hi my name is mike and am a father to a 3 of the most cute kids am posting this because am really scared about all these things around me one of the will be just tomorrow for that calleman guy i dont know what to expect to happen , it all started with the japan earthquake and all the the talk about planet X , elenin, yu55 i even dont know how it went by but it toke me to search more and more , even they say there is a program named Haarp and they r montering a white line that if it showed up it indecates a big quake will happen soon, is that haarp thing real? and that 11/11/11 i have a very dear family coming from overr seas in that day and its been like 8 years the last i saw them and am scared somthing terrfiying will happen to them, is the goverment really covering something from us, would they tell us if somthing will happen ? i dont know what to think anymore am a father and i suppose to be the support to my family to make it easy on them and let them feel safe but i can't am really scared and all these effecting me and i can feel it , please help me i dont know what to do thank you
Hi Mike. I am Carol from Ireland. Once I was just like you, scared, worried about my children etc. But the first thing I did, was read all the links on the left in red. The do you know what I did next? Well I read them again and some articles 3 times. I calmed down, felt great, knew my children will have a great future and nothing will happen.
Now I will post this first then help you with any issues you have but please read the links in red.
planet X , elenin, yu55
Planet X does not exist. We know this as
1. No one has seen it nor knows of its orbit and mass.
2. Elenin has broken up into pieces
3. yu 55 is not a threat.
scared about all these things around me one of the will be just tomorrow for that calleman guy i dont know what to expect to happen
Calleman is a fraud, preying on your fears. Remember the world was supposed to end on the 21st of Oct, 21st of May, 2003 and 1999. I know that there are more dates, But I lived through about 20 of them. (I deserve a medal at this rate)
Here is a date, 01.23.45 6/7/89. Nothing happened, what about 10/10/10. It is the fraudster playing with number's.
So keep checking in here and relax. We will be fine.
Hello, Mike. I think Carol has already covered everything, and in far fewer words than I would have managed. I'll just add that HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a real project that studies how communications are affected by Earth's ionosphere.
It has been the object of much hysteria, thanks to numerous conspiracy theorists blaming HAARP for all sorts of disasters. Lately, this crackpottery has been so prevalent, that different conspiracy theorists have been blaming different things (HAARP, Elenin, Nibiru, solar flares) for the same events. It's all complete nonsense that stems from the imaginations of Internet cranks, not anything real or anything you should worry about. Visit the first link in this post for a more detailed explanation.
This is in ref to Comet Elenin
Edit This is about YU55
Mike the short answer: You have fallen victim to clips and people that have fun of making you scared. Nothing they claim is true, all they do is make you scared and once you are scared then they can control you with even more claims.
The best thing to do is stop looking at these sites because you are getting addicted to the adrenaline rushes being scared.
Your priority is your kids, they need you and they need you to take charge of your life so they can depend on you.
Obaeyens i think u r so right about that adrenaline rushes being scared u know why ? everyday when i woke up in the morning i say ok today am not going to look in that page and try to control my self but all the sudden i found my self getting more nervous and say ok i will just take on look to make sure they got no more claims but that never happens and when i found a claim i try to search it out side the page to see what if its right or not or having any kind of creditabilty and go from there , a circle that never ends
you know its really getting me worried that they giving it a time frame starting from tomorrow 10/28 till 11/06 like a week or so and that is alot pressure on me am trying to hold my self and stay calm but inside that really killing me.
Mike, have you read all the links in red on the left. Try this onehttp://www.2012hoax.org/carl-johan-calleman
i am so anxious about all the doomsday speculations but honestly look who they are coming from,they are absolute crackpots as ive said they arnt very good with nnumbers obviously because everything they say is wrong,wrong everytime its bull,i also have children and i have been living with this fear for a long time many years it terrified me then i joined here and ive settled down alot didnt you know last friday was also the end of the world and there will be many more dates spouting out,its the internet,they can spread things like the nonsense they do very quickly to alot of people in one fail swoop,anyway as i was told i am no good to my children when im so worried and anxious all the time it rubs off on them then they get worried and you feel bad for this
yes sammy i understand what ur saying and its getting me worried to , i need to look calm and strong for them but its very hard am trying but that worrying is untakable you know, thank u carol and juju for the links it helps to calm me down a bit and am gona try agin i read alot from the side bar but why do u guys cover the religion parts too because i can see u r covring alot doom stuff even if its not to close to 2012.
sorry i ment why you don't cover the religion part of the doom or end of the world claims
This is best avoided otherwise you will end up in flame wars.
Not everyone has here the same religion and not everyone actually believes.
This should be open for everyone and the moment people start to spam with bible quotes you will chase away anyone with other believes.
am christian and you dont know how many claims they have about a rapture or stuff being fullified and signs that the end is near
There are no claims by the catholic church. None. If there was, I would have heard about it from the Pope. Other religions may have had claims, but they where made by one person and those dates have passed us by.
get away from the other people that you mix with if they make false claims im sorry but its all make believe it will do you and your kids the world of good you get away from it and you are happier not hearing the bull all the time then you can enjoy your children
Hi Mike! I too suffer from serious anxiety, and the 2012 hoax (along with other various hoaxes as you've listed above) did a number on my psyche. I don't have children, but I am my mother's caregiver, and I'm in constant fear for her safety.
One day I finally bit the bullet and really started doing some studying on some of this stuff, and you will be amazed at what you find…maybe even mildly entertained. Especially Planet X/Nibiru. That's my new favorite piece of science fiction.
Just look around the site. You'll find not only cold, hard scientific facts which can be backed up by the fabulous folks here, but you'll soon realize, as I did, that people that spread these lies can't keep their stories straight. (Example - you mentioned HAARP. I was talking to Alene in a previous post about this particular subject. I live in a nasty part of the New Madrid Fault - the part they say will receive the most damage if the big one hits. Back in the spring I was told that we were going to have a massive quake, set off by HAARP. I'd forgotten about it until that discussion. When going back and researching it…not only was it impossible, but there were so many stories behind what would actually cause the quake it was stupid. A sure sign that it's bunk.)