Natural Earth Processes
Statistics tell us that on *any day during the year there is a good chance that somewhere on Earth there will be *one or more* of these events :-
~ earthquakes of varying magnitude,
~ tsunami or tidal wave,
~ flood or storm surge or whirlpool,
~ hurricane or cyclone or typhoon,
~ major storm with snow or hail,
~ tornado or water spout,
~ sand storm or dust storm,
~ volcanic eruption,
~ sink hole or mine collapse,
~ avalanche or land slide,
~ freezing or very hot temperatures,
~ algal bloom or major pollution,
~ deaths of varying numbers of animals, including birds and mammals.
We cannot predict or forecast most of those things, but we do know there is a good chance that *one or more* might happen somewhere on Earth on any given day. So we shouldn't be surprised if one or more of those things happen on any particular day(s) in December. (Even the 21st!) It will just be the Earth doing its thing. It will always do its own thing no matter what its human inhabitants think. Also, we have no reason to expect that any particular day in December will have *zero natural disasters. If a natural disaster does happen it will be a "sign" of absolutely nothing, other than the Earth continuing as normal.