ok to some serious stuff here forget about the nibiru hoaxor elenin ok, this vulcano on iceland katla had a confirmed eruption some day ago and a bigger eruption s coming , it was a earthquake swarm this morning and scientists on iceland says that is a sign that the vulcano going to have a eruption, so im a little bitt worried about this , this vulcano is much bigger then the other vulcano Eyjafjallajokul that had a eruption last year that closed the europe flight traffic long time , so what can katla make? europe can be out of flight traffic in months? and the eruption probebly going to be be felt all over europe , and this scientists say read more here .clickgreen.org.uk/news/international-news/122604-earthquake-swarm-after-officials-confirm-eruption-at-iceland-volcano-katla.html
Welcome to Earth, Pedro.
haha serious :O I was maybe going to see football in uk next month :P
You have endeared yourself to me now, Pedro. This spring, my house was in danger of floating away in the spring flood and I was ticked…'cause I had concert plans and the stupid water was blocking the road. Stupid flood. Good luck with your plans. (I made it to the show though…and might possibly be on the Travel Channel Sunday because of it. I'll be the brunette with the Alice Cooper shirt on. Should be easy to find in the hundred of brunettes wearing Alice Cooper shirts.)
haha serious
I am serious. Welcome to Earth. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, sinkholes, meteors and Justin Bieber — all part of the deal. What do you expect anyone to say that hasn't been said on this forum a thousand times already?
yes but how good is it if people cant get away from sweden fror months? :P the ash plume going to be huge some people get to other countrys to do work for example
and thats mean that the aikrplanes cant fly because of the ash :) the airplanes was not going for weeks after the eruption last year and it was caos:)
yes but how good is it if people cant get away from sweden fror months?
You do have ferries, roads and railways in Sweden, don't you?
the ash plume going to be huge
You don't know that.
some people get to other countrys to do work for example
I repeat: What do you expect anyone to say that hasn't been said on this forum a thousand times already? Nobody here can magically make a volcano not erupt. I don't even understand why you posted this, though someone probably would have shown up here wringing their hands about it eventually anyway.
and thats mean that the aikrplanes cant fly because of the ash :) the airplanes was not going for weeks after the eruption last year and it was caos:)
Then go hide in a basement somewhere. Stockpile guns, ammo and water, and start a blog detailing the doom and gloom you expect to befall humanity. I really couldn't care less.
:P no but it going to get a little trubble :) it stand in the link I was try to send that the ash plume going to be big and be there weeks or months after the eruption :) and that the european governments and the airplanes chiefs in europe should start prepere for a katla eruption :)
Pedro, you aren't this stupid. Stop acting like it.
And stop using emoticons like friggin' punctuation.
well I was just saying what it stands in the article :)
well I was just saying what it stands in the article :)
Yeah, and you're ignoring this:
What do you expect anyone to say that hasn't been said on this forum a thousand times already?
Cut the crap, Pedro.
im most worried miss the football if I cant take the airplane to uk :P
im most worried miss the football if I cant take the airplane to uk :P
Would you like someone here to contact Gandalf, so he can cast a magic spell that stops the eruption?
Sorry you're afraid of missing a soccer match, but this is absolutely pointless.
And…okay? I'm not sure what you're posting about this for. Volcanic eruptions happen all the time. Sometimes they impact the lives of people, sometimes they don't. Preparedness is never a bad thing, but you can't predict what exactly will happen when one does erupt. You have a bunch of "possibilities" and how they might impact travel etc…
So, again…why are you posting…or rather, what is the question, if you had one? I'm confused because you're making statements that really bear no further discussion past what JuJu has said.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
haha , I was most asking if it going to be a ash plume that stop the air traffic so I cant get to uk where im maybe (not sure jet)
goign to see football next month
There is no way of knowing for sure. You can look at past history for that specific volcano and make an educated guess, but until the event happens, it's just speculation. So basically, don't worry about it until it comes to pass. If it comes to pass. (I've not read up on this particular volcano as of yet, so I have no idea what vulcanologists/geologists have said regarding its potential.)
It's not like you can do anything to stop it from erupting anyway. So there's no sense in worrying about it.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
So why worry about it? You can't do anything about it.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
What? That wasn't said anywhere…
I can't decide if you are actually asking or if you are just joking. Text really doesn't carry tone well…so sorry, if you're joking and I'm just being particularly dense on picking it up.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
Ahh…okay. I was completely confused.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
yes but how good is it if people cant get away from sweden fror months?
Being stuck in Sweden for weeks… What a terrible fate! :-D
Nothing else to eat but meatballs and surströmming, all day, every day!
Oh the humanity! :-D
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
hahaha marko :P but IF im mot shure im going but IF i cant get to uk and the football next month I maybe miss the only chans get to football in uk :P I dont have that much money hehehe
Ever since the Iceland volcano erupted last year (I'm not even going to try and spell it) the media here in the U.K make a lot of noise about flights being grounded for weeks or months when it looks like a volcano might erupt around the same area. What match are you planning on seeing? I'm sure alternative transport like a ferry can be arranged, assuming this isn't just another media hyped "ahhhh, the planes can't fly!!!!" sort of thing.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
well I dont know jet :P dont even know the exact date hehe
dont even know the exact date hehe
Why are you worried then? You don't know what date you're supposed to be going, you don't know that the ash cloud will be huge and you don't know if it'll cause problems in aviation. So what's the problem?
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
The eruption or your tickets to the game?
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
but it depends on some things if I can go first of all :P some other peoplkes is going to we get it because we have done a work , so he giv eit to us like a gift but I dont know how many its going and if I one of them jet
Then…why are you worrying? Constantly worrying about the "what ifs" in life will drive you mad.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
so he giv eit to us like a gift but I dont know how many its going and if I one of them jet
1) You don't know if you're even going or not.
2) You don't know if the volcano will erupt.
3) You don't know if any potential eruption will effect a flight you don't know if you'll even be taking.
Can you see why some people think this threads a little pointless?
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I am going to face any danger and I am planning an Iceland vacation for the next September.
Volcano's are cool, I mean hot!
A few years ago I walked on the top of the Etna, and that was a top experience!
Volcano's are hot! And I love them.
Really? I'm jealous! That sounds like it was an amazing experience.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
well iceland is a cool country, and I would liek to see that country some time to :) well see if I can , pretty expansive to get there , and in the time beeing I dont have any work that im payed for so then i is even harder get to other countrys :)
well I can see it gary :) but the vulcano going to get a eruption :) the scientists is pretty shure it was many quakes today it is often that before a eruption thats their own words :) they where starting seeing signs allready last year when the other vulcano get the eruption that one effected katla :) they are not long from each other
Pedro, you're still missing the point. What the hell do you want us to do about it?
im want to see the world to oboyaens :P I have never understand that really some of my friends going on all over the world tripps and is 20 years and im happy if I can get to norway haha thats why im really excited when I can get to other countrys and cultures thats not happen everyday :)
thegreatjuju: I dont know :P I was just asking what you think could happen :)
I think volcanoes can erupt, just as they do every day. Gee, it really seems like this sort of thing has come up before….
but greatjuju you wasnt in sweden last year when the eruption was , people that was on vication in sweden couldnt get home ,and they have to sleep in the airport and some swedish people that was on vication in other countrys couldnt get home and it was a really big caos :P I promise you it was not fun
but greatjuju you wasnt in sweden last year when the eruption was , people that was on vication in sweden couldnt get home ,and they have to sleep in the airport and some swedish people that was on vication in other countrys couldnt get home and it was a really big caos :P I promise you it was not fun
Pedro, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I offered to contact Gandalf and see if he has a magic spell that can help out, but you were silent on that. Nobody here can control nature. If you read some article and are convinced that scientists told you you're doomed, why do we need to hear about it?
Volcanoes erupt. It's a fact. Sometimes they erupt in your face and ruin your day. Get over it.
you should be more worried i mean harold camping might be sitting on the seat on the plane next to you then it might not take off then you have a dilemma
im happy if I can get to norway haha
Hey, you should be grateful, I'm planning a cruise to Norway in the winter to (hopefully) see the northern lights with my girlfriend and it's going to cost a freaking fortune!
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
haha yes agry but I can take the car from sweden :P
ok im sorry , its a little mental , im not happe with how my life is in the time beeing my cinfidence is really low , so its nothing wrong with you guys , im just dont is in my best shape in the time beeing
just a question how big chans is it it goign to be a new laki erruption if katla get a erruption?