This is an amazing fact sheet full of insights about the supposed maya doomsday i imagine now that with the so called perfect Storm sandy passing through nyc as of this post the doomsayers will use this to continue the fearmongering and scare kids This should be outright illegal!!!!!!!
I actually googled to see if it had been snatched up yet and I only found one article using it as proof. The rest of the claims I've seen have come from tinfoil hat crazies on doomsday Facebook pages.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
A doomtard (well, a troll actually in this case I think) posted a comment on a video claiming that "Hurricane Sandy was just the start of the disasters to come." (Or words to that effect.) I replied that it's the hurricane season and that's when we get, erm, hurricanes.
I would have thought the doomsday nutters would love Hurricane (now downgraded to a tropical storm) Sandy and adopted it as one of their own with wild claims all over the place, but so far I haven't seen that many either.
But anyway, to all those in New York reading this, stay safe!
Pobody's nerfect
It's just too much the one doomsayer that im looking for to make a comment is the web bot because they say That the world would not end but there is going to be a cataclysmic event happening before the end of 2012 and It seems to me that this (in the eyes of them supposedly) would qualified to be their cataclysmic event hint hint Right?
It seems to me that this (in the eyes of them supposedly) would qualified to be their cataclysmic event hint hint Right?
If so, that's one lame cataclysm.
Anyway, there have even been posts on this forum to that effect, so I'm sure doomsayers are lapping this natural event up with the same fervor they've shown at every other opportunity.
They seem to be changing their stance from "the world is going to end" to "it's not going to end but there's going to be a big disaster". Obviously to raise their chances of being right about at least something.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Really why are the changing all their doomsday scenarios now so close to their claims date?
Because they're about to be proven wrong and they know it?
Hear the music before the song is over…
Some of them are even changing the date altogether. I know Patrick Geryl has.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
What's Geryl's new date? Hasn't he set off in his unsinkable boat yet?
What's Geryl's new date? Hasn't he set off in his unsinkable boat yet?
13/13/2013…lol There is only 12 months in a year so he will be wrong again.
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
Lol I saw on a forum that his dates were moved to 2013 while browsing google. Can you trust crank information on a cranks information?! OMG. Crankception. :0
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Has Geryl changed his date to 2013? His website is still called "How to Survive 2012."
What with him conning people out of $30,000 per head for a place in his African bunker on Dec 21st 2012, I wouldn't have thought he could realistically believe he could get away with moving the goalposts to 2013. But then, considering he's a nutter, who knows … ?
Pobody's nerfect
Really has patrick geryl altered his date from 12/21/12 to 13/13/13?
He's already changed his doomsday mechanism, so I see no reason why he wouldn't find it acceptable to change dates. However, as much of a nutcase as he is, I can't see him inventing an extra month so I don't believe he's changed it to 13/13/13.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
But vw green said that in a forum he saw the date changed and j-rod2448 also Agrees with the date changed what would be the meaning of altering the Doomsday mechanism and what does that means if he changed the date?
What it means? He is a scam artist of course!
And I am sorry but if you then still fall for his scam then I am not going to help you with that because you choose deliberately to be scared and I don't waste time on this. I also have a life and people also need me that do not run to every scary story they can find.
Seriously, why the hell are people scaring small kids with this doomsday crap? Yes, Sandy was devastating. But I think Hugo(1989) and Katrina(2005) were a lot worse then Sandy was.
But vw green said that in a forum he saw the date changed and j-rod2448 also Agrees with the date changed
Well then they'll have to provide a link to wherever they got this claim, thus far I haven't saw this.
what would be the meaning of altering the Doomsday mechanism and what does that means if he changed the date?
He used to say a solar flare would flip the rotation pole of earth, he now says a solar flare will cause nuclear meltdown. It means he's a complete fuc*ing idiot who should be ignored.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Obviously a solar flare could not cause a nuclear meltdown and even if the sun where to send a solar flare or a cme it would Not cause the effects he claims right? the thing is this doomsayers should be outright illegal it's a shame that these is not a Crime because we have already lost 2 people to these doomsday and only god knows if there have been more 2012 related Deaths it's sad and heartbreaking
I can't see anything on his Facebook page nor his YouTube channel about 2013. There are just lists of umpteen planetary conjunctions. It would be easier for him to list days when there are no planetary conjunctions. He's making sure he's got all his bases covered for when an earthquake does occur. He's even co-opted the minor planet Ceres into his line-ups, just to give him a few more options.
His latest posting on Facebook says:
Possible 7 plus or larger earthquake November 1-2!
However, USGS says:
6.1 2012/11/02 18:17:33 9.259 126.233 38.1 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
That's the biggest over the 2 days - a magnitude 6.1. Oh dear! Wouldn't his time be better spent getting his unsinkable boat ready?
He's even co-opted the minor planet Ceres into his line-ups, just to give him a few more options.
Really? I've saw him using Pluto, but jeez, now Ceres? What next? "Earth lined up in an unusual way with the ISS and the STEREO satellites"? His nuttiness knows no bounds, what a guy.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Really has patrick geryl altered his date from 12/21/12 to 13/13/13?
vwgreen said that she saw that he changed it to 2013….I was joking about 13/13/13 because whatever he says "will happen" will NOT happen and there is only 12 months in a year.
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
Fun fact check out this guy
One of the comments:
And then you run out of gas like everyone else.
Pretty much sums up the failure here lol
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
The other night i was seeing an episode of doomsday preppers which i must say even for me it's a pretty interesting show but ater preppers i was flipping through channels and i saw a new fear mongering show in countdown to 12/21/12 has anyone seen it they have talked about the mayas being messengers of doom and that the prophecies of nostradamus are happening now
It was History right?…I saw some crazy new show listed on history last Friday night called "Countdown to Apocalypse" I read the descripton and it said stuff about Dec 21…they only have a month left to put this garbage on tv before they move on to the new date of 2016 or 2020.
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
Yes it was the History channel they are consistent with 2 new episodes one abouy the hopis and the four horsemen it's just too much doomsday and they promote the heck out of it i even tried to watch one doomsday documentary and one of the doomsayers was asked what would happen if the day comes and goes and nothing happens and he said this time is different they can debunk it the world will end on 12/21/12 there is nothing to do but prepared for it. it has become the be all end all this time for the doomsayers
Oh My God, Geryl is the biggest dummy that I've ever heard of.
This is a great article
That article almost made me cry because it's such a shame that even young kids are thinking about killing themselves. It was too intense for me to read. Doomsayers make me freaking sick, I want to strangle them so bad >:(.
And the comments show no compassion at all, they were like the "Mayans Warn Us" and "Don't Forget the Twinkies" the people who made those comments make me just as sick as doomsayers, I would like to take those people and hang them from the ceiling(I'm not even kidding) for their idiotic comments, people disgust me so. It's on Yahoo, so you really expect an idiot to come up with a dumb response.
"No government could hide an incoming planet or silence hundreds of thousands of scientists."
Cuz they didn't fired or intimidated hundreds or thousands that had different ideas about 9/11?
Cuz they didn't fired or intimidated hundreds or thousands that had different ideas about 9/11?
Cuz no, they didn't. But even if they did, that's ever so slightly different than hiding a planet. Matter of scale and all, logistics, you know.
Not that I'm aware of. Who did the government fire because they had 'different ideas about 9/11'?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I don't have to answer this because TheGreatJuju already said that even if they did the matters are different in this case. So if one of you thinks that is possible then I don't have to go and tell you to watch certain internet flicks like "loose change".
Also I don't have to ask the same questions that have been asked and still no answer or released footage.
Like where are the egines of a certain plane because titanium and steel don't just evaporate in an explosion.
Is pointless to do the same thing. Because all that I wanted to say was that if the Govt wants to hide something they can. I just exemplified it with 9/11, maybe bad choice, then you can take area 51 as an examle. or 52 cuz I heard 51 it moved or something. So if s..t needs to be hidden they can.
Obviously in a case of a planet that will stop functioning when everyone can see it on sky with the naked eye. But until then rest assured that they definetly can and will ide stuff from you and me, and everyone else.
OR can they do who knows what UFO unseen technology and cloak the s..t out of it. How about them star trek apples. —- Ok I Know this is highly wierd but I had to stir the pot beyond any measure with this last line.
Also the way you all are putting the problem here, it seems you are working for them, a little discrediting PR about everything to just disorient everyone. Information Overflow and Invasion in all directions and no one can figure out what's true and what it isn't.
I think i had enough of you and you of me. Enjoy your website.
Flawed logic. You're essentially arguing that "they" are hiding a planet from the laws of physics based on the premise that hiding things is possible. "They", by the way, couldn't hide the contents of Bill Clintons trousers, so using the very same argument as you I can say that "they" aren't hiding anything because "they" are incapable.
Of course I don't need to resort to flawed logic when I've the laws of physics on my side…
So if one of you thinks that is possible then I don't have to go and tell you to watch certain internet flicks like "loose change".
You mean that pile of crap that's been ripped apart from all sides?
Also I don't have to ask the same questions that have been asked and still no answer or released footage.
Like where are the egines of a certain plane because titanium and steel don't just evaporate in an explosion.
You mean all those questions with rational answers that conspiracy junkies love to pooh-pooh or outright ignore?
I'm not going to humor you much on this. Every so often, we have some crackpot drop in and try to rehash the 9/11 schtick. It's tiresome.
Because all that I wanted to say was that if the Govt wants to hide something they can.
Except they can't. As has been stated on this forum before — originally by 3WMElliott, I think — governments have difficulty keeping the contents of their members' pants secret. You who believe a government capable of hiding a planet exercise a level of faith that rivals the most devout of religious zealots.
Edit: "'They', by the way, couldn't hide the contents of Bill Clintons trousers…." And again!
But until then rest assured that they definetly can and will ide stuff from you and me, and everyone else.
And your evidence of this other than your word is … what? Are you aware that a significant percentage of astronomical discoveries aren't even made by governments? Why is there a public database of near-earth objects, orbital data and impact risks? I've been into astronomy for a long time, and I can't recall a single instance of a discovery being covered up, even when the initial observations were a bit alarming.
OR can they do who knows what UFO unseen technology and cloak the s..t out of it.
Riiiiiiiiiight. You might as well just claim they sent Harry Potter up on this magic broom to poof it away.
Also the way you all are putting the problem here, it seems you are working for them, a little discrediting PR about everything to just disorient everyone. Information Overflow and Invasion in all directions and no one can figure out what's true and what it isn't.
Ah, it wouldn't be a proper crank posting without the requisite "you work for the government" conspiracy.
I think i had enough of you and you of me. Enjoy your website.
Aw, and I was just starting to get amused.
Hi I'm new to this site and love everything you have to offer. Honestly, I'm over all of my fears about the 2012 stuff, but when it comes to 911 there's too much evidence leaning either way, and I don't think the public will ever get the truth about that day. What i would love to know if any of the scientist on this site could answer so I could put another conspiracy to rest in my head is: How did world trade 1,2,and 7 fall at free fall speed. The pancaking theory doesn't explain that as NIST pointed out in their report. How did the concrete explode into sizes smaller than a grain of sand, and what brought down the core columns. and why did bldg 7 come down when it wasn't even hit by a plane. These are the questions that keep the conspiracy growing, and until they are answered logically I don't think this conspiracy will ever rest.
What i would love to know if any of the scientist on this site could answer so I could put another conspiracy to rest in my head is: How did world trade 1,2,and 7 fall at free fall speed.
This is 2012hoax. We aren't 9/11 Truthers. The questions have no place here, especially not in a thread entitled "2012 Doomsday Fact Sheet".
911 is the same realm as the NWO, it is fake. It is promoted by people that are very dishonest and fake evidences. These people use the same scare tactics as the doomsday promotors.
But this is not a place to discuss here.
i don't believe in UFO's or aliens or NWO, all i wanted was an explanation for why they fell at free fall.
It could be that the promoters got scared since everything they claimed was pointing to 21 Dec 2012 but they had a record breaking FAILS of every single claim.
People lose interest when you are exposed as a fraud every single time.
I agree, and thats why i said I'm over my fears of 2012, but the guru and a few posters above were referring to 911. thats why i asked, and honestly all I wanted was a straight answer to help me. Why they fell at free fall, but obviously no one knows that answer and for that reason the conspiracy surrounding 911 will never die
But we do know why they fell.
It is the lack of knowledge that prevents the 911 truthers to accept it.
The 911 truthers behave the exact same way the Doomtards with the same brainwashing techniques and the same types of lies. The only reason why the 911 truthers can keep on going is because they have no ending date pinned to it that exposes them as frauds.
The majority of the 911 truthers have not even a clue what they are claiming, just brainless parroting the same 10 claims. Their claims are as bad as the 2012 crowd, laughable stupid if you have a basic physics background.
I thought the citizens and fireman of NY were promoting the Truth movement, not NWO as you say
I thought the citizens and fireman of NY were promoting the Truth movement, not NWO as you say
The NYFD Firefighters are against this whole "truth movement" they think it's disgusting just like I do and many other proud Americans who love our country. A good example of how stupid this "trurth movement" is, just look at who believes this B.S. Charlie Sheen is one (he's bat sh^t crazy) Jesse Ventura (a wrestler who got hit in the head one too many times) and Alex Jones who makes $$$$ from this crap.
I'm asking for a SCIENTIFIC explanation for how the buildings fell at free fall. Its not a difficult question, and it seems like everyone is avoiding asnwering it.
When two airplanes full of jet fuel hit a building, the building is going to get destroyed and collapse…Here is SCIENTIFIC PROOF:
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
Dooms Day Preppers is a show in the national Geographic Channel. It is stupid. The Hysteria channel can't even be quoted as a reliable source any more. They don't even fact check their shows correctly, pass people off as experts and a whole other laundry list that I could go on about.
When I was in uni I had a professor who last minute wouldn't speak to them for a "documentary" because they were going to make him sign paper work stating that they could use it in "creative" ways and the show that was actually produced was a piece of garbage that wasn't even accurate.
They get caught all the time using wrong information.
Penn and Teller: BS conspiracy theories. Nuff said.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
I appreciate the jokes, I really do. I'm not implying the US government did it. I'm asking for a SCIENTIFIC explanation for how the buildings fell at free fall. Its not a difficult question, and it seems like everyone is avoiding asnwering it.
Does nobody bother with the Forum Rules these days?
Thread locked.
Come on, people. This is not the place to discuss this sort of thing, whether it takes 5 words to respond or not.