I recently heard that the world will be ending in September 25th, 2012.
after the Olympics, is this this stuff real? i'm kinda getting scared about everything now in this year.
I just evidence if this is real or not. I got a 1 year son that will be turning 2 in November 25, 2012.
Hi Jennifer;
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this year will be anything other than a normal year. Where did you hear about this claim?
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I heard it today bur my cousins.
i did some research on it. but idk i was wondering if you guys could help me.
cause last year i had the same problem with Harold Camping.
We can certainly help you, but we need more info. What is the claim? How is the world going to end in your cousins opinion? If you had the same worry with Harold Camping then that should tell you exactly how reliable these silly predictions really are.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
The terms "Illuminati" or "New World Order" / "NWO" are pulled out of the hat for every fictional doomsday scenario there is. But they're always just that… fictional. If they're part of any theory, or any worrying date - it's false.
But if you can provide details of what you were told would happen in September, we can give more details on why it won't.
Hear the music before the song is over…
I recently heard that the world will be ending in September 25th, 2012.
I can't find any such prediction.
I can only suggest that this is a garbled regurgitation of the ridiculous Comet Elenin doom prediction for 25th September 2011. Some people predicted the 25th and some the 26th, notably Alexander Retrov.
Go to the link and read about how he fell flat on his face, as do all proponents of this type of prediction.
There isn't the slightest thing to worry about. Paranoid conspiracy theorists have been banging on about the Illuminati and NWO for years and nobody in the real world actually notices anything happening at all because it's fiction.
Its sounds like that one you posted up. the Alexander Retrov? yeah. can you do some research on it. but i'm pretty sure it sounds like the one she was talking about. she might got the dates messed up,
Well, I've done what research I can and Google only comes up with 25th September 2011, not 2012.
There is a whole page here about comet Elenin. There was an explosion of doomsday hysteria surrounding it's "near" approach last year. Needless to say, every one of the theories failed miserably, nothing happened.
Elenin itself is most likely history, having broken up shortly after. It most definitely will not be reappearing this year.
Hear the music before the song is over…
illuminati proclaimed by the nutjobs are absolutely fake.
And you don't need to study their claims. Just get a course of philosophy: "Nut-jobs and lunatics" 101 to shoot them down.
Other keyword like NWO, HAARP, Chemtrail in anyone's post to promote it is a clear indication that you have either a complete lunatic, a complete moron, or an under aged kid. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Other red flash are when someone has a question mark in his title or mixes every possible crazy claim: "Crashed NAZI UFO on planet Nibiru encounters big foot"
I had heard about the Olympics thing, but nothing about September 25th.
Anyways this might be helpful, looks like this isn´t the first time people have tried to give an apocalyptic tone to such events:
Idk i don't really believe this whole thing anymore…
what i am worried about is the UFO attacking in November… Is this crap true? i wasn't sure if i was suppose to make another thread for this. This was one of my worst fear UFO attacking.
I expect it will go the way of this crackpot UFO prediction.
Which is the same way that every other UFO prediction has gone. Other than for its comedy value, there's no need to pay any attention at all to this sort of thing.
So far none of the UFO stories have any credibility, not even the Roswell incident.
It is like the 2012 hoaxes, a lot of made up and a lot because of people not understanding what they see.