Could riots start tomorrow, for example really violent ones?
I doubt it.
I'm more concerned about suicides over the next 48 hours.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Yes astrogeek is right I sure hope it doesn't happen tho
Definitely dude, that's what I'm kind of worried about too, especially someone close to me.
Yeah, suicides are the most logical response. Riots would be rather futile.
All knowledge comes from experience- John Locke
I don't see rioting being an issue, and as many have said, suicides is the most likely cause for concern heading into the final hours. The only disgruntle people we might hear about are those that seek out the doomtards for revenge, but that will be in the following weeks to come. Hopefully anyway…lol
I Google translated this. Someone might want to remove it. It could be taken wrong.
I don't think riots will happen, I've learn outside the net not a lot of people believe. It's mostly young ones. I think the risk of suicide is bigger than riots. Right now a friend of mine is dealing with one of her other friends who is convinced everything is a cover up and something will happen. My friend is just hoping she doesn't do anything stupid. Thankfully I'm not fully convince to do that to myself. We're going to die any way, right?
We're going to die any way, right?
No, certainly not due to any imaginary disasters.
There is absolutely zero evidence of anything like that. So obviously, if there's zero evidence - nothing drastic is going to happen.
@ Peter _Y
There is a larger chance of someone getting injured or killed in a car accident then some end of the world disaster.
I really don't think riots gonna happen, but depents on the place I think,
but yeah, like astrogeek said, I'm also pretty worried about people suicide or crazy people
who might hurt others.
''One day dreamer, one dream at a time''
I'm also pretty worried about people suicide or crazy people who might hurt others.
You are right Littlemyuu, I can't imagine a good friend of mine committing suicide or a knife wielding maniac going to a school slashing the throats of kids at one of the local schools in my area. It breaks my heart when I hear stories like this :'(.
yes worriedsoul you got it right we're all going to die, a weird funny named planet is going to pop-up within a few minutes,earth's going upside,we are going to lose all gravity, solar flares would knock us all out— f***king ignorance. Just carry on as usual.
. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
Desmond, if you are not going to be helpful, please refrain from commenting.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
Why would there be riots?
The amount of people who actually believe in this drivel is comparatively small compared to the people who actually have brain cells in their craniums.
Look at May last year- one of the most heavily publicized 'doomsdays' in modern history. I don't recall any riots on the day of the 'Rapture'. Just a lot of disappointed people, some of whom rightfully felt like idiots by giving away their homes and livelihoods to an nonagenerian- then octogenerian- conman.
There certainly won't be any here, too, since the only remarks made about it here are jokes cracked by firefighters and the AA.
To be fair, have riots ever happened after an "apocalypse?" Y2K and Camping's crap all seemed physically civil, and the "end of the world" parties all seemed to be reasonable, if a bit over the top (such as the one that filled blow-up dolls with helium and set them free at 6:00 to represent souls going into heaven). Sure, there's more publicity about the 2012 crap, but at the same time I don't feel like a riot is feasible. The fearful will breath a sigh of relief, the predictors will start making up more excuses, the believers will be disappointed, the rational people will do what they normally do, and the more rowdy of the nonbelievers will probably throw silly parties. At least, this is what I saw happen with Camping's crap.
Things that might happen tomorrow:
An Earthquake, they happen all the time, every day, but only larger ones that are felt or do damage in populated areas are really taken much notice of unless your are a seismologist doing ongoing studies into earthquakes or a scientist gathering data.
A storm, storms are common weather down here on the third rock from the sun, weather pattens on Earth are always subject to abrupt change, one minute it can be sunny, the next a snowstorm will roll in and blanket us in 6 inches of snow (would be nice on Christmas day but we've got rain here in England as usual at the moment)
Civil unrest, civil unrest is sadly part of modern life, there may be protests or even violence in some places around the world tomorrow, in fact it is almost certain, as it is any other day. Remember the London Riots that spread across the country? They hit Nottingham which is my closest city! I live in a small town called Mansfield, just north of there.
Wars, wars will be going on tomorrow, as they sadly always have because adult human beings are unable to have a good old argument without their guns and tanks. Wars will still be fought tomorrow, as they will every day of the year in places like Afghanistan and Syria. On Christmas day I always make a old hippie wish for us all just to get along and be at one with our planet, but sadly it is yet to be granted.
Deaths, Dying is as much a part of life as birth, every living organism lives and dies, from a rat to an elephant to a human to a fish, life has to end so new life can take it's place and not overpopulate the Earth. Thousands of people and animals will die worldwide tomorrow from old age (hopefully most of them!), disease, and sadly preventable things like common treatable diseases like diarrhea and chest infections in countries lacking adequate medical and veterinary care. I lost my dad when I was just 5, sadly everything has to die one day, just live your life to the full and have no regrets or hangups, and you will have a good life :)
Accidents, there will sadly be road, plane, train and all sorts of accidents tomorrow, as there are every day.
I am worried about one thing however, over the next 48 hours as trolls take to the internet with the sole intention of spreading fear and panic, and that is SUICIDES.
If you are really anxious MetalAngel, you must find someone you trust and confide in them these fears. I am reassure, so can anyone here, there is Astrogeek, Bikenbeer, the other mods, other members, heck even I can allay most 2012 fears by now.
I am slightly worried about you after reading some of your posts. Please, if you feel really worried, find a friend, parent, family member, carer etc, not someone who has fallen for the hoax, a level headed person, and you must tell them. If you don't have access to anyone and you feel very upset, you could try calling a helpline. If you tell me what country you live in, I can link you to some or you can view my thread with the links, but that is UK only based.
You must remember anything you have heard about a 'global cataclysm', a 'global disaster' or any other scenario pertaining to 2012, such as the new age 'transformation' one, it is all complete BS. You can check NASA's informative website for assurance, and you can check the minor planets center website, which is based at Harvard University and allows you to track all objects in the solar system, from planets to asteroids to comets.
Nothing is going to happen, all the things proposed by the loonies are scientifically impossible.
Are you worried about anything in particular? If so tell me and I will do my damn best to debunk the crap out of it for you :)
I don't see riots happening at all. But what about lawsuits against the proponents? All those "2012 survival kits" that got sold to help people "survive" a total non-event sound like a basis for suing someone for fraud.
"The Universe is cool enough without making up crap about it". —Dr. Phil Plait
"If psychics are capable of seeing into the future—why the f**k can't they give us the score to next year's Super Bowl" —Denis Leary
@keith the gamer geek
All doomsayers should be charged for fraud.
In the same way McDonnald's doesn't get charged for making customers fat, doomsayers cannot get charged for scaring innocent people.
It's just bad propaganda, and unfortunately there is no law against that.
worried about more crazy americans with guns