This video recently came up on YouTube as well. The guy claims to have located Venus and Jupiter and claims he is facing away form them. However, he doesn't demonstrate the objects he is filming are NOT either Venus or Jupiter. He also dismisses that any of the three filmed objects could be a star with no explanation. He gives no pertinent data throughout the entire video to be able to replicate his observation, making things difficult.
However, what you CAN do is see where Venus and Jupiter were on that night, in terms of proximity to each other and other bright objects (stars). Bikenbeer kindly posted a link to a starmap of the area, and yup, it's EXACTLY the same. Near as anyone can tell, the guy filmed Venus, Jupiter and Aldebaran (a mag 0.85 star) and simply claimed them to be 'Nibiru' without a lick of proof. It's all on his say-so.
Here is Biken's link:
I reproduced Biken's findings in Stellarium.