I have read online that the Mayan calendar has more than 13 baktuns that were just discovered recently (?) and that the cycle apparently continues longer. I have also read that there is only 13 much more often.. Either way, I know the cycle continues from start once it reaches it's end.. My question is, is there 13 baktuns, or is there more? o.O I'm so confused!!

. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
Ignore desmond. But the calender will start over, so yes it keeps going
Whaa whaa i'm just joking it's not ended hasn't it been proven a cruel LIE already?
. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
People are scared. you just keep posting dumb jokes that might freak people out who are having bad anxiety.
haha it's cool guys, don't worry about it.
I'm aware that it continues, but I would like to know how many baktuns there really are!
Well sorry NATEleg if i've *freaked you out
. Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
more than 13 baktuns that were just discovered recently
Not discovered, no. For a long time there was some debate over whether the current piktun ended after 13 or 20 b'ak'tuns, but more recently those studying it have been leaning towards 20.
Hear the music before the song is over…
Really! that's interesting, I have not heard that yet! can you point me in the direction of an article about this?
@ Nateleg: here is the website: http://phys.org/news/2012-06-maya-archaeologists-unearth-monument.html
"doing nothing is not an option"
It's beautiful <3.
Wow, that is so cool :).
This summer, they found a calendar that records 17 baktuns. Additionally, on the tomb of Pakal the great, there is a date that corresponds to over 4000 AD! So, what we can infer is the Mayans actually had a longer calendar and unequivocally that they did not believe in the end anytime soon. This makes the whole "the Mayan calendar ends" pseudo theory utter nonsense.
-History major UCLA
All knowledge comes from experience- John Locke
No calendar 'ends'. Our Gregorian calendar doesn't end on January 1st, it just moves the year into the next one, so on December 31st at midnight, the calendar will change the year to 2013, all you do is take down your 2012 calendar, and put a 2013 one up. The Mayan calendar system is no different, the Mayans just measured their time in a different way. A baktun would go the same way as a year, even if the Mayans stopped making calendars like that, which they did when the Spanish arrived and forced them to adopt a new timekeeping method. This doesn't mean the theory of it changed though, the Mayan tribes which made the calendar simply don't exist anymore sadly, but the baktun system simply carries on in the cycles it was intended to, which means baktun 13 becomes baktun 14 when that time period moves into the next. It's pretty simple really.