So, for the first time, a went on Facebook to see Patrick Geryl's page, just to see what this is all about. So the first thing I see is a post saying: "Old sunspot 1620 just became visible…. It is huge….and will grow further. On December 21 it will be directly earth facing…". Now this is just BS. He didn't give us any scientifical proof and nothing. Just a plain 3 sentence text. I read that he makes really unsuccesful predictions, but this is just stupid. And someone even commented this: "10-12 times as wide as the earth." Seriously, you have NO proof whatsoever and you say "10-12 times as wide as the earth". Dumbass. At least there was one sane person, who commented: "What are you going to do if nothing happens? Will you make a public statement?" I completely agree, he should make a public statement on 22.12.2012. Sorry for my poor english, I'm from Slovenia.
10 to 12 times the size of Earth is irelevant.
And incoming CME has 9 protons per cubic cm. While vacuum is 3 protons per cubic cm
It is still vacuum when when you are in a CME cloud.
And the complete mass of a CME is only the weight of a fully loaded super tanker.
It is like being hit by a fog machine. (A fog machine has actually more impact than a CME)
"Old sunspot 1620 just became visible…. It is huge….and will grow further. On December 21 it will be directly earth facing…".
pffft and then… lol
I see stupid people…
on dec 21 will the sunspt be facing earth as this guy says?
// also mentioned tons of solar flares last month funny thing was there was none and your english is lovely :)
Yep, Patrick is a big dummy XD.
He's more stupid than Sid Stupid, King of Stupidland.
Pobody's nerfect
I actually googled that idiots name and when I went on wikipedia it seems there are others that agree with us. It seems someone has changed the wording around. It starts off by saying something about how he's an experienced "assnaut", which I'm assuming astronomer was supposed to be there. I think its actually pretty funny some of the stuff written in there.
Yes, someone's made several changes in the last couple of days, showing Geryl, let's say, in a somewhat less favourable light.
Yep, Patrick is a big dummy XD.
Am I the only one who read this quote in the voice of Squidward from Spongebob? lol
didn't see it at first, but yeah your right. Love spongebob. Its sad but I watch it with my kids all the time…
You're never too old for spongebob!
Geryl's enforcer has leapt into action. From his Facebook page:
Nikki Chaffin: Most of you already know this, those of you who are in our group anyhow, and for those of you who don't, I'm the one who screens Patrick's friend requests before accepting them, and monitors his page for him. Don't be shocked to find you've been dismissed, blocked, and your posts removed. I have had it with you jerks who friend him just to come and bash him. What kind of moron does that? He doesn't have time to sit and monitor all that's being said here, you're lucky he even shares bits of info when he does. Nor does it bother him when the naysayers go spouting off, but I do have the time and it does bother me, in fact it infuriates me, and I have no problem hitting the delete button. I've deleted many of your comments and blocked many in recent days, and will continue to do so. Go have your opinions somewhere else, bash him all ya want on other pages, you're not getting away with it on his own damned page.
I point this out to you all because I want it known, when the haters start their crap about their comments being deleted and being blocked, that it wasn't Patrick who did it to them. It's me who's doing it. The hateful comments don't cause him a moments concern, he's quite used to hate mail after all these years and easily dismissive of it as he has more important matters to be concerned with. So don't believe when they start claiming how he couldn't take it and blocked them. It's all my doing. I'm the one who wont take it.
LOL. Can't handle a bit of criticism? When people get exposed that is what happens. I got banned/blocked from several different youtube and facebook accounts when I criticized Harold Camping supporters for their screwball ideas. Geryl is much the same in stupidity.
Geryl's enforcer has leapt into action. From his Facebook page:
Ooooh dear, it's a female Geryl gorilla.
Very nice of her to let everyone know (in case some of them are such fawning fans that they haven't noticed already) that their hero is in favour of suppression of freedom of speech. I wonder what Ms Chaffin will have to say after Dec 21st when nothing has happened? Will she just disappear, along with her esteemed leader?
Pobody's nerfect
Not a smart move from Nikki Chaffin.
She exposed herself now as an accomplish to Geryl.
She will have to run and hide too on 22 Dec when nothing happens and a lot of pissed off followers wants their money back.
Oh oh, I gotta translate that. Ahem-
Nikki Chaffin: most of you already know this, but I'm one of those brain dead idiots who actually bought Patricks story. Don't be shocked to find you've been dismissed, blocked and your posts removed. I have had it with rational people coming here and destroying our little fantasy world. What kind of moron does that? He doesn't have time to sit and monitor all that's being said here, he's too busy sending friend requests to hot chicks and checking out their Ibiza 2008 photos. You're lucky he even shares bits of info when he does. Nor does it bother him when the naysayers go spouting off, he's far too wrapped up in his insane mind to notice criticism. But I do have the time (even though I'm convinced the world is going to end in 5 days, which you might find odd, I dunno) and it does bother me, in fact it infuriates me, especially when I've invested all my time and money into this absolute nutcase, so I have no problem pressing the delete button to allow my fantasy world to become a reality again. I've deleted many of your comments and I will continue to do so. Go have your opinions somewhere else, leave this poor man alone to frighten children, encourage suicide and be a borderline sex pest, bash him all you want on other pages, you're not getting away with it on his own damned page.
I point this out to you because I want it to be known, that when the sane people start their crap about their comments being deleted and being blocked, that it wasn't Patrick who did it to them. It's me who's doing it. I'm the front so to speak, I'm the mouthpiece of an idiot, which surely makes me an even bigger idiot. I mean here I am talking about an unemployed Belgian who lives in a crappy little house as if he's some sort of God. The hateful comments don't cause him a moment of concern (because I delete them before he sees them) he's quite used to hate mail after all these years and easily dismissive of it as he has more important matters, like shouting at the moon, to be concerned with. So don't believe when they start claiming he couldn't take it and blocked them, I mean we've been 100% truthful and accurate before, so clearly I'm being truthful now. It's all my doing, and Patrick has promised me at least a 50% refund in the highly unlikely event that he's a deluded idiot who's played me and a few others like trumpets over the past few years.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them" - Dalai Lama
well, i think something will happen - hopefully not as bad as predicted - but Patrick is correct in his theory so far - there is nothing most ppl can do to save themselves - i got some candles etc in, food, medicines, pet-food, water - if it don't happen this month it could be the next - i reckon we're in for a rocky-ride between now & the end of 2014 - no harm in being prepared as best we can x
@Patrick Geryl has correctly
Predicted every large solar flare in the past 4 months. I checked the numbers and the dates myself. It only took me three hours. Maybe those of you who are calling him mentally ill ought to go do your homework because you sound like ignorant idiots.
Found these comments in his latest post.
Now they are extending his doom theory to the end of 2014. What a crock of sh.t… How do people like this go to bed at night? I love how they point out he predicted a very large flare in the past 4 MONTHS…Seriously!! Anyone on this planet that can utter the words solar flare could have predicted the same thing. You gotta be kidding me…. What a moron, and an embarrassment to the human species.
if it don't happen this month it could be the next - i reckon we're in for a rocky-ride between now & the end of 2014
Funny how they're all starting to say that. Why do you think that might be?
@Patrick Geryl has correctly
Predicted every large solar flare in the past 4 months.
Has he really? Let's see:
Oct 3-5 Strong X flare MISS
Oct 11-14 Large flare MISS
Oct 31 Quake 7+ MISS
Nov 1-2 Quake 7+ MISS
Nov 7-8 Quake 7+ HIT
Nov 12-14 X flare MISS
Nov 13-14 Quake 6.5+ MISS
Nov 15-16 Quake 6.5+ MISS
Nov 17 M flare MISS
Nov 17 Large quake MISS
Nov 19 M flare MISS
Nov 20 Quake 6+ MISS
Nov 22 Large flare MISS
Nov 22-23 Quake 6.5+ MISS
Nov 24 M flare MISS
Nov 25-28 Big quake MISS
Nov 28 Quake 7 MISS
Nov 25-29 Quake 7.5+ MISS
Dec 3 Mini solar storm MISS
Dec 4-5 Quake 7+ MISS
Dec 11 Quake 7+ MISS
Evidently a typo. The poster of that message missed out the words "failed to".
Incidentally, I did a calculation on how difficult it is to get an earthquake prediction wrong. With a random prediction for a single day, you're more likely to be wrong than right, as follows:
6.0+ 59% probability of being wrong
6.5+ 84%
7.0+ 96%
7.5+ 99%
But when you make 20 such predictions (including, for example, taking Dec 4-5 as 2 separate predictions for individual days), the relatively easy odds of being wrong start to fall. It turns out that to get all 20 wrong has a probability of only 5.3% or in other words, Geryl has achieved something at odds of 18 to 1, ie. far worse than random chance.
I wonder if he ever bets on the horses. If you knew which horses he's backed, you could improve your chances of winning by avoiding them.
i reckon we're in for a rocky-ride between now & the end of 2014
He predicted that probably no one will survive on 21 Dec 2012!
I am sorry, but if any person still believe in doom after 21 Dec 2012 then you are beyond help.
I have no intention to keep on debunking this the rest of my life. I want my life back for my own loves ones.
He predicted that probably no one will survive on 21 Dec 2012!
Yes, but a few of his most fanatical fans will still be happy to move the goalposts, even if Geryl himself disappears from the scene. They usually don't admit it, but some of these people actually WANT the world to end, and have a "doomsday" fantasy to look forward to, as an escape from their boring lives etc.
Pobody's nerfect
Patrick Geryl has correctly Predicted every large solar flare in the past 4 months. I checked the numbers and the dates myself
Loool that's funny cause I checked them too and he got one right.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Lol. Nothing is going right for him. So 2014 now lmao he is a joke ain't he :-)
Here's a post from 19 minutes ago that I would imagine will be axed before very long:
Seb Astien: This video is from belgian TV in french, and investigated on gurus like Geryl. They investigated on him and show how pathetic he is, how all is about money ONLY, with his contacts selling old farms to transform as bunkers. The sun is just fine, and earthquakes not more as usual. This guy is NOT a scientist and never shared anything with scientists. And his fabulous friend Gerard Le Flamand selling all what you need to survive, is Patrick himself ! This guy is just a criminal. Enjoy :
Pobody's nerfect
I watched some of the video and it's an RTBF (Belgian TV, French language) investigation into 2012. Geryl features quite a bit and halfway through, an investigator poses as survival group applicant 'Lisa' and arranges a meeting in a cafe where they've set up some hidden cameras. She gets Geryl to go into his survival spiel, including giving details of a site in Bulgaria which I hadn't previously heard of. The known locations of Spain and South Africa are also mentioned. This meeting was recorded in October 2011, by the way.
Also, they get an IT investigator to look at messages from Geryl and 'Gerard Le Flamand' and he shows that the IP addresses are the same, thus proving that Geryl is Le Flamand, as the above Facebook posting says. Le Flamand is the name which appears at the head of the blog which sells Geryl's books and trumpets how successful all his predictions are.
Thanks Bikenbeer. I did take a quick look earlier at that blog by the so-called "Gerard Le Flamand," aka Patrick Geryl after I Googled the name and there are quite a few "survival" books etc for sale on it.
Obaeyens, if you're reading this, have you seen that video before?
Pobody's nerfect
When you go on to that site they have a picture of some bald dude and they claim that this is Le Flamand. Reading it, it's pretty clear that it's Geryl, the whole site is just one big advertisement for his books and survival guides. What a little creep.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Here's a post from 19 minutes ago that I would imagine will be axed before very long:
The Enforcer has struck!
The Enforcer has struck!
Aye, it didn't take her long to gleefully wield her big stick there did it?
She also issued the following warning to Alex Graham, in a thread started later by Geryl:
Nikki Chaffin: Be careful of your comments here. See the post below and my comment within if you don't understand why.
Pobody's nerfect
I think all Alex Graham's postings have disappeared, including this one:
Alex Graham The trouble is Patrick, whilst I have a little understanding of the physical world, some do not;
Shame then, not to comfort, but to strike fear?
8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
So clearly this sort of thing isn't allowed.
I re-read the news report about Isabel Taylor's suicide and took particular note of this:
'The most recent one she read was on sun spots and how if they went wrong it could cause a nuclear reaction.'
Guess who's particular doom scenario is solar activity setting off nuclear reactors? Geryl, of course. I think it's quite probable she saw his site. It would be good if this could be brought to his attention in some way (or at least to his enforcer/censor).
Yes, the sun spots do sound like Geryl, don't they? I suspect it would be like water off a duck's back to her though, even if it was mentioned. In fact, there was another thread from a couple of weeks or so ago in which Isabel was mentioned and a link to given as well, but that post was soon deleted.
I suppose it's possible she's reading some of this stuff we're posting about Geryl here though, since she has been made aware of this website.
Pobody's nerfect
can someone post where it is said he changed the date? I'm interested in seeing this, but for some reason I can't get on any pro Geryl sites… they keep timing out. Not sure if it's my computer or the websites.
He didn't change it. It was mentioned in one of the comments on his Facebook page. See here.
Oh god, Patrick is so stupid. Look, no one can predict the future, not even this dumb head. So go on and enjoy your Christmas shopping and get ready for Christmas. I know I am :)
We just got through with some of our shopping :). And we're going to continue with some more this upcoming weekend.
Not to mention his gargantuan sunspot "1620" turned out to be two regular ones, 1633 and 1634…so wrong again, and they don't appear to pose a threat for strong flares. I don't think that will change either. I don't know.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Are you serious? The sunspots were just 2 small ones?
When this is all over, there going to be saying its going to end in 2013
Yes they were, you can even see them for yourself.
Well that lower'd my stress by a whole lot
When this is all over, there going to be saying its going to end in 2013
Sorry, I can't go on Geryl's page and get sucked in. Is this posted by him or a one of his fans?- the first thing I see is a post saying: "Old sunspot 1620 just became visible…. It is huge….and will grow further
It was one of his followers that said it. By the way, has nobody noticed bikenbeers post above pointing out the fact that Geryl has basically been caught red handed trying to scam people by posing as multiple personas? If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about this horrible little person, I don't know what will.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
How do we find proof that that sunspot is not real?
The sunspot is real. Why is it important?
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Did it just become visible and why did they even bring it to our attention? How do we know it will not grow in to something?
Amber, come on. The guy has been proven to be a scam artist, he's a proven liar, his predictions are proven failures and he's been caught posing as two different people in order to sell his books. Why on earth would you even care what he's got to say about anything? If he put out a post saying earth orbits the sun I'd have trouble believing it.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
why did they even bring it to our attention?
Because Geryl's desperate for his gargantuan solar flare prediction to come up trumps. But it won't. It's rather like predicting a hurricane and when a light breeze appears, saying "yes, that's what I was talking about".
Come on now, there are sunspots all the time. What do you mean "it will grow into something"? Do people just not understand how the sun works? If anything solar flare activity is at a low right now. It was higher in 2003 I think.
No, 1620 has been around for some time. Patrick just brought it back up because he's trying to convince people that 1633 and 1634 is 1620. He's pretty much really desperate to keep any followers he has remaining. Anyways, it's not physically dangerous to us though. None of the sun spots are. Infact, we've already experienced numerous X-Class (the strongest class) solar flares and we're all still here, aren't we? Besides, Patrick Geryl has already been proven to be delusional (that or a pathological liar) and a fraud. Also, it doesn't sound like even the other doomsayers are talking about 1620 anymore.
The sunspots are real but they aren't producing any strong flares. He said it was sunspot 1620, but he's wrong. It's actually two seperate ones. You can see them here at
Trust me, they aren't gargantuan, and so far they aren't growing. These people have no idea how the sun actually works.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
what is a sunspot? ive heard it's a much hotter area of the sun. is that true?
It's a place on the sun where the magnetic feild twists up and shows through.
From Wikipedia:
Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the photosphere of the Sun that appear visibly as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. They are caused by intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection by an effect comparable to the eddy current brake, forming areas of reduced surface temperature. Like magnets, they also have two poles. Although they are at temperatures of roughly 3000–4500 K (2727–4227 °C), the contrast with the surrounding material at about 5780 K (5500 °C) leaves them clearly visible as dark spots
They're actually cooler.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
the first thing I see is a post saying: "Old sunspot 1620 just became visible…. It is huge….and will grow further
It was posted by him but it isn't anywhere near huge and with old Patrick's prediction success rate, you can bank on it shrinking and doing nothing. It's actually not 1620 but 1633 and 1634. 1633 has produced some B class flares, ie. low.
I watched the video that NASA put together where several experts answered questions. The expert on the sun, said that normally they can see issues a month in advance. Is this true and was this missed?
The expert on the sun, said that normally they can see issues a month in advance.
I'd be interested to hear the exact quote. Spots usually take a few days to form.
I might have misunderstood, but it seemed like she said they already had predicted nothing big to happen and that they could already see no major activity. This was the one that was just recorded in Nov.
I am confused, some said that the comment was posted by a follower and some said by him. So he is not talking about 1620 it is two others? Why did he say it was found a limitless bit ago?
they already had predicted nothing big to happen and that they could already see no major activity.
There's a general prediction for the current solar cycle not to produce much activity. As you can see here, the current activity is pretty wimpy compared with the last three. If you didn't notice anything at the last maximum in 2001, there's even more probability that you'll notice nothing this time.
I am confused, some said that the comment was posted by a follower and some said by him.
It was posted by him.
So he is not talking about 1620 it is two others?
1620 appeared about 3 weeks ago and went all round the back of the Sun and might have appeared again about now, so he wasn't wildly wrong in saying it was 1620. However, those that decide these things (solar physicists) have concluded that 1620 disappeared and 1633 and 1634 appeared in roughly the same place.
Why did he say it was found a limitless bit ago?
I don't know what this means. 1620 appeared on November 21st.
I am confused, some said that the comment was posted by a follower and some said by him.
That's my fault actually, I thought you were referring to a post that said he'd changed the date from 2012 to 2014. My apologies for any confusion, it was indeed Geryl that made this particular post you're referring to.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Fairly certain it refers to the NASA G+ Hangout video, and I'm fairly certain it was a case of 'we can see the Sun from practically all angles, so we can see features forming on the sides that will eventually face Earth as the Sun rotates.'
The month would refer to the Suns rotation period, not the formation of features.
Do you realize even high levels of solar flares would only POTENTIALLY and TEMPORARILY disrupt cell phone service and TV service? Why does it matter?
I wish Geryl would take a solar flare and stuff it up his motherf—ing a**(not even joking).
He's probably not treating his diabetes so it's making him delusional. I'm so tired of his stupidity. He's just so mind numbingly ignorant. He deliberately ignores the facts… his little supporters can't even defend his crap anymore.
You're not the only one, I'm already done with doomsday predictions, any type of that matter.