Read this long comment stream a doomie posted on a video
I lived in Cancun and Chichen Itza and have studied the Maya for years.The Mayan Calendar is not a Calendar. It starts 1000 years before they were even here. When asked about this, they answered it was because that was the last time the 'gateway to the stars' was opened. The Maya said a white hair, white bearded being came down from the '12th dimension of Heaven' and gave it to them and said, 'This is your Story'. The calendar is not a calendar. It is a countdown.
….(cont1) It is a countdown to 12.21.12., when the Maya say 'the gateway to the stars shall be reopened, and the Men of Wisdom shall return'. Men of Wisdom? It is my opinion that these 'Men of Wisdom' are Fallen Angels/Aliens who genetically manipulated Neanderthal Man. God knew this wouldn't work, and warned us to 'not eat of the tree of KNOWLEDGE.' Our DNA wasn't ready for the upgrade. Cell degradation resulted because of this genetic splice. Most of your DNA went dormant. Confused monkeys.
But as Carl Sagen said, 'Gamma Rays can change DNA', be prepared for the upgrade. I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, but am not a Christian. His purpose here was to teach us how to raise our molecular vibration, and to leave a very real, kinetic, energy in this Realm by the blood sacrifice. This was God DNA He left. And it will permeate your personal energy and raise it to being conducive with the Source, once again. For after the splice, our energy signature changed.
And after our energy changed, we became like an out of tune note, in the Universal Vibrational Symphony….never to be reunited. Our eternal Spirit got trapped in this Earth Suit. This is what Jesus meant when He said, 'I came to set the captives free'. If you don't see the bars, you may be in trouble. ;) But our energy MUST be conducive with what is coming. "When the four corners of the Earth rest upon the dark rift, a Cosmic Sky Portal shall open." ~Aztec prophecy. Galactic Plane.
The Heavens shall be rolled up as a scroll". ~Revelation, or Apocalypto. (Revealing) "When I come back, it shall be as the lightening, that flashes from the East to the West. (Entire Sky) And finally, we have astrophysicists who are saying, "If the gravity well of our black hole is intense enough, it could very well produce a thin layer of dimensional rift."~AstroBiology Magazine.
So, it's really about the End of an Age. The End of the Precession. The Return of the Men of Wisdom.
If your energy signature is conducive with the rift, you shall be 'snatched away'. You shall 'meet the Lord in the clouds'. You shall be 'taken'. The dead who died with a high molecular resonance shall be taken first, for the Energy wave of ETHER shall re-animate ALL bodies here on Earth. The high vibes will be 'taken', and everyBODY else shall walk the Earth. This is why the Zombie Apocalypse is such a fad. Our DNA memory is reminding us. ;)
don't mean to expound all over your page here, but it's hard to contain. I have been shown some crazy truths. Repetitive numbers, syncronicities, etc. It's all lining up. CrazyCool.
But there's the matter of the Valley of Megiddo. I believe that when those of a high vibrating state of LOVE (Agape) are taken, the rest that are left on Earth shall commence to freak out. And just like the last End of the Precession (according to Sumerian history) the Annunaki boys shall pay us a visit.
I guess they have to wait until their planet is near, but there will be cataclysms here on Earth that will usher in their arrival with great appreciation. The world will be looking for a Savior. They will galvanize us as humans, since they are not. No more Iranians, Americans, etc. No more wars. They will use their technology to end disease, and all hunger. They will be heralded as our Saviors, these 'Men of Wisdom' who the Mayan were really speaking about.
About 3 1/2 years into their little Utopia, they shall 'digitize' all information. You will be required to be chipped, or marked to participate in their world. They then will outlaw all belief systems, and claim to be God. About that time, those who were taken, shall come back, (DNA intact) to claim dominion over this Earth against a 200 million man/hybrid army. Heaven on Earth for 1000 years.
With the New Sun and New Energy our thoughts shall be one, and we shall manifest a reality with Love, and no hate. Light, and no dark. Life, and no death.
Ok this guy is utterly insane, heres what he is claiming
1. All the dead people on earth will be reanimated
2. The annuki are going to arrive on planet earth and enslave everyone with microchips
3. an alingment with a universal energy will lead to enlightenment and make some people be taken away while the others will be enslaved.
Heres the vid he commented on. GOSH WHAT AN INSANE LOON!