If the world doesn't end next Friday, what do you think the 'believers' will say why it didn't?
They'll just say they got the dates wrong, or the Mayan calendar was wrong all along, or someones calculations are wrong, these are only a few of a ton of excuses they'll drum up. I might do a video diary, and reenact the doomtards reactions as to why nothing happened, maybe do one where the tard is on a mountain top screaming at the clouds ranting and raving, hmmm then again, NAAAHHH! However I have finished a bit of a home video project, which features geryl and one other crankbag. Its on my facebook, but its going nowhere near YT! As you can imagine, it'll attract the flies :P
They will find some hidden meaning in another calendar such as the Tamil calendar, Chinese calendar, Kalachakra a Tibetan Buddhist prophecy……
well, the nibiru thing was pushed to 2012 when it didn't happen in 2003, so they'll say a mayan god saw it's reflection and that means everything is delayed 13 more years.
My guesses as to what they will do in order to save face:
1 — Some may claim they miscalculated the day (they'll likely claim the 23rd is the REAL day when nothing happens on the 21st)
2 — Some will say that there was a "great transformation" rather than doomsday
3 — Some may latch onto some 5.0 earthquake somewhere in the world as "proof" even though it, um, didn't destroy the world
4 — Some might claim that it is "just the beginning of the end"
5 — Some might deny having ever made any claims of doomsday
My guess as to what they will NOT do:
— admit that they were wrong
Did we say 2012? ohhhh we meant 2013
When this is all over, there going to be saying its going to end in 2013
We forgot to carry the one…
They will find some hidden meaning in another calendar such as the Tamil calendar, Chinese calendar, Kalachakra a Tibetan Buddhist prophecy
Maybe even the Oreo Calendar.
Pobody's nerfect
Maybe even the Oreo Calendar.