I know the subject of religion might be a bit iffy, but I just wanted to get thoughts on this. I've been a Catholic for as long as I can remember, and despite knowing that "Only the Father knows the hour," I still get a bit nervous about this whole apocalypse thing. It even makes me question my own faith at times. I feel like a benevolent god(dess) of some religion could just make the world implode for not believing in it. It sounds very silly, but I don't know, it's just something I've thought about. I just want to know if any religious person (Christian or not) believes in all of this "end of the world" business.
I'm a Catholic too, born and raised. and my father knows a lot about our faith. He tells me Catholics do not believe in this stupid Doomsday. We believe that the Lord will come but no one knows when and it'll be like a thief in the night. But a lot of things need to happen before He returns. There needs to be a religion that is believed throughout the WORLD. That's one of the things that they say needs to happen and that's not even CLOSE to becoming true. But we definitely do not believe in 2012 or any other date people make up. Because they don't know. Plus, the Pope would have said something by now if it was something to worry about.
Edit:fixed spelling and added Pope reference
I just want to know if any religious person (Christian or not) believes in all of this "end of the world" business.
Actually, it wouldn't matter if they did, because nothing drastic is going to happen to the world!
I feel like a benevolent god(dess) of some religion could just make the world implode for not believing in it.
A "benevolent god(dess)" wouldn't do anything like that. He or She would be very kind and do good things. … That's what the word means :)
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This is what the Pope said in Dec. 2008 :-
Pope reassures that alarmist readings foretelling the end of the world are false
by Richard Owen in Rome, Times Online, December 15, 2008.
"The closing days of 2008 may be marked by floods, terrorism and global financial collapse - but Pope Benedict XVI has assured believers that the end of the world is not nigh.
"…the Pope said there had been "alarmism" about the end of the world since the days of St Paul, who in his Letter to the Philippians had told early Christians to rejoice because "The Lord is at hand" (Phil. 4:4-5). This had been wrongly taken to mean the imminent approach of the Last Judgement.
"St Paul had also made clear in his first letter to the Thessalonians that 'no-one can know the moment of the Lord's coming' (1 Thes. 5:1-2), the Pope said.
[also: Matt. 24:36 and Mark 13:32]
"Last year the Pope dismissed recurring "Messianical" predictions of the imminent end of the world, saying "history is ongoing, and involves human tragedies and natural calamities." He added, echoing Pope John Paul II, his predecessor, 'Do not be afraid'."
As at July 2012, the article is no longer on the Times-Online website.
i'm a catholic too,been in the seminary,and i'm not buying this doomsday talk at all..
just take a look the Pope,i think he is the most religious person in the whole church,he is the pope for G's sake..and i haven't heard any official declaration of "the end of the world" from the church..
-"It even makes me question my own faith at times. I feel like a benevolent god(dess) of some religion could just make the world implode for not believing in it"-
don't sweat it,the idea that our religion/faith is the only one true religion/faith in this whole damn world is silly as stupid it is!,oh believe me we've been talking a lot about that back in the seminary..there's a possiblity that we could've been wrong all along,that the catholic church and all of its christian products were not supposed to exist..considering that jesus was never ever ever ever ever ever said to "built my church on top this rock",it's all ficition,we don't know what really happened back then,it could be some sort of justification for the church existance..
the end the world?,
yeah sure sure..science told us,the end of the world would happen if we don't stop messing with the nature..
-and the priest i know also told me that.
science told us if everything went well,the end of the day will happen in billion of years from now..
-and another priest i know also give a speech about that
==>both priest were my senior back in the seminary,they're priest..both joined the jesuits..one of them a mathematician the other is a biologist….
so yes,i do believe in the end of the days..but not in 2012..
As a Christian I was taught nobody would know the date nor the hour of the return of Jesus(only the father).
I am Catholic too, we are not supposed to take revelations literally. It was written during the 1st century and was supposed to happen by the end of the 1st century, even the Pope has said this. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that "666" is simply a code referring to the Roman Emperor Nero and many religious historians agree. Here is a link to a good website that debunks all this stuff as well, even though they have a countdown clock for Friday…They are against it!…
Roman Catholics: The Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that the Seer — the author of Revelation — wanted to comfort Christians at a time of great peril: "The danger of apostasy was great. False prophets went about, trying to seduce the people to conform to the heathen practices and to take part in the Caesar-worship. The Seer urges his Christians to remain true to their faith and to bear their troubles with fortitude. He encourages them with the promise of an ample and speedy reward. He assures them that Christ's triumphant coming is at hand….With the coming of Christ the woes of the Christians will be avenged. Their oppressors will be given up to the judgment and the everlasting torments. The martyrs that have fallen will be raised to life, that they may share the pleasures of Christ's kingdom, the millennium….It would appear, and is so held by many that the Christians of the Apostolic age expected that Christ would return during their own lifetime or generation. This seems to be the more obvious meaning of several passages both in the Epistles and Gospels….The Christians of Asia Minor and the Seer with them, appear to have shared this fallacious expectation. Their mistaken hope, however, did not affect the soundness of their belief in the essential part of the dogma. Their views of a millennial period of corporal happiness were equally erroneous. The Church has wholly cast aside the doctrine of a millennium previous to the resurrection."
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
religious books were fictional books taken seriously by someone!
. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
I would actually consider myself spiritual but not religious actually.
True believer's know that nobody knows the day or hour. That's why I was always confuse about Camping.
What confused me even more is that soe people actually belived it.
As for 2012, I don't think there are very many among the doomsayers who use a religious justification, unlike countless Rapture predictions in the past. By and large, I usually see pseudoscientific claims like planetary collisions or pole switches or other such nonsense from proponents.
I'm Catholic and am still a tad bit nervous. But again, the bible, as innaccurate as it is, still has a few true lines. Such as "Only God knows when the world will end."
Simply no but there may be some crazies who found a bible code.
No man knows the day nor the hour when the world will end.
Become a debunker and help out those that are being fed up with lies spread by False scientists going after you'r money.
Practice what you want to and dont give up on you'r dreams my dream is to become a basketball player 'NBA'
I was born and raised southern Baptist.. and we were taught that no man, nor angels, nor even the son knows the day or hour the Lord will return. I live in a very small bible belt type town here in Louisiana, and if you don't believe in god, you might as well leave town. I used to call myself a Christian, but those hell fire type christians really put a sour taste in my mouth. They really made me hate religion, and Christianity. The most evil people i have encountered in my life, called themselves Christians. I guess i see myself more agnostic now.