The following conversation took place in a public chat room on Paltalk, on 20th July 2012. It included some interesting comments about 2012hoax.
The comments started when someone in the room posted a link to
The person was immediately bounced from the room.
Jet Blak: "I wonder if that was our little friend mHex, that got bounced out by Deacon? Could be mHex under another name.
No it wasn't.
Is mHex a male or a female? I dont know which, but I wish they'd give it up.
What does it matter whether I'm male or female?
Earthplay: "Yeah, there's a group of like 9 individuals, there are sign names that aren't even known to me, there's like 9 of them at the bottom of the page, the contributing editors, and you know, the people who go to the chat rooms and record this stuff and transcribe it."
Earthplay thinks that the FOOTNOTES at the bottom of the pages are the names of people who work for 2012hoax?? The question is, is he really that stupid, or is he just trying to make people think there are lots of people working on his case?
Earthplay: "They have a pretty good organisation."
Well yes, we do! Especially considering that we are just a handful of unpaid volunteers (Astrogeek actually loses money).
Earthplay: "And they just added Terral like 6 months ago. They put him on their hit list too. [and] crazy-lady-talks-to-aliens Nancy Lieder, and you know they put me on the same frickin' list as that nut bag! I'm right under, I think right ahead of, Nancy Lieder on the list. That's just wrong."
He means the Proponents list. But "hit list" sounds so much more menacing. And he is not next door to Nancy in the list, he is 5 nutbags above her.
Then Jet Blak offered his opinion of 2012hoax:
"the evangelical bible bashing everybody must be singing from the same hymn sheet, mainstream science propagators, is that correct? Have I got that right? That's the impression I get from these people, anybody that's thinking outside the box is incorrect according to mainstream science, so we've got to be evangelical about this and take it on the road as if it's some sort of crusade. Am I using the right phrases here? .. I dont understand these people, because they must spend an awful lot of time doing this, and I can't think why, I just don't understand why, why do they do this? It's another obsessive compulsive disorder."
I would ask Jet Blak to tell us where specifically we have wrongly sided with "mainstream science".
And regarding spending "an awful lot of time doing this" - ANY amount of time spent opposing ignorance and fear is time well spent. And I can only speak for myself, but I don't spend all that much time on it. It's not that difficult to debunk their nonsense.
Jet Blak: "And I hope, you know, somehow, that mHex is actually recording this"
Glad to be of service.
Back to Earthplay;
"Well I think I understand why they're doing it, Jet, and they state pretty clearly why they're doing it, because a 14 year old girl went home and hung herself after watching the history channel at school about 2012 was the end, the apocalypse, and that kids are comitting suicide, and threatening to cut their wrists, and some people HAVE committed suicide. I have actually been blamed for Kismit's death, that Kismit committed suicide because of all the gloom and doom that I spread on the internet. Course I know it wasn't just me, I know it wasn't me, but maybe I contributed to her mental illness if that's what she had, I dont know."
- This brings us to the suicide of Sandra Riva from Scotland, known in the chat rooms as "Kismit". See Part 2 of this post, to follow.
Earthplay: "But that's why they're doing it, to shut anyone down like me that would talk about apocalypse, a danger, a pending danger to the Earth, and I feel that according to the geological record we have been visited time and time and time again by cataclysmic disasters. [..] So you know, I felt bad when I heard about Kismit, and it was really shitty to be blamed for her suicide, and this 14 year old girl that they show on their website, and other examples that they've given, that I don't even remember what they are."
At this point, another person posted a link to 2012Hoax.
They too were bounced from the room.
'Surviveandthrive' gave the standard response to anyone who disagrees with them:
"must be a planted shill… how much you being paid?"
Jet Blak then commented:
"I said before, this is an obsessive compulsive disorder. This is what you're dealing with, people that can't leave it alone, they suffer from OCD. You can't stop these people from doing this kind of thing, they're just pig ignorant."
If Jet Blak thinks that it is "pig ignorant" for people to refer to 2012hoax, then maybe he would like to back that accusation up with some FACTS? Can he show where 2012hoax is factually incorrect? If he can, then I will make corrections (subject to checking by page authors).
And the "OCD" bit is just bizarre.
Then Terral had a nice long rant against 2012hoax:
Terral: "That's how you get on the ban list instantly. We do not attack other members using the shill methodology, where this 2012hoax deal, that's the people with an agenda, those are the people that have been attacking Earthplay for a long time, now I'm on their list. They wanna make me famous. I guess. But if they wanna come in and present an opposing view, that's wonderful, come in and explain what turned the magnetotail around for 28 hours, whether it's a galactic plane hypothesis or a gamma ray burst or whatever it is. If you have an opposing view, I love that, I wanna hear your science, I wanna try to build that model, make it walk and talk for me. But doing the stuff that they do, then they're just shills, they're just one step above a troll, just one little step above a troll, and that's all they got, they just post links about stuff, and that's it. There's no dot-rule for those guys. Whenever they're just gonna attack people, they're not here to share with anybody, they're not trying to wake you up about something, and to help you understand a pattern, or anything like that, so you can run your own investigation. They just wanna attack a person. That's what we don't allow here. Generally if you come on the mic or in text, if you attack somebody you're gonna get a dot, unless you're posting links like 2012org. That's the exception. Those guys go right on the banned list, immediately."
So "attacking" Terral or his followers only gets you a dot (a temporary block) - but mentioning 2012hoax gets you an instant and permanent ban! Says it all really doesn't it. They just can't deal with the material on 2012hoax.
He continued:
"This is very important, what we're trying to do. I give my view, Earthplay gives his, Nighthawk gives his, Deacon, everybody. All of you guys, come up to the mic and give your view, right. But attacking others in the group, that's not sharing your perspective or your research or anything like that, that's just attacking other members. The way that we're gonna build a large group again, like we had before, is by allowing members to share. And we're gonna be on topics rather than on other members. That's what breaks these rooms apart, is whenever members start attacking members."
I think what actually "breaks his rooms apart" are the repeated failures of his predictions! His following increases in the months leading up to each "event", the excitement mounts, then the event fails and his following plummets. At the moment, his following is on the increase again. I look forward to the next plummet.
There were several other comments about 2012hoax, but I'll wrap it up here for now.
(All quotes above are transcriptions from audio recordings, except 'surviveandthrive' which was text.)