So I always end up finding more stuff that worries me, I don't want to post because I feel like a bother but I don't know where else to go. I've heard that the US raised its Defcon to 4, is that not normal or has it been that way? Also there was a drill with the US/Israel called Austere Challenge 12 that I don't even know is real or not. Its something to do with Iran wanting to block off an oil route. All I can find about it is on crazy seeming places like godlikeproductions, doomsday focused sites and the like. I know its stupid to believe that stuff but I have bad panic/anxiety disorder. I do take medication and it helps some but ever since it turned 2012 I've felt worse, everything feels like doom to me just because the year it is. I was just wondering if anyone thinks we are in any serious danger, I get so scared about me and my family's safety. My parents say its nothing to worry about and my dad is going to fix it so I can't search or look at things that worry me. I don't like being like a kid, I'm 24 and autism spectrum. I think it might help though. Anyway, sorry if I'm being a bother I just need to know what people think. The only legitimate link on the drill was from the Daily Mail but I can't post links. I think that's a real news site anyway, thank you for this site, otherwise I don't where I'd go.
Since two days ago.
More military posturing, in short.
So it that a reliable website? I found it before but its not a government website and it links to religious sites too, including an end times prophecy sort of place. I looked at their Youtube and those are kinda of creepy robot voice videos they put. I guess it was raised to 4 in 2009 too and nothing happened but I didn't worry so much back then. I still don't feel safer but better because I typed all my worries out. So I wonder still if we are in danger, if things will calm down or get worse. I've seen so many nuclear war movies I go through all these worst case scenarios in my mind all the time. Thank you for a reply.
Hm, it does?
I admit I just posted it because it was virtually the only other place outside of Wikipedia that lists DEFCON's current status. That or I didn't look too hard.
EDIT: It does indeed. Curse my habit of quick posting.
So I always end up finding more stuff that worries me,
Glad you've identified the problem in your first sentence. Do you genuinely stumble into things or do you find yourself actively looking, either for something to worry you, or in places where something might be found? Easy problem to skirt around once you identify it.
My parents say its nothing to worry about and my dad is going to fix it so I can't search or look at things that worry me.
They're right, and that's a bold step to take. I don't even know how best that can be done, to be honest, a lot of rubbish can seep through the Internet and end up at 'legitimate' places, which comes to the next point rather nicely…
The only legitimate link on the drill was from the Daily Mail but I can't post links. I think that's a real news site anyway,
It is a news site, but you might want to put it on the block list. It's stories tend to pick the absolute worse case event and run with it as if that is the way something is going down - take the LHC, for example, nothing more than the next particle accelerator to probe the Universe to normal people, black hole creating death machine to the Daily Mail. Needless to say, one of us is right, and it isn't the Daily Mail.
The only legitimate link on the drill was from the Daily Mail
Whoa… stop right there.
"Legitimate" and "Daily Mail" really do not belong in the same sentence. It has long ago ceased to be reliable investigative reporting and their stories are now often quoted by many doomies as being fact. They are not.
They frequently have no sources, no names of "experts", nothing. Just hysterical, sensationalist nonsense.
Hear the music before the song is over…
Thank you for your reply. Yes I do tend to purposely search things, I often feel something terrible is going on and I don't know about it so I search all kinds of things. Other times I just stumble on it. My dad is an IT tech, he says he will fix it so I can't see so many things that are worrisome. So I am feeling a little better at the moment, that we are safe for now at least. No big news agencies like MSNBC or CNN are saying anything about it. If I search Defcon 4 the main things that come up are about an old scifi movie with that name. What I am wondering is how often we go to level 4 and how serious it is? Thank you again, I have calmed down some now.
You have a choice, waste you time in nonsense or concentrate on really cool things that are very real.
You don't have to fight to stay away from these sites you actually do more interesting things instead so you don't have time to look at the nonsense.
Thanks everyone, I am feeling better. I'll try harder from now on to not worry so much.
I'll try harder from now on to not worry so much.
Don't try harder not to worry.
Try harder to do other interesting things instead so you lack time to worry ;-)
how often we go to level 4 and how serious it is?
How often - I'm not sure honestly. But serious? Not very.
The entire Cold War had the US military (or parts of it) at DEFCON 4.
In comparison, around 9/11, they were at DEFCON 3.
4 just means… yeah, we're watching you. It's a long way from being serious.
Hear the music before the song is over…
Thank you, I was just wondering if it was a common event and I researched that yeah, I guess over the past few years we have done it a few times. My parents, grandparents, always mention that I'm lucky I didn't live during the cold war if I worry as much as I do now, lol.
Level 4 is fairly common. We went to level 3 during the Yom Kippur War when a coalition of Arab cuntries attacked Israel in 1974, and at other times as well, including 9/11. We were at level 2 for three weeks due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Level 4 isn't a big deal. It's only one step up from the lowest level of readiness.
DEFCON 5 (White) Normal peacetime readiness
DEFCON 4 (Red) Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures
DEFCON 3 (Yellow) Increase in force readiness above normal readiness
DEFCON 2 (Green) Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
DEFCON 1 (Blue) Maximum force readiness.
Reading above, you can see the DEFCON 4 is a normal state of military readiness. So I don't understand why DEFCON 4 would cause any fear.
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what is not true: The other is to refuse to accept what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
Sorry, Twas Blind, that isn't quite right.
5 Blue = lowest defcon state, notmal readiness
4 Green = increased intelligence watch, strengthened security
3 Yellow = medium readiness
2 Red = one step below maximum readiness
1 White = Maximum readiness
You got the levels right, but not the colors that go with them, and you're right, we are at green. That's one step up from the lowest readiness. There's a site that calls itself that has it wrong. They aren't a government site or they would have .gov instead of .com.