I know this is probably really old news to a lot of you, forgive me but I've just stumbled across this footage of the Martian moon Phobos transiting the sun causing a partial solar eclipse. It was captured by one of the Mars rovers, and I find it seriously cool to be able to watch an eclipse filmed from the surface of another world. There's also footage taken by the Hubble telescope of a triple solar eclipse on Jupiter, as it's largest moons Calisto, Io and Ganymede transit the sun.
This is celestial mechanics at work and I find it fascinating to watch, it also makes you feel a little special seeing as how earth is the only place in the solar system that gets a perfect total solar eclipse out of sheer coincidence.
See, space can be cool, it's not all comets and imaginary planets.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.