Im hearing these reports about China preparing. Is it their people or their government? and also, what about the whole julia gillard story?
Is it their people or their government?
It's neither, they're not "preparing" at all -
what about the whole julia gillard story?
I assume you mean this:
Hear the music before the song is over…
No the government is not preparing. Some of the citizens however are scared and sticking up on candles and stuff. They hadnt even heard about this until 2009, and they don't usually worry about this kind of thing..and then the 2012 movie came out, and I guess a lot of people there don't realize it's a hoax..since they don't really know much more than what the movie shows them.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
China is actually cracking down on the rumours, according to aljazeera(dot)com/indepth/features/2012/12/2012121912141425633.html
It is no laughing matter when stuff like a knife-wielding attacker slashing 23 Chinese children over the end-of-the-world rumours happen.
That was a horrible thing to do. No innocent child should deserve their throat slit buy a knife wielding maniac; these end of the world rumors have to stop before someone else gets hurt, or killed for that matter.
I did not hear about this!
I am in the U.S. & our news has been covered continously about the shootings in CT (20 children + 7 adults + the shooter were killed, well the shooter committed suicide) but we haven't heard anything about China! Poor babies.
I believe the fear for tomorrow, at least for me, is a terrorist attack. The terrorist groups know that the U.S. feeds on this theory & are already scared of the day so why not attempt a repeat of 9/11 to scare us more? I surely hope that doesn't happen
nah, i don't think a terrorist act will happen, and i think it's due to this date and things like the school shooting. Americans have a way of banding together and going on high alert-ninja status when we perceive a threat, I think our government and military agencies, airports, schools, and everyday citizens on to high alert for anything to slip by, 9/11 caught us completely off guard, I think that that would be hard to do these days.