I don't really know why it's necessary to flag up yet another claim on that page, you might as well say it's also not Nemesis, Tyche, Boo the Space Hamster, the missing sock from the mornings washing…
To a point, you could argue that C/2010 X1 has been claimed by proponents to be Nibiru, but there's enough information on the page to state clearly that it's a comet, nothing more. By saying "it's not Nibiru" to someone who doesn't know about Nibiru, you're pushing someone onto the Nibiru page where, while we hope they also read that page and see there's nothing in that, there is always the chance of them actually becoming fearful of the idea of Nibiru, rather than C/2010 X1.
Of course the wonders of a wiki means someone else can revert our edits should they think of a better solution. Which brings me neatly to the next point. Whatever you or anybody else writes can not only be seen by everyone else, but anyone with an account can add or remove parts to and from it. If a page is necessary, write it, see where it goes, see if it's good enough to stand on it's own. If memory serves we have forum posts on clouds longer than the entire Wikipedia article on the subject, such is the level of interest in it in the wider world, but if you can get a succinct explanation or however you're approaching it, go for it.