I dont know really what to say other than I am scared to death over this doomsday stuff. I have been reading in this forum for a while and ppl are asking about different things and getting most of it debunked. But the more I reed more scary I get .
I guess its in my mind and I am not able to think rationally, but I dont know what to do about it :-( How can you be so sure that things will not happen ? Everything i have read ( and i dont watc doomsday videos or anything like that .
This thing is on my mind day and nigt, I am throwing up, cant sleep etc. I have anxiety pain all day long . I dont know how I can take this anymore and how to hold on until these scary dates are over ….Can you help me cope ? i dont manage to do it alone anymore :-(
Hi Dimmi and welcome. First of all, have you read the articles down the left side of this page? Just about all the doomsday claims, from "galactic alignment" to "Nibiru" are covered there and the reasons they are all nonsense are explained with science and common sense. Many of the people who promote this rubbish are exposed as the scammers and nutters they truly are as well.
How can you be so sure that things will not happen ?
We know they won't happen because of science, but which particular doomsday claims are you worried about? Can you be specific?
Doomsday is big business, which generates lots of money for scammers from sales of books, dvds, "survival equipment" and lucrative lecture tours. Then the nonsense they spout on their websites gets parroted all over Youtube and around the internet by trolls and people with no knowledge of science and astronomy.
Doomsday is not only big business now, but has been throughout human history so in the meantime, take a look at this website:
Hundreds of claimed dates for doomsday are listed there and guess what? Every one of them failed, but the doomsayers never give up and you really should not be worried about any the current claims at all.
Pobody's nerfect
Thanks a lot for answering. Yes , I have read most of the things on this page. Before I came here i did not know about all of these different claims ( I am not english,but I hope you understand my writing ) . Its spinning around my mind all of these scenarios , it is not one spesific I worry about. Its just "all of it ". What will happen etc…what if the doomsdayers are right and the hoax ppl are wrong etc…i know I am stupid, but I cant stop worrying or having high anxiety over this. My mind and body just react to it. Hard to explain. Or there is maybe one thing i think about more then the others and thats the maya calendar stat stops at the 13 baktun. Then they say its the beginning of a new cycle. Where is this new cycle? Where is the 14 baktun etc….
Do not be afraid of the Mayan calendar ending. (This was the easiest theories i got over).
The modern day mayans have said that the calendar doesn't say anywhere about the end of the world…
Yes and not only that, but all that's meant by the calendar ending is that a new one begins, which is the start of a new cycle. Just as it does with our Gregorian calendar, which ends every Dec 31st and starts a new cycle every Jan 1st.
Pobody's nerfect
Yes, I have heard this, but we know there has been making a new calendar. If this one is the beginning of a new cycle there would be a baktun 14 wouldnt there ? I dont get it…. and I dont find anything about the 14 baktun….
and I dont find anything about the 14 baktun…
Long disused calendars aren't exactly talking points these days. Actually, let's expand that. How often do you check the year in the Chinese or Islamic calendar, or any of the three Hindu calendars, or the British Regnal year or what is perhaps the most Long-Count-like calendar we have, Unix time?
I bet many of us would struggle to get the year right in any of those calendars, let alone to find people talking of future years in those systems. What makes a long dead calendar any different or any more significant?
i dont have checked those because all of these doomsday things happened because of the mayan calendar ending. If there where the chinese og islamic calendar that it came from i would have checked that i guess….
But why? There is no difference between calendars, all we are doing is counting a different number of 'things' (seconds, days, whatever), having started from a different date in history.
You can count to a million and give up, deciding that a million is enough and that nobody needs to use any bigger numbers, or you can put that million to one side and start counting the next million. Whether you decided to stop at a million or not has no bearing on the Earth beneath your feet.
Well the reason for that is because their long count calendar is 13 baktuns, not 14. With our Gregorian calendar of 365 days, you don't hear about day 366 (except for leap years) because it starts again on Jan 1st at day 1.
Pobody's nerfect
i know the long count are 13 baktuns and ending….but what number does it start with the new cycle ? I am not english so i have hard to explain what i mean it seems…
anyway , all this scares me so much, dont know how to come over it….
Yes , I have read most of the things on this page. Before I came here i did not know about all of these different claims
And every single one is exposed as fraud and a lie. No exception.
I know you are saying that….but i dont manage to relax with it….what about the you tubers ? do they earn money of it too ?
Noooooooooooooooooo, they link people to Patrick Geryl for no reason at all.
are you guys really 100 % sure that nothing is gonna happen either the 21 or the 23 ? No doubts whatsoever ??
We can't say nothing will happen, unlike the doomsayers, we don't claim to be able to tell the future. What we can tell you is that nothing the doomsayers say should be taken seriously. It is the biggest pile of pseudoscientific nonsense, it really is.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
you cant say nothing will happen , but you dont claim it . Ok .Then you dont know if the world is ending. Thanks for being honest.
There is no evidence the world is ending. I can say the world won't end with the same confidence I can say I won't throw this baseball on my desk into the ground, only to have it fall up to the Moon and explode instead. The things being claimed by doomsayers are physically and scientifically impossible. If you want more certainty than that, then I'm sad to say you won't find it.
Let me make it simple to you:
- Could the world end tomorrow? Yes.
- What are the chances? About 0,0000000002%.
- Should you live worrying about something you don't know it's gonna happen? No.
- Is there evidence that the world is about to end next months? No, there isn't.
you cant say nothing will happen , but you dont claim it
We claim that anyone that promoted the 2012 are unable to predict a real end of the world because they are really stupid in their claims. Every single 2012 promoter has been lying to you or are complete insane..
are you guys really 100 % sure that nothing is gonna happen either the 21 or the 23 ? No doubts whatsoever ??
Of course nothing will happen that is portrayed by these 2012 hoaxers.
Of course other bad things can happen a bad hair day for example. Or you miss your bus ride. Or snow fall disrupts the power lines, or some other regular natural disaster.
Thank you for answering. Hope nothing happens.
Since all the doomsday scenarios are nonsense, you don't have to hope.
Thanks again. My anxiety is still high, cant eat other than nutricial drinks, cause i throw up if eating normal food and hardly sleep because of this :-( I will try to get it into my mind what you have written here , hopefully i will become a little better. Thanks again.
Hi Dimmi. I hope what I said above and what everyone else said will be of great help to you. Feel free to ask if you have doubts, but as much as possible, practice debunking the nonsense by yourself.
Good luck! :-)
Im not acting scared…I am scared….maybe i misunderstood you ?
If the 2012 nonsense is scaring you to the point of being unable to eat and throwing up, you need to seek professional help. A counselor should be able to help you overcome your anxiety, and a doctor can prescribe antianxiety medication for you.
When one of our guys said we can't promise you that nothing will happen, that did NOT mean we can't promise you the world won't end. We CAN promise you that the world won't end in our lifetimes.
Things are always happening, storms, earthquakes, volcanos, droughts, and hurricanes, among others. These things are not world ending events. They are just business as usual. You need to get used to them because they will be happening throughout your life.
I really ,really hope so that its not in our lifetime. Thank you for trying to help !
You no more have to hope for that than you have to hope a horde of smurfs and orcs won't overrun your town tomorrow. I don't know how else we can convey to you how ridiculous these 2012 claims are. As Alene says, if you are experiencing what you've described here, perhaps it is time to talk to your doctor about the situation.
I first came to this site scared of a comet that was supposed to hit last year. Everyone here is really helpful. What helped me was to rationalise the huge numbers of "end if the world" claims that are actually out there. They can't all be right can they? This place will dispel the myths with science. Alena is right try and see a Doctor medication will help if your anxiety levels are that high.
I have done all of that. Told my dr and I see a psyk. But the problem is that they have not even heard of this….And I am taking anti anxiety medication wich does not seam to work :-( I feel that for every day that goes by its one more day towards the end of it all.:-( I even have thought of bringing my pets to the wet so they dont have to suffer. This anxiety is so hard to explain to ppl who dont have it themselves . I just dont manage to think rationally about this….But thank you so much for trying to help me !!
But the problem is that they have not even heard of this….And I am taking anti anxiety medication wich does not seam to work
You'll need to go back and see your doctor then, they might up the dosage or try other medications.
I feel that for every day that goes by its one more day towards the end of it all
It simply isn't, it's all in your head.
I even have thought of bringing my pets to the wet so they dont have to suffer.
They won't suffer, in fact, drowning them would be far worse don't you think? Come on now, don't be silly.
This anxiety is so hard to explain to ppl who dont have it themselves .
I know exactly how you feel, I've been there on a few occasions myself. It really sucks, but it's nothing that can't be resolved by being sensible. See your doctor again, it doesn't matter that they've never heard of the doomsday hoax, anxiety is triggered by a whole host of different things. Ask your doctor about cognitive behavioural therapy, I personally think you'd benefit from that. Don't just wallow in this, fight it. Tell yourself you're smarter than this, tell yourself that you're not going to allow your mind to play tricks on you anymore.
I completely understand and sympathise with how you feel, but I promise you that you will get better, you will get over this stuff, but it's as much your fight as it is ours. We will help, it's what we're here for, but until you find the strength to fight this horrible illness you'll get nowhere.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I know all of this, that it is in my head etc…Ps: I never meant to drown my pets, i said a weterinerian. They dont drown them,they put them to sleep.
And this is not your fight for me ( if that is what you meant ) . I try to manage it on my own,but it is so hard :-( I dont think theres so much time left that the cognitive therapy can help now. I dont know. I am sorry to bother you guys. I am a normal rationally thinking person usually, but in early okt i saw a program on nat geo or where it was, and since then its going downhill with me . Horrible anxiety and depresssion. I think this doomsdayers got themselves a new victim.
I never meant to drown my pets, i said a weterinerian.
My apologies, there's obviously a bit of a language barrier here. What you mean to say is veterinarian. When you said "take them to the wet" I thought you meant you were going to drown them, as the word wet is associated with water. Kind of funny actually but yeah, my mistake.
I dont think theres so much time left that the cognitive therapy can help now
The thing is, do you seriously think that after December 21st you'll stop worrying? Anxiety doesn't work like that unfortunately, the chances are that you'll probably find something knew to fret over. Also, cognitive behavioural therapy can work wonders very quickly, so it really is worth enquiring about, can't hurt to ask.
I am sorry to bother you guys.
The first thing to do is stop feeling guilty. You're ok, honestly, you are not a bother to us at all. You're the type of person the site was created to help.
I think this doomsdayers got themselves a new victim.
One of many unfortunately. If you need further advice or help I'll do my damnedest to help you, so don't feel like you're alone. You really do have to take some steps on your own though, it looks to me like you've just accepted the fact you're wallowing in anxiety.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
yes, i know I have an anxiety disorder right now. I have had it before and it went away by itself in 4-5 months.( no medtication then ) I take steps all the time, taking medication , see a psyk, dr and acupuncture. But the steps dont seem to lead anywhere. Right now I just dont want to live anymore, i hope every night i go to bed that i dont wake up in the morning.
That is depression, not anxiety. I don't want to sound like I'm repeating myself, but all of this must be reported to your doctor.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I go to the dr every week. How do you know it is depression ? I feel most of it is anxiety….
I'm no doctor, but feelings of hopelessness and that "I don't want to wake up" are classic signs of depression. However, listen to your doctor before you listen to me, they're the professional after all.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
seems like i just as might be listening to you , the dr dont do much anyway…
And about what you said about when the 21 is over i might just find other things to worry about, that might be true. But right now its not just me i am worried about but my family, friends ,all other ppl… and our planet. Even the day I am gone i dont want our planet or other ppl .animals etc to be gone to….If this made sence.
Im just so tired of this uncertanty all the time. Even if it is just in my head. Thank you for answering me !!
You should change your doctor if you feel you're not getting the proper treatment. I can talk to you all day but nothing is better than professional treatment.
But right now its not just me i am worried about but my family, friends ,all other ppl… and our planet. Even the day I am gone i dont want our planet or other ppl .animals etc to be gone to
We all worry about our family and friends, but there really is no need for you to think they're at risk on December 21st.
Thank you for answering me !!
No problem, anytime.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I never meant to drown my pets, i said a weterinerian.
Please don't take your pets to a vet be put down either, because honestly - there is absolutely no need and you'll feel terrible as soon as Dec 22nd arrives and all is normal without the world having ended, but you have taken your pets to be killed and can do nothing to bring them back.
In fact in early 2003 Nancy Lieder advised her followers to do exactly that - kill their pets so that they would not have to suffer the horrors of the "pole shift" she claimed would occur later that same year. Of course, there was no pole shift in 2003, so anyone who did kill their pets because of what she said would have felt exactly the same afterwards, as you will if you do the same.
Here's a recording of the radio interview she gave in 2003 in which she told people to do that:
Pobody's nerfect
….wow. What a psycho, puppy heaven!?! I had to put my little west highland terrier down only last month because he had cancer and was in a lot of pain, it broke my heart, and here's this fruit bat telling people to put down perfectly healthy animals because she's fu#king insane! Safe to say I've developed a new hatred for this person.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I know that, and i will not put my pets down. But I dont think that I can "hang on " this anymore. I hope you all people will have a nice 2013 and have a good life, but I am not able to take anymore of this ! 2,5 month ago I was a perfecly healthy person mentally and physical. Now I am a wreck . I really appreciate you trying to help me!!
The terrible thing about Nancy Leider and all the other crazies out there, is that sometimes they genuinely believe what they say. Tell yourself and everyone else that the world is ending, and eventually it will become part of your Psyche.
Kind of sad really.
She doesn't believe it, we had a former member of her cult group that came here once and told us what a fraud she is and how some people actually believe her, he was actually cool compared to the rest of the site. (Lieder's site), he even wrote a whole article (Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong one) About how she uses these ideas as a fraud.
The way you are talking now seem's like you want to kill yourself but don't kill yourself over this dumb lie that book authors say cause all they just are are authors that have little to no understanding of science.So please don't kill yourself over what a book authors say
The way you are talking now seem's like you want to kill yourself but don't kill yourself over this dumb lie that book authors say cause all they just are are authors that have little to no understanding of science.So please don't kill yourself over what a book authors say
Absolutely. We're doing all we can here to reassure you that it's all nonsense but if it still scares you, just stick it out and you'll feel much, much better on Dec 22nd and probably wonder what all the fuss was about.
So please, DON'T DO IT !!
Pobody's nerfect
Dimi, I was once in a depression too.
Back then I did not believe that everything will turn out to be fine again, but it did.
It did take me a lot of work and took me many years but not only did I lose the depressions, I got way way better than I ever dreamt to be possible. And so can you.
The thing is Dimmie, when December 21th has past, you anxiety will not vanish into thin air. (I speak from own experience) you´ll manage to find something else to worry or better yet get depressed about and once you get yourself into that wheel, it´s really really hard to get out. I fell into this 2012 crap in March this year, and without this site and people who actually take the time of their jobs and families to help others, I dont how my sanity would be today. The positive side of it is me being interested in astronomy and how things actually work more than ever. I purchased a telescope which is on my balcony and observing the skies whenever I have time to do that, it really is a fantastic field to study. Now I don´t know if I missed you mentioning this, but can you please share with us, which of the "world ending scenarios" is the one you are afraid of ? And we´ll try to break that one down for you and explain how and why it´s NOT gonna happen?
Hang in there buddy, the joke is on the doomtards.
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them" - Dalai Lama