Okay so I've been on this website for a while and am no way a troll. I would also like to let you know that I do not believe in the 2012 apocalypse whatsoever any more. I just had 1 of those hypothetical questions. so since the Maya were kind of located in Central America , would not mean that they would have set their so called apocalypse date to start when the central United States turns to that date? Just curious .
First off, I'll just say they predicted no Apocalypse, I can assure you of that. It's all over there in the links to the left of the screen.
The Mayan's thought their land was all there was, nothing more to the rest of the world, so taking other time zone into consideration would have never been within their calculations of when a new day starts. So technically, the 'Bak Tun' or Long Count Calendar as it really is, would typically end in their time within Central United States, yes. But they didn't predict any Apocalypse.
Notice how I said so called and hypothetical and I dont believe in it? I just wanTed ti know the time thing….thanks for telling me though-
Chiseling such magnificent pieces of art into stone had to be a laborious affair…
Could we really expect the Mayans would carve an infinite supply of stone calenders?
(One day, quite long ago - One Mayan turns to the other and says 'Guys - this is getting
boring. Let's all take a break, go to the ball-court and play a game of tiachtili'.)
…Enjoying games of sport more than carving tablets, they merely gave up the task.
hypothesis, fwiw.
Joe (Bigsky770)
So IF the Mayans did predict the end it would be the 21st in the US? But there are places that will be on the 22nd before we even hit the 21st. So wouldn't they have said between the 21-22?
You must understand the Maya had limitations. They didn't have the hours, minutes and seconds we use. The most logical thing is that the end of their calendar must be as soon as the sun rises in Mexico. Remember the Maya believed that a day was the period between the sunrise and sunset. Not between 00:00 and 23:59, like we are used to.