I spend most of my time on tumblr (sad, I know) and I've seen several posts from Aussies and New Zealanders (is that what they're called?) about blue lights in the sky, sirens and noises in general and animals going insane. Someone even posted a picture, I'll try to provide a link. The thing is, you can never know if tumblr users are actually serious or just playing a big prank on us because, well, it's TUMBLR to put it simply.
So my question here is, all you guys living in areas where it's already the 21st, what is ACTUALLY going on? I figured there would be some serious people on this site, plus I've never seen anyone troll here.
I'm not australian, but we have plenty of australians and new zealanders who would have told us if something wrong were happening. But according to what they say, nothing wrong is going on there.
Edit: and… here is a thread by an australian.
ghostproofpanicroom . tumblr . com/post/38382936940/guys-loks-out-side-it-sa-blue-omf-gimma-die-its
It is this post. You can't see where the blue light is coming from since it's cloudy and I'm worried it might actually be Nibiru or Planet-x or some kind of planet anyway because it looks like it is cut off in a circular shape (I didn't phrase that properly, observe the right side and you'll probably understand).
Apparently it has freaked a lot of people out, but what I don't get is how could a planet appear just like that out of the blue. I checked the night sky every damn night, I even observed it carefully when there were no clouds a couple of days ago in broad daylight while i was at school where pretty much the entire is sky is visible and not blocked by trees or buildings.
This is wrong, like, it's not scientifically possible. I am terrified.
Here we go…
Debunkers…. at your stations…
Looks like someone needs batman to me.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
you can't be serious right?
how any of you guys think those pictures like mean the planet has arrived just pisses me off i swear do you know how many people on this site are actually scared and to post s@@@ like that really gets me going
So do we actually know what the second picture is?
First one looks like a frame of video, I could whip that up in After Effects in about 10 minutes.
Second one at 1296x864 (3:2) looks like a capture from a movie, probably a DVD.
Both probably from movies, for that matter.
Hear the music before the song is over…
If that meant something important, it would be already all over the news. I checked News.com.au, and there is nothing related to doomsday there. Relax. If this were important, it would be all over the news.
it might actually be Nibiru or Planet-x
No. I can't see it from where I live and it would be visible from everywhere. ;-)
I believe the first picture with the spiral was from another time, Betting £5 it's an Excuse for HARRP
It is. I remind seeing it a few months ago.
What was it? Really does scare me when a rumour pops up…
Nibiru(planet x) was debunked ages ago xD.
People seriously fearing Nibiru huh?
It would of been visible ages ago, but know that darn planet wants to pop up out of the blue on the 21st :P
lol the link don't work…go figure. Is this a trolly? Oh and by the way other countries have been on the 21st for MANY hours now and they see nothing. I guess it's an Australian thing.
You just remove the spaces, not that hard to figure out and the site wouldn't actually let me post a link because of low karma or some shit.
Given the abysmal quality of the text in that post and others like it, the fact that the 'Apocalypse Liveblog' subpage was last updated several hours ago, and the fact that the author is randomly reblogging pictures of Dr. Who, I'd say it's a fairly obvious act of leg-pulling.
So what's the first photo of? I ain't believing this Nibiru(planet x) because it looks more like a plane had fun in the sky.
A spiral *Cough*NWO*Cough*
Wasn't the first photo (spiral) from quite awhile ago when a missile test spun out of control? Either that or ps. if real, it would be on the news.
So I did research on this, that was an Anomaly in Norway in 2009 when russian Missles failed.
I think this is what the image is refering too.