Anyone here know about the meteor seen tonight? I can't find anything on it. Some people are freaking out about it. Even linking it to the dead birds and fish.
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG are you kidding me it's a meteor for the love of God a shooting bloody star nothing more and nothing less ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is stupid really really stupid
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Since when are meteors something to be afraid of???? Cmon, lexiedawn. It's just a meteor! Noooo big deal.
exactually Lindsay this is getting supid beyond belief and I hope i am not the only one that thinks this.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
It was a meteor.
I bet people will be trying to link it to that whole 11:11 phenomenon because omg, it struck on 1-11-2011.
Meteors are fun to watch. It happens all the time, just go out at night and wait.
I just checked, there are the Delta Cancrids meteors active right now; You should have about 4 an hour with a peak at 17 Jan.
I do have bad luck though, all my life I tried to take a picture of a meteor, have seen many hundreds, and have been taking images many hours and so far I never grabbed one on my camera.
I just checked, there are the Delta Cancrids meteors active right now; You should have about 4 an hour with a peak at 17 Jan.
So, I don't understand why the media gave more attention to this one. They are so foolish!
Oh, this doesn't scare me. Just wondering if there was a NEO supposed to pass tonight. I thinks it's funny they are linking the birds fish and God to this.
Looks like there was one last night (early tuesday)
I find that spaceweather site a fantastic one for upto date info on what is going on up there in the sky :)
[] gives dates on near earth objects too :)
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Small meteors always collide with Earth. Why they can connect this with the birds and fish?
Meteorites hit Earth pretty much every day. Many of them are seen burning up as they go through the atmosphere. They are called meteors when passing through the atmosphere, also called shooting stars. People used to make wishes on them. Have you ever heard the Walt Disney theme song, When You Wish Upon a Star?
You know I have only ever seen one in my life and that was one night I was looking out of my bedroom window :)
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
You have to look at certain dates and in certain directions.
The Perseides are good ones. 11 August every year.
I would love to see them :) I am thinking of going to my local astronomy club this year :) well I say local its about 15 miles away and I have no transport LOL.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Step 1) Look here
Step 2) Look up
That's all you need to do to see these things, the more you look up, the closer you are to a peak of activity, the more chance you've got of seeing something, but any night of the year you've got a chance. Just makes it easier if you have skies where you could see 60+ an hour and so on.