Listen to this man! He has a lot to say about this issue!
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Listen to this man! He has a lot to say about this issue!
Can you please paraphrase?
What do you mean?
I'll give you the gist of the video. The world isn't ending, the doomsayers have the final date of the Mayan calendar wrong and Jesus is coming back, but as the fifth seal hasn't been broken, the tribulation hasn't started. Therefore, Jesus is almost here, but won't be here for another few years, as the seal has to be broken and then the tribulation period. Jesus comes back and fixes the environment, overpopulation, world hunger and ends all wars. Then, everyone who survived the tribulation gets to live in happiness and joy. So while we're in the end times, the end isn't the 21st. Now, call the number at the end of the video to find a Restored Church of God near you. Also, send away for our free booklets.
Believe what you want to, but please don't talk about the biblical end times. It really kind of scares me, as well as a handful of others on this forum. I simply do not believe in this prophecy stuff.
The bible prophecies? How many of those have come true? Zero.
I won't listen to that man. Thanks.
Listen to this man!
Why?? Cause he's a bible prophecy expert, just like camping?? How many bible prophecies have come true?? Well, see for yourself.
David C. Pack, who I consider to be one of the world's foremost Bible prophecy experts
So was camping, and look what happened there! Double fail!
When it comes to this 2012 stuff, I expect scientific answers, backed up with evidence, AND, peer reviewed too, not stuff from the bible!
I'm sure Harold camping's follows thought the same thing.
David C. Pack is the pastor of the 'Restored Church of God' in Wadsworth, Ohio.
Most Church of God sects are destructive cults. I recommend that they should be avoided.
If you're interested, scroll down in this post for a list of questions and information for people who are thinking about being *recruited by those sects.
OMG guys! Wouldn't you know by now this guy is just talking crud? All these guys are never right and never will be!
We have a Church of God in town. I've never cared about Church of God sects(even as a Christian). Nobody knows the true end of the world except of God. I really haven't been to church because I don't approve of the stuff preachers preach. And secondly, I was brought up to believe that God is loving, not vengeful.
Vengeful? Well lets do a count. It has been estimated that god killed 2+ million people in the Bible, Satan kills 16…..who's vengeful now? The christian god of the Bible pouts when things did not go his way…..the myth of the flood story in Genesis is a prime example….A select few, Noah and his family were the only decent people on the face of the planet supposedly that were saved…WTH?
Agreed. I believe in God, but bible has the wrong idea. God is loving.
Bear in mind that most of the people God kills in the Bible were in the Old Testament…having a kid really does cause you to mellow… ;)
(I'm a Christian, and stuff like this is one of my pet peeves. That and people who try to predict the end.)
Still murder either way you cut it…………would not exactly call that a caring god would you? So your saying there are two gods? One of the OT and one of the NT? So if thats the case then which one rues the day?
I'm saying there's still just one God. He..just had a change of heart.
God was very vengvil in the old testement when he put
himself into flesh and came to earth and died for us it
changed everything
Someone said it best a few days ago when discussing how modern man tries to interpret an ancient bible. A bible that was written thousands of years ago before the advent of technology. First of all, while many scholars believe the 1st bible was written by god, the 2nd testament was written well after Jesus died, and was most likely written by man. Not to mention the King James Bible which is the largest reproduction was commissioned by the English church in 1604. I honestly don't see how a book written by priest with an english influence at the time can ever determine the outcome of modern civilization. I'm not diminishing the bible by any means, and I don't intend to hurt any religious peoples feelings, but the King James bible is full of parables, not the word of god.
@Jason b 75
And you're right.
Th 7 seals are actually mentioned in the book of revelations
I watched the video. Half of it is legit, when he explains the bogus about the Mayans supposedly predicting 2012 as the end. However, it lost me when he started bringing up bible prophecies and stuff like that. The bible is not the true word of God! God would never kill gays, women, and kids! God would never kill animals! God, Jesus, and Heaven are real! The bible, well, is not. I'm sorry…
God, Jesus, and Heaven are real! The bible, well, is not. I'm sorry…
Bit of a contradiction there ain't it?
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Bit of a contradiction there ain't it?
Not… really. I mean I'm an atheist, and I totally believe that the bible has been edited and twisted over the centuries to give the various churches more control over the people.
I can very easily see how someone with a firm belief in God or Jesus could think the same thing, but still have that belief.
Hear the music before the song is over…
I dunno, I guess I can't understand how someone can logically reach the conclusion that the bible isn't real yet state in the same sentance that God, Jesus and heaven are real. It's rather like saying you believe in Harry Potter even though you're sure the books are fictional.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
You just gotta have Faith, Gary. Gotta have Faith. Run into that platform hard enough and by golly you'll zip right through to Hogwarts.
Not at all. All living things have souls. All living things go to heaven. However, what the bible teaches is that only believers in God will go to heaven. That is not true! God would never kill any of his children! The bible is what is contradictory!
Bit of an assumption there ain't? Since none of that can be proven with any absolute authority. No actually what you wrote is contradictory since the bible according to christians is the word of a god.
The bible is NOT God's word! God and Jesus are peaceful and loving. The bible depicts them as malevolent and unforgiving! The bible is a lie! Not to mention how science has disproved the majority of it, specifically the book of Genesis.
Exactly, and it was the way I was brought up to believe <3 :).
Not at all. All living things have souls. All living things go to heaven.
So where did you get this little story if not the bible?
However, what the bible teaches is that only believers in God will go to heaven. That is not true! God would never kill any of his children!
Someone has been closing their ears to the bits they don't like the sound of.
I agree with your take on the bible by the way, I just don't see how you get from dismissing the bible to believing in God and heaven in one fell swoop.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
The thing about all animals going to heaven is true. I didn't get it out of any book or anything. People still feel their pet's presence, even after that pet's death. It bugs me when people say that only humans have souls, because humans ARE animals. And about the "believing in the bible" thing, you see, the bible is supposed to be a spiritual guide in life, not a history book. God can still exist. That is like if you were to read a book about a cat that plays basketball. Just because the book says the cat likes to play basketball, doesn't mean that is the case.
The thing about all animals going to heaven is true.
Says who?
I didn't get it out of any book or anything.
So where did you get it from?
People still feel their pet's presence, even after that pet's death.
That's not evidence of anything, grief perhaps, but certainly nothing supernatural.
It bugs me when people say that only humans have souls, because humans ARE animals.
Humans are animals, yes, it's this "we've all got souls" part that's bugging me. If you want to just say "this is my belief, I have nothing but faith" then fine. Stop saying things are true just because it's your opinion.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I personally feel that science and religion do no have to contradict because there are a lot of problems with evolution anyways and it is not observable, thereby it is not science. However, I do not think that the universe is only 6000 years old. That doesn't really make sense to me, so I am probably a theistic evolutionist. And for gcarini1985, many translations, interpretations and even some parts of the bible itself (due to humans writing it) are wrong in many ways. Your sexual preference, in my opinion, is completely ok in the eyes of god as I believe he purposely created you that way. (But thats just my belief)
because there are a lot of problems with evolution anyways
Name one.
and it is not observable
Yes, it is, unless you think antibiotic resistance and speciation were just pulled from some bored individual's backside.
Remarks like "There are a lot of problems with evolution," and my personal favorite, "Evolution is just a theory," are typically the domain of uneducated persons who don't understand what they speak of. It's no different than saying, "There are a lot of problems with gravity," and "Gravity is just a theory."
There's the theory of gravitation, by which we describe observations and predict what future observations will be, and there's the fact that this pen on my desk falls when I drop it — a process we call gravitation.
There's the theory of evolution, by which we describe the change of allelic frequency over time, and then there is the fact that allelic frequency changes over time — a process we call evolution.
You say you hate "doomtards," but this crap you're spewing stems from the same ignorance and disregard for the scientific method displayed by the worst of doomsday crackpots. That is not good company.
I personally feel that science and religion do no have to contradict because there are a lot of problems with evolution anyways and it is not observable, thereby it is not science.
I just love it, I really do. As juju says, you really should name one of these so called "problems", then you should look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself one question. Why are you happy to point at "problems" (even though there are none) with evolution while completely ignoring the absolutely glaring problems with religion? You question the evidence and data of evolution, yet completely forget that there is not a single shred of evidence for God.
So you require evidence before making the leap of believing in evolution. That's great, I'd just ask that you apply that same attitude to religion. That makes sense, no? You say religion and science are not in conflict, well, I'm sorry, but science requires testable evidence and a theory that stands up to close scrutiny. Religion is the practice of believing in whichever deity that was thrust upon you when you weren't old enough to make that decision, and it requires that you believe in it without any evidence whatsoever.
If you don't see a conflict there then I'm afraid you don't know an enemy when you see one.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I personally feel that science and religion do no have to contradict because there are a lot of problems with evolution anyways and it is not observable,
Please don't go that route.
It will destroy your believe when you read real evolution books opposed of parroting the claims from religious sources.
The majority of the claims against evolution has absolutely nothing to do with evolution at all.
The claims are not part of evolution.
The bible says I'm going to hell. That has to do with my sexuality (something I really haven't talked about on this forum). I used to be a Catholic… now I'm more of an agnostic.
My point exactly! The bible isn't about God or Jesus! It is about killing and destruction, just the stuff that God and Jesus don't like.
What Bible do you read?
Each of the four gospels in the New Testament narrates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
I don't really "read" any bible, however, I do own one.
Hell cannot exist. To cover yourself you need to belong to every single religion. If your Catholic, then all non Catholics go to hell. If your Muslim then all Non Muslims go to hell, and so on.
So everyone must have gone to hell that died before us. According to Boyle's law, then hell must expand to cater for all those souls that end up there. However as we have not seen any sign of Hell expanding, it must have frozen over.
I agree…It's an imaginary place that is used to keep the religious in line….do this or do that or end up in Hell! Like the 2012 thing it's a scare tactic.
Yea I believe in god too, but the bible is very contradictory. God is loving to all but that video doesn't make any sense at all.