I think that this site has taken care of all the things I wanted to know about pertaining to 2012. Before, when I looked up stuff about it, I never really found a site where it totally had me believing what they put out, but this site seems to have hard core evidence. I mean, I have a college education and I know that when you are going to make an argument about something, you better have some solid evidence to back it up. These guys do just that. I feel that I can really trust the guys on this page. I have never felt more better about the issue than now, I just wish these guys were around oh, let's say 10-12 years ago. I have actually used this page as type of "therapy" for me, because everyday it seems like my mind wonders back to that same spot of the 2012 doom and gloom and then I come back to this page and it snaps me out of it and back to reality. I think other than the solid scientific facts these guys have so graciously presented, the rest is just up to whatever you truely believe (if that statement makes any sense). Anyways, love this site and the people who take time to make it work! Keep it up and I hope to have you guys around in 2012, when I might really need you all!! :)
I Love This Site and It's Moderators!