i ran into Geoff Stray's website a couple of days ago. He has put together a number of 2012 related things into one website. I have an ongoing fear of this date even though i have gone through this website several times including the posts. Many of the things on his site are not addressed critically. You guys are really good with the science aspects so i will stick to those topics.
Some things that I wonder about is if the graph for the sunspot cycles is legit. Also if there is a 'Super Cycle' as mentioned by Maurice Cotterell.
If the Earths magnetic field has any kind of record of a more recent reversal.
geologist Gregg Braden has pointed out that Earth’s magnetic field has dropped 58% in the last 2000 years, and that the rate has risen to a further 6% in the last 100 years. In other words, the global magnetic field is dropping at an accelerating rate towards a "zero point" at which the polarity of Earth will reverse. Geological surveys of the mid-Atlantic ridge shows that this has happened many times before in the history of the Earth. Braden says that the declining magnetic field is causing the Schumann resonance of the ionosphere to increase, and that it is currently resonating at between 8.6 - 9 hz, And will level out at 13 hz -the next number in the Fibbonacci series. The whole process is connected to the Mayan calendar, the largest increase being recorded in 1987, which is when the Harmonic Convergence occurred. (He says the last polar reversal was 13,200 years ago - close to half a precession cycle see item 28).
also if this has any significance:
2012 as next precessional age. Alan Alford, in his book Gods of the New Millennium, has studied ancient Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and concluded that the gods of Babylon each ruled for one precessional age, which is a twelfth of an entire precession of the equinoxes. Combining "the latest scientific estimates" of the length of a precessional age (2,148 years, as quoted by archaeo-astronomer, Jane Sellers), with biblical and Babylonian information, Alford concludes that the precessional age of Marduk began in 2284 BC. The next one began 2,148 years later, in 135 BC, and, counting forward another 2,148 years, says Alford, brings us to the next one in 2012.
this page:
is a guy who states there is something wrong with our sun and has composed of graphs that provide evidence of solar maximums with geomagnetic reversals
and especially this page:
had me very worried. Geoff says that it mentions the 2012 year in it, and he isnt really a hoaxer and has spent much of his time debunking things.
i am convinced that geryl guy is crazy. However i am not yet convinced that who he got the ideas from are from people who misunderstand things. I get that most likely the earths rotation will stay the same cuz of angular momentum and whatnot but if you look through those pages and look at some things that the egyptians said about the sun coming from the other side then i dont think you will believe its as crazy as we would like it to be.
people who have supported the idea of a cataclysm in egyption, maya times that i know of:
albert slosman
maurice cotterel
adrian gilbert
patrick geryl
robert bauval
graham hancock
people who support the idea of a pole shift occuring that i can remember:
john white
graham hancock
charles hapgood
patrick geryl
…i am drawing a blank on some of them here
i get none of these people are popular scientists by acedemic standards, but i also want to be 100 percent positive that there is nothing to worry about in 2012.
hopefully i dont bother you guys too much with this all.