I can't remember where the video is, but it was this strange video that was probably made by two New Age fanatics. It was basically pictures of New Age landscapes (you know brightly hue skies with big moons and starts, lakes, waterfalls etc.) all the while a male and a female voice that sounded very soft and ethereal. Basically they went on about how 2012 was not the end of the world, but some sort of weird ascension and dimensional changes. Something on the lines that those who do things like give 'love' and peace' will suddenly 'jump' from this 'dimension' to the next 'dimension', while those who are 'greedy' and hateful' (they do believe and promote things like their is a secret called that want to bring the New World Order and that television is a toxic force that is degrading people from the 'natural word' and used by this secret group to control them) will stay in this world and not be able to go through a portal to the next dimension (they claimed that on the 21st a portal will open to those who are allowed to jump to the next dimension).
I bring this up because it just suddenly jumped in my mind and kinda spooked me. I mean imagine this friday there are reports all over the internet of people mysteriously disappearing on a large scale. Imagine you and me just suddenly found themselves in a completely new dimension, for some reason that sounds quite freaky . Has anyone heard of this video or at least this theory of the Mayan calender predicting some people suddenly disappearing to another dimension? Sounds like a bad Sci-fi movie.