I heard there's a new "end of the world" date set forarch 2012. Its supposed to be somekind of megquake. What have you guys heard?
First I've heard of it.
A "Megaquake" eh?
Of course you realize that anything above a 9.6 or 9.7 is impossible, right?
edit: A google search turns up the usual suspects: GLP and youtube. Nothing remotely authoritative or scientific on the first few pages of results.
This appears to be a leftover from the Comet Elenin nonsense - the claim that a large earthquake happens every 188 days. Comet Elenin failed to do the business for them in September 2011, but the loons haven't given up. YouTube hoaxer TerralO3 (of Comet Elenin survival group in the Ozarks fame) has substituted a 'heavy mass object' for Elenin and claims there will be an earthquake on 22nd March 2012. Strangely enough, this 'heavy mass object' is completely undetectable to anyone else. Terral's connection with this claim is a pretty much certain guarantee of its failure.
The Elenin nutters use that date as proof that Elenin did cause the big Earth quake back in Japan.
They somehow think that it will happen again.
I am actually wondering who is foolish enough to still believe this to be true.
Yes, Terral03 is continuing his scamming. He is now claiming that the failure of Elenin to cause a pole shift (or two) was just a "dry run", or possibly a "psy op" to confuse the masses. The REAL doomsday object, he now claims, is approaching on the same path as Elenin. He is promising actual images of this object as soon as "his astronomers" get back to him.
Meanwhile, he has started a Newsletter, to which you can subscribe for a whole year for $25. He has been asking everyone in his Paltalk chat room to send him articles for this newsletter, and then asks them to pay $25 for the privilege of reading their own research insane ramblings. Clever huh.
Get Terral's 2012 Newsletter (52 issues for 2012) and stay informed about the Heavy-mass Object and important information. Click on the Paypal Button to subscribe, 25 dollars for the entire year.
I'm considering starting a Terral page for the Proponents list, assuming no one else has started compiling one?
Apparently, Terral now claims he is God/Adam. He also sells 'cave spots' for $20k plus. Ya, I'd say he deserves to be treated as part of the profit crowd.
oops: The voice trace of him saying these things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiwYVIL4KtE
And probably should title it Terral Hoax while at it.
His clip has disabled ratings.
And he is now part of the wayback machine since I snapped his site.
Easier to track changes to his web site in the future.
His astronomers are getting ready to come online but hasn't yet! ROFL
As far as I know, its the work of Terral03, how did he get to the March 22 earthquake?
11th March 2011 + 188d + 188d = 21st March 2012.
Oops! Maybe he forgot it was a leap year.
Funny how these tards keep changing their stories, dates, etc., and have been proven wrong each and every time.
If only they were to ever put at least half as much time, energy and effort to actually bettering their own lives as they do coming up with stupid buzzwords like "Megaquake", they might actually be able to move up from living on delivered pizza and shopping at Wal-Mart.
I live in San Francisco, and am a fourth generation, born and raised. So many tards have been saying that we were going to sink in to the ocean by a certain particular date for almost 100 years now. According to all of their predictions, we should have been obliterated at least 5 times by now. LOL!
Of course, every date that they predicted came and went with nothing, and they were never called out for any of it. The fact that anyone that listens to them seems to have such short memories for the BS should tell you everything you need to know in regards to their intelligence, or lack there of.
One thing I can tell you, if you actually believe this claim after the epic Elenin fiasco, then you are really pathetic!
There is not going to be an earthquake in march 21 I mean like a huge earthquake!!
There is not going to be an earthquake in march 21 I mean like a huge earthquake!!
Pick any of these dates that has a chance if an huge earth quake.
01/02/2012, 02/02/2012, 03/02/2012, 04/02/2012, 05/02/2012, 06/02/2012, 07/02/2012, 08/02/2012, 09/02/2012, 10/02/2012, 11/02/2012, 12/02/2012, 13/02/2012, 14/02/2012, 15/02/2012, 16/02/2012, 17/02/2012, 18/02/2012, 19/02/2012, 20/02/2012, 21/02/2012, 22/02/2012, 23/02/2012, 24/02/2012, 25/02/2012, 26/02/2012, 27/02/2012, 28/02/2012, 01/03/2012, 02/03/2012, 03/03/2012, 04/03/2012, 05/03/2012, 06/03/2012, 07/03/2012, 08/03/2012, 09/03/2012, 10/03/2012, 11/03/2012, 12/03/2012, 13/02/2012, 14/03/2012, 15/03/2012, 16/03/2012, 17/03/2012, 18/03/2012, 19/03/2012, 20/03/2012, 21/03/2012, 22/03/2012, 23/03/2012, 24/02/2012, 25/03/2012, 26/03/2012, 27/03/2012, 28/03/2012, 29/03/2012, 30/03/2012, 01/04/2012, 02/04/2012, 03/04/2012, 04/04/2012, 05/04/2012, 06/04/2012, 07/04/2012, 08/04/2012, 09/04/2012, 10/04/2012, 11/04/2012, 12/04/2012, 13/04/2012, 14/04/2012, 15/04/2012, 16/04/2012, 17/04/2012, 18/04/2012, 19/04/2012, 20/04/2012, 21/04/2012, 22/04/2012, 23/04/2012, 24/04/2012, 25/04/2012, 26/04/2012, 27/04/2012, 28/04/2012, 29/04/2012, 30/04/2012,
… 21/12/2012, 22/12/2012, 23/12/2012, 24/12/2012, 25/12/2012, 26/12/2012, 27/12/2012, 28/12/2012, 29/12/2012, 30/12/2012,…
Because when any natural disaster happens, you wanna be in a cave.
In 1556, an estimated 8.0 earthquake in China killed something over 830,000 people. Many of the deaths occurred because entire towns were dug into caves carved out of soft sandstone cliffs.
I'll stay in my house, thankyouverymuch.
If you live in an earthquake prone area, which thankfully I don't, you should always be prepared and know what to do if there is one. Your government's disaster planning service should have info on their site, like FEMA or whatever, which will tell you what you should do in the event of an Earthquake.
I live in San Francisco. If you ever want to tell the transplants from the locals, the fastest way is to be here during a tremor. Us locals pause for a sec., and then go back to what ever it was that we were doing. The transplants on the other hand, usually end up having to change their britches.
Sure a large enough earthquake can do some damage, true. I was here in 1989 so I can tell you the real story, and it wasn't nearly as bad as it was made out on the national news at the time. Even 1906, which really measured at 8.3, (far greater than the 7.9 listed on Wikipedia) the quake itself actually did very minimal damage to the city caused by the earthquake itself. The real damage was done by the fire that resulted from a ruptured gas mane. Back then, (1906), there was no such thing as fire trucks, the water to put out fires was manually pumped from the bay, and taken to the site by horses.
If a quake with the same magnitude with the same epicenter were to strike again today, the structural damage to the city would actually be very minimal. Especially given all the advances in structural engineering over the past 50 years.
But even here in 'earthquake country', there is still allot of of misinformation that goes around about earthquakes from so-called 'scientists' with P.H.Ds that they got from a cereal box.
oh a megaquake… caused by Megatron?
I see stupid people…