I just want tomorrow to come and go I know I will be unable to sleep tonight. I'm so scared of what might happen,I don't want my children to be left alone if something should happen to me first. My 11 year old has been crying all day because she doesnt want to die. I'm starting to consider doing something really stupid. I'm sorry to sound so crazy but I really don't know what to thuink anymore. I feel sick and Im shaking . I havent even told my Mum I love her and I may never see her again. I know I'm not making any sense but I came across this site and I just want someone to talk to
Go to bed with music in your ears. On a high volume. Also turn on the TV while trying to sleep.
Always works!
Just remember, nothing is going to happen! Even the doomsayers say that its a mistake and nothing is going to happen.
(I forgot the sources. Maybe someone can provide a link?)
Just relax. Nothing will happen. Think realistic. How is it possible, a world cant end just like that!
Especially not in ONE day.
Thats just..impossible. Especially without any scientific proof.
Have you read all the write ups on this site?? Read them. They help. Even the overcoming fear articles help
Read the posts ppl have made, all logical answers. I used to be worried but now I could care less, I'm so happy rational thinking has decided to come back to me lol
Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Russia, India are all already living Friday 21st. Nothing extraordinary happening there AFAIK.
I'm in Finland and Friday 21st is literally 2 minutes away :-) Am I worried one bit? No.
You shouldn't too. Just another day coming on, and soon it'll be Christmas.
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
And now it's 21st in finland everything is normal.
For the sake of your children, calm the hell down!! They are crying because you are upsetting them. You need to be strong for their sake if not your own.
First: As already stated - If at anytime you feel as though you're going to harm yourself or others - SEEK
PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE. What is needed beyond our capabilities (here) 1:1 counseling with something
more tangible provided.
Second: As stated by others as well as myself before, there's allot of unscrupulous individuals out there
for any number of reasons 'pushing' the entire '2012 meme'. It is an illusion. A chimera. Once the light of
rational reason shown - all your fears will evaporate as the morning mist gives way to sunshine.
Third: Take a lesson from those of us whom have faced our fears and survived - We all have them, its'
entirely normal to feel fear, though such a terrible wrong to succumb to it. Once understood, you'll rather
find yourself angry at the purveyors of such nonsense.
One-by-one (if you read this site carefully) you'll find all those stupid claims shown for what they are, a
misinterpretation of data, misapplied faulty sciences, shoe-horned-to-fit perspective (ad infinitum) - You
must let this crap go. For yourself & your children - PLEASE. k?
Joe (Bigsky770)
Mercian, nothing is going to happen. It was all made up by frauds and crackpots. Not a single scientist on Earth agrees with the doomies. It is all made up of preposterous impossible scenarios. You are letting this take over your life and terrify your children. Please try to calm yourself and think about this logically. No scientist has ever said the world was going to end. There were no predictions of it either until the scam artists invented them.
There isn't a single thing occurring that is out of the ordinary, and NOTHING that could cause the world to end. It is all lies to make money selling their 2012 junk As soon as tomorrow passes and we are still here, the doomtards will start on their next doomsday prediction. It's a business for them. Nobody is going to die aside from the usual number of illnesses and accidents because it's going to be a perfectly normal day. You will wake up on Saturday and find the world still going on as usual.
omg im in tears reading your post,me and my 11 year old son have gone through exactly the ssme thing but its all over now hun,im in the uk it was supposed to happen over here at 11.11am…its now nearly 2pm all is good please dont do anything silly,show your daughter this post and the others,it will honestly be ok me and my son hugged each other in tears this morning because it is all over,he only told me this morning he couldnt sleep all last night and stayed awake cos he was terrified,please please show this to your daughter(((((hugs))))) xx michelle xx and listen to others on this site cos they ARE telling the truth xx
Oh no! please don't do anything stupid…everything is going to be fine I can promise you this, please tell your kid that its all going to be fine. I have a great article that you can read if you like? I am sure it will steady you? please feel free to send me a private message if you prefer.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Get professional help immediately. I am not kidding. If your child is crying it is because you have allowed your fears to be projected upon her. And if you are thinking about doing "something really stupid" you are also projecting that upon her. So for the sake of your children get help now. Get some family members over to your place and let them watch your kids. You are not doing any favors to yourself or your children right now.
it's in the papers,on tv and the net it's not just me! she's as worried about it as I am
The only mention I am seeing of any of this doomsday garbage in any local or national media outlet is in jest at the morons that make this doomsday nonsense up.
Mercian, they are making jokes about it on TV. No one is taking it seriously because it's pure horse manure. I have children and grandchildren. If there were any possibility of any of the claims being true, I would be with them, not sitting at the computer trying to help you and the few others who are worried.
i agree with johnny don't do anything stupid now everything is completly normal
I've been trying to but I just cant,I don't want my children to suffer im so scared.
If you cannot get help then at least get some part of your family to be around you and your kids. Nothing will happen today or tomorrow or any other day. But if you are in this bad of shape you need to make sure you don't "do anything stupid." Being around family will help if you cannot get professional help.
There is absolutely no reason to be in fear over this nonsense. It is all a lie.
Hi there, seriously you've got nothing to worry about, think of this: earth and the universe will never give anyone a doomsday, cause it does not work like that, it never has, and never will.
Doomsday promoters that pushed this crap for years are admitting it was a mistake, and they are starting to back out of it. So far, everything in Melbourne is looking perfectly normal, nothing weird going on at all :)
Here on the left read it.
We have debunked every single doomsday claim possible
There is nothing whatsoever that can make this 2012 possible. It is all fake.
Every single doomsday failed.
Even the doomtards are now backpeddaling that they did not believe it anyway.
Please please dont do anything stupid, You have children, I promise you things will be fine, as normal as any other day, This site has everything covered on the left hand side - Read through them, you will see that every possible scenario has be de-bunked, Avoid any site, social media, and you tube that could increase you anxiety, There are always people on this site to help and answer any questions you may have, Please reassure your little girl that she will be fine, I know that seems very hard when your scared yourself but she needs her mum to be strong, please stay strong sweetheart stay on here, watch your fave movie, and please dont do anything stupid i promise all this hoax will be over soon and you can enjoy Christmas with your family. x
I absolutely agree with this post. I was terrified myself, but these nice people helped me realize it was a hoax. Tonight i am spending time with my boyfriend with a nice take out and watching my fav tv programe, Supernatural :D
Get professional help immediately. I am not kidding. If your child is crying it is because you have allowed your fears to be projected upon her. And if you are thinking about doing "something really stupid" you are also projecting that upon her. So for the sake of your children get help now. Get some family members over to your place and let them watch your kids. You are not doing any favors to yourself or your children right now.
I completely agree please listen and take on board what Johnny has said.
If you're thinking of doing something stupid, please take your children to a trusted family member or friend - ask them to watch your children, and drive yourself for immediate professional medical help. Severe anxiety and suicidal thoughts are not to be taken lightly. When you start having those thoughts in your head, you need to seek help for the sake of your children. There are professionals who can talk you down, and medications they can give you to reduce anxiety. Your children should not have to see you in such a state. It will only play on their psyche… and make them fearful and worried. Please seek help. You don't want to hurt yourself or your children over a hoax… please, if you really feel you may do something stupid, call a friend to watch your children and either call the police or go to a hospital.
If you will not seek help, please read all the links to the left and my page which is not linked… http://www.2012hoax.org/andrea-m
These pages will tell you everything you need to know about WHY you don't need to be worried.
You've come to the right person Mercian Phoenix. I used to be scared to die. I dreaded death after the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers. And this site helped me cure that certain fear. So far this day has passed with nothing weird going on. and it's going to still be like that on the 21st; so you don't have to worry because they're isn't any proof.
Oh my God.
This is one of the worst posts I have read.
It really pulls me up short- reading about young teenagers being frightened, adults being concerned, people being genuinely frightened…
But this is unbelievable…
I feel for you, I really do.
But you are not alone.
This site is a God send- literally.
People out there are taking advantage of people's fears, insecurities and downright scaring people because they hide behind media and Internet and don't think or care how it affects people.
I am scared- but more of me is logical- only because I have spoken to my friends and boyfriend about this.
There is NOTHING wrong will telling someone you're frightened about tomorrow. I'd rather be stupid for being frightened than be stupid for scaring people.
This sounds so stupid but…
As the song goes;
Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be.
Listen to the little bit of logic-
If tomorrow does end the way we dread, we are in it together. Family and friends. But why would you take that chance and do something silly tonight when you have absolutely no guarantee the end is nigh?
Please don't be afraid of being afraid.
Call a help line- in the UK we have The Samaratins…
it's still not the 21st here yet,I know I sound like a mad woman I'm going through the articles one by one..
Mercian, where do you live? Think about this- NOTHING can happen scientifically in this little amount of time. Absolutely nothing. No comets, no asteroids, no solar flares … NOTHING. It's too late now for anything to happen. Scientifically, things can't just happen out of the blue. Think about it. There's no logic.
so it's almost the 21st there, right? Try to relax and go to sleep. You'll wake up and it will be a great day!
I'm in the UK as well. Honestly, don't panic. I let the fear grip me and now i'm stuck in a mental health clinic for self harm. You have to be strong for your kids and you have to know that nothing is going to happen.
I'm in Finland and it is already Friday 21st here, exactly 00:41 now (I really should go to bed!)…
Minus 15 degrees Celsius outside (nice and crispy), dark (obviously, because it's night), quiet.
And I'm changing the tv channels between Smallville and a Finnish version of Cops… :-)
So absolutely nothing out of the ordinary going on in here.
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
Have you noticed that there are a lot of people that actually care for you?
Strange people from all of the world that actually do care about you being scared.
Isn't this wonderful?
And a lot of those people were scared once too.
But overcame the care and became wonderful debunkers. And so could you.
Hi all Ive just joined this site and from the u.k,I have read a lot of the de-bunking over the past few months and I totally agree this absolutely isn't going to happen,I myself at one time was scared as I have young children till I discovered this site but haveing read the INFO on the left I soon dismissed every doomsday sceniaro I must say well done to the guys who created this site and have stood up for the the many amounts of scared people who write in the forums JOB WELL DONE GUYS:)Those that have familys the 21st will come and go concentrate on having a lovely day with your kids this includes you Mercian please do nothing stupid I was alarmed when I read that post -,ring family to be around you if its to much or someone close to you.I was once like you till I joined this site scared witless but now with a bit of common sense and a lot of reading I myself would de-bunk all this nonsence