face palm.
December 21, 2012 can't come soon enough for me, so that on Christmas Day we can all point at Geryl and laugh at him like Nelson Muntz from "The Simpsons."
"The Universe is cool enough without making up crap about it". —Dr. Phil Plait
"If psychics are capable of seeing into the future—why the f**k can't they give us the score to next year's Super Bowl" —Denis Leary