Ive noticed on the page 23/12/12 crop up, and the sun exploding, how sure are you that this wont happen, ive never felt so crap in my life, Admins must be getting sick of me, im a nervous wreck. Ive never been like this about anything in my life, id rather go dentist than tomorrow coming. How sure are you the doomtards are backpedling now. Panick attack after panick attack im having :(
There's even less reference to the 23rd, and the 21st didn't even have merit. Now it's nothing more than trolls trying to prolong fear and cause some discomfort from their computers.
Ade, you don't need to start a new thread to ask about something that's in another thread. Post your question there, it's literally two places down from this one.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Yes, how are we sure the Sun won't randomly explode, when the damn star has millions of years of its life cycle remaining?
How are we sure the doomies are back-pedaling, when there are already bullshit claims of the 'three days of darkness' falling over the 23rd-25th and some nebulous cataclysm happening then, when Geryl has moved the goalposts all the way to 2014, and when one of the most notable doomie sites has closed its doors to save its skin?
I'm terribly sorry, but do you read what you type sometimes?
Im in bits pal, cant eat not slept properly for days, trying to look after my girls, who have been told by their teacher nothing will happen, because kids have seen it on you tube as well from my daughters school, she aint botherd. Why has this effected me so bad is it because of the you tube videos i watched in summer, i cant believe im like this :(
I'm sure you're scared, I'm just trying to help keep the forum as tidy as possible (see-impossible) no offence intended, just try not to create so many threads when there are others with the same topic being actively discussed.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
How do you know the doomtards are now back peddling?
Because they admitted that the world won't end.
You need to calm down, this claim, like every other one, is total nonsense. If you're suffering panic attacks you need to speak to a doctor.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
Ade listen to me mate I want you to give this fella a call he is called Dinesh.
07500 147 238
he's from http://truthdisciples.hpage.com/
very helpful man tell him Michael Hargreaves recommended you he will help you best he can :)
nearly there pal and then saturday
Ive been physically sicks, it started getting bad sunday, now im a wreck, no proper sleep no food on my own with my kids, trying to be a father, this 21/12/12 has turned me rotten its tomorrow and i wont sleep again tonight i dont know what to do, i wantn to look forward to Christmas, but the way i am i just cant :(
Been doctors gave me antidepresion tablets, the leaflet said possible side effects of feeling worse and suicidal, i feel for the poor girl, or people who commited suicide over this, but i aint taking anti depression if they make me feel like that :(
You were given anti-depressants with side affects that include suicide?? I'm finding that a bit of a tough one to swallow to be completely honest. If you were given medication you must take it as your doctor instructed, if you don't then you're not even trying to help yourself.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
You were given anti-depressants with side affects that include suicide??
Some children and young adults may have increased rather than decreased likelihood of suicide while on antidepressants. Don't have any figures for what constitutes 'some' though, or what kind of medication.
Long story short, and this is where ade32 should make sure to read, is that this is a matter for your Doctor, not for the Internet. If you've been prescribed medication, you've been prescribed it by the person who would know you better than any of us ever will. If you aren't satisfied with their reasoning, take it up with them or another Doctor.
Actually they sometimes do. I'm not sure about here in the UK, but in the US I think pretty much all antidepressants carry that warning, but usually referring to people under 24.
But despite that, yes… you were given those for a reason. If you have concerns about them, go back and talk to your doctor about it, don't just ignore his or her advice.
Hear the music before the song is over…
I'm very surprised by that, but oh well, now I know, cheers guys. My bad ade.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
I'm on anti-depressants. I have been since forever. But now, I don't let this doomsday crap get to me.
After this blows over and Saturday comes in (which it will), talk to your doc about your panic attacks. I used to have them in the worse way, but found out I had a Magnesium deficiency. Every since taking those, working out, and meditation (doesn't have to have anything to do with anything new agey or religious) my life has improved 10 fold. Not saying that's what is going on with you, but just letting you know that there is always really good hope that you'll get on better ground, mentally. It's hard to see that now, especially in the midst of this 2012 scare, which isn't anything, but you'll get there. In fact, I would say a run is in good order, even today.
they are only possible side effects, not guaranteed ones, sometimes we all a little help and if talking isnt helping maybe tablets will.
i am scared too but i have to keep myself together for my kids.
the strange thing is the more you "act" normal, the more things "feel" normal
bison2uk I would to thank you, I took some comfort, he explained a great deal to I would definently recomned to any one, I try to take comfort typing on a computer but somtimes its better to talk, hde sounded like he new his stuff, things would be happening if it was is really as the as he doomtards say, i live near the coast and he said i would be under water by. im not feeling like im properly there yet, but as he said things will be happenening now. bit of a way to go, but i think i will.
dude relax nothing is happening. …