i saw this story on the australia edition of the international bisuness times saying that there was a black hole discovered in the orion nebula about 1,300 lightyears away and it said this black hole is really close to earth. when you get on the website type in "black hole in orion nebula"
saying that there was a black hole discovered in the orion nebula about 1,300 lightyears away and it said this black hole is really close to earth
Close to Earth? 1,300 light years is close to Earth?
That black hole would take 1,300 years at light speed to get here.
Haha obaeyens is right on it, dude you are here 24/7 and I think that I speak for all of us here when I say that we couldn´t be more greatful and thankful
So thanks man and keep up a great work!!
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them" - Dalai Lama
Thanks, but I am not here 24/7.
I also sleep and work. Right now I have holidays.
@Obaeyens:I know I´m sorry if you took it the wrong way man, I actually enjoy your answers and the way you debunking stuff. As I said before you guys save lives man.
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them" - Dalai Lama
This one? So what it´s interesting from scientific point of view, and it should be. These kinds of discoveries just make human kind to move forward in fields of astronomy and better understanding of the universe, not spreading fear or cosmophobia.
Neither this nor any other black hole will cause any harm to Earth in the near future. Please read the section on Black Hole-claim to your left in the browser.
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them" - Dalai Lama
Firstly, the headline to the article is completely idiotic and nothing to do with the story itself.
Secondly, this is only a suggestion that there might be a black hole, not the discovery of one. I'm personally doubtful about a black hole in a star-forming region.
Thirdly, it's 1,300 light years away. There are plenty of other suspected black holes around. But in the same way that the discovery of a new type of crocodile in Africa doesn't mean you have to stay indoors because it might come walking down your street, a black hole 1,300 light years away isn't going to have the slightest effect on you, the Earth or the solar system.
But in the same way that the discovery of a new type of crocodile in Africa doesn't mean you have to stay indoors because it might come walking down your street,
I like that.
But in the same way that the discovery of a new type of crocodile in Africa doesn't mean you have to stay indoors because it might come walking down your street
That's a really good analogy.
about 1,300 light years away and it said this black hole is really close to earth.
1,300 light years and really close to earth do not belong together in the same sentence..
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
1,300 light years? Eh, that's nothing! It's just around the corner!!
By the way, this was a joke.
You kinda scared me a little bit, Tomy
He was kidding. Not serious. Joking. Etc.
There are no corners in space anyways. Everyone knows that lol
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
How? Didn't you just read what everyone said? It's very, very, very, very far away from here. It's basically 1,300 years travelling at the speed of light. Or, if you like prefer that, 1,300 years travelling at 300,000 km/s.
1,300 lightyears awaywould take 1,300 years at the speed of light to get here. and remember the only thing we know that can travel at this speed is, well light.
They have just discovered it??? well to my understanding it is not confirmed that there is one, but more that it is possible there could be one there… it shows the possible signs, but not confirmed as one…
And if there was one… its alwas been there… has it ever effected you? It is not heading this way, and if it was it won't be travelling at the speed of light so in reality it would take a bucket load longer than than 1,300 years.
The point is there are things out in the big wide universe that can look big and scary many of these things have been there for millions of years and never effected us on earth…
When they say close to Earth in astromonical terms one would say it is pretty close, but in the grand scheme of things and to the the average Joe Blogs on the street, it is nothing to worry about as as it 1,300 years away. Which in reality is a freaky huge distance.
Think of it this way when you look up at the night sky and see the twinkle of a star, you are seeing the past as it takes the light of that star so long to get here… Proxima Centauri, Distance to Earth 4.243 light years the closest star to Earth (no counting the sun) it takes light from that twinkle 4.243 years to get to Earth… and that is at the speed of light.
So 1,300 light years is a huge distance on a planetary scale but a smallish distance in the over all scall of the entire universe…
I see stupid people…
"CLOSE!?!?" Not trying to be rude or clever, but you do know what a "light year" is, right?
It is the number of years it would take to travel between two points at the speed of light, which is 186,000 per second.
So if it would take approximately 1,300 YEARS to reach earth traveling at the speed of light… Do the math; It is definitely NOT "close."
Why are you commenting on a comment that is alsmost dead for 2 months?
I just saw the thread pop up recently.
And also, I find the topic of "Light Years" very fascinating.
Thank you so much guys! You know i am VERY sensitive to this kind of stuff that people are putting on the internet these days. If i see something like this, I become very sad and sometimes i vomit because i fell so sick about it!
I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD for short) and i'm 16 so sometimes i get REALLY worried. But thanks to you guys, I feel a LOT better!!!!
Can black holes even destroy our world?
No. There are none anywhere near us and even if one were near, it would have to be heading directly towards us. The amount of time you would have to wait for this to happen would probably vastly exceed the age of the universe. The Sun expanding into a red giant in 4 to 5 billion years time would destroy the Earth first.
@ Carter Wade
I have an anxiety disorder, and I have depression; believe me I was scared and depressed with 2012 until I found this website. My anxiety has gotten better because I review the articles.
How can i clear up my mind of all bad things related to all of this? I keep babiling out things about all of this in silent and i come back to this site to see if anything changes. I don't know what to do!
Best is to do a lot of cool things that takes so much of energy ans has so much fun that you don't have time to get scared.
And nothing is going to change the fact that 2012 is a big hoax to scare people just for fun.
I think i might have a case of this so-called Cosmophobia! How can i cure myself of this phobia?
Educate yourself about the start. Start to get familiar about where the stars and planets are. Look where the big dipper is now, find Cassiopeia, find Orion.
Venus is so nice in the early morning.
All these things related to this I'm babbling in silent can't be magic, can't it?
I still fell worried! If i keep babbling all these things related to this in silent i'm afraid it could happen! I need Help!
Carter, try to calm down. Nothing like that can affect us at all. That black hole isn't moving toward us and it can't move at the speed of light. Even if it were moving toward us at light speed, it wouldn't get here for 1,300 years. Do you plan to live for 1,300 years? All of the drivel that the doomtards are coming up with is total bull. None of it can happen so there is no need to worry.
This sounds like your ASD is acting up, don't you think? Might be a good idea to tell your doctor about this, we can only give you facts, none of us here (as far as I'm aware anyway) know how to deal with this type of thing. You're always welcome here of course, I'm just saying that it doesn't seem like much we are saying is sinking in, I suspect that's due to your disorder, so yeah, bring that to the attention of your doctor or counsellor.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
This thing that started my fear was an episode of family guy where the local news made an april fools story about a black hole just outside our solar system that expanded and was supposed to suck earth in the next day. Turns out it was an april fools joke gone too far with 80 something suicides and it scared me soooooo much
… you do realize Family Guy is a Cartoon, right? It's like people being afraid of a martian invasion because they saw Marvin the Martian on the Looney Toons show
Carter, I am pretty sure there were not any suicides because of a family guy episode. If you are believing family guy is real you need a lot of help. I am not being mean, I am serious. They make stuff up, that is what cartoons do. I watch scooby doo with my kids and I do not believe there are monsters hiding all around about to chase us through the house as we listen to some 60's background music.
Something tells me we've been Trolled. The age you have to be to be allowed to watch Family Guy would only go to reason, they're old enough to know the difference between a cartoon and reality.
Carter, I am pretty sure there were not any suicides because of a family guy episode.
It never happened in reality.
However it is part of the Family Guy dialogue.
What Carter Wade is trying to tell is that because of what happened in the Family guy dialogue, he was afraid that people would really commit suicide and start to loot when the day passed even when it was just a hoax.
Carter Wade is really aware that the comic was just a comic.
Ok, but I still stand by my premise that family guy will not cause anybody to commit suicide. Again, it is satire.
It's not the suicides. I was thinking what if a black hole came and destroyed earth? If one were to do that, Would it break the laws of gravity? Could such a black hole form just outside the solar system?
Sure it's a scary thought, but it's not likely to happen at all.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
I was thinking what if a black hole came and destroyed earth? If one were to do that, Would it break the laws of gravity? Could such a black hole form just outside the solar system?
The answer is No.
And you have a misconception about black holes.
Black holes are not these mean evil planet eaters they always gets portrayed as.
It is just a lot of mass compressed very densely compressed.
They have no magical properties outside the event horizon. And it is actually really hard to get sucked into a black hole.
So your saying it can't happen at all?
- A black hole can not just form outside the solar system. There is not enough mass out there close to the solar system.
- A self forming black hole will be 10 times the sun mass. We would know that it is out there because the Sun would orbit the black hole, not the way around.
- A self forming 10 Sun mass black hole would have an event horizon of a mere 30 km radius. This object is so tiny that it would always miss Earth. It still obeys the laws of gravity outside the event horizon.
- It is very hard for an object to fall into a black hole unless it is a direct hit. You need to lose energy to get captured by a black hole. It is not some magical vacuum cleaner that just sucks anything at will.
What about a self-forming black hole that could expand?
There is no such thing as "self-forming" black holes. Black holes are usually the aftermath of a stellar collapse. Most common theory is where a colossal star with a mass of more than 3 times the Sun’s reaches the end of its life, gets crushed under its own gravity, leaving behind a compact blackhole.
When a gigantic star reaches the final stage of its life and is about to go supernova (which normally takes billions of years), it spends all the nuclear fuel by then. So it stops burning and heating up and cannot create the nuclear energy required to feed the star and let it make a pivotal balance to support its own gravitational draw against the intense pressures brewing inside.
Therefore its stability cracks under its own gravity.
Therefore, black holes just don't form on their own. Energy and matter are needed for this to happen.
No Carter,
It can't happen at all. Black holes don't just form our of nothing. They need a very massive star to form from.
One could not just come and destroy Earth. They also don't just roam around the cosmos sucking up planets.
There isn't one anywhere near Earth, so it's nothing to worry about.
Thanks you very much for the logic, andy! Now i'm thinking i shouldn't be comparing cartoon stuff to the real world!
And i'm sorry i was trolling you guys! Deeply sorry!
Don't worry. You were not trolling.
I know, Obayens. the suicides were in the episode "April in Quahog" itself
It is part of the dialogue. It really never happened in reality.
00:08:33 (all cheering) Wait, what did Dad just say?
00:12:44 Yes, April Fools!
00:12:44 We at Channel Five News concocted the whole black hole story as part of our commitment to being festive around the holidays.
00:12:49 And with only 87 suicides and widespread looting, we think this was a pretty successful practical joke.
00:12:56 You dicks!
00:12:58 Hey, how do ya like that, Lois?
00:13:00 We're gonna live!
Carter, shows like family guy are satirical. Satire is defined as "wit, irony, or sarcasm used to used to expose and discredit vice or folly." Wit is using knowledge in a clever way to be humorous. Irony is saying something is one thing when it really is something else. Such as doomsdayers calling us sheeple, that is ironic. Sarcasm is a form of speaking when one uses bitter, caustic, or ironic language to make a point. Usually to show how absurd something is. Such as when when a doomsdayer might tell me that nibiru is on the way here and I would reply with, "Really, I am shaking in my boots." Vice is a moral fault or failing. Basically something is wrong with the person. You often hear people say that a certain food is their vice. In other words, they cannot control themselves from eating it. Smoking could be a vice. You get the point.
That is all family guy is. Nothing more. You cannot take anything they show seriously. They are making fun of the absurdity of these claims. It is exactly the same thing Penn and Teller did in their videos that are linked from this site.
Family Guy is hilarious satire and they did a great job mocking many of the doomsdayers.
And yes doomsdayers calling us is sheeple is extremely ironic considering they are the ones following what someone else is saying.
People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive ablilities of their own.
LOL. Followers. And what exactly were the people who believed and advocated this hoax? Followers and lemmings.
Geryl fits particularly well with the last sentence of that (meaning one with no cognitive ability).