Well i was thinking about admins of this site etc, and the maker of it "2012hoax" is barely ever online, and the night most of all everyone would be worrying who is like me, yet not many people are online to help..
Are you joking? The forum is absolutely packed and there are a good few of us here trying to answer whatever we can.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
i know, but i mean i don't see many people on at this time, its maybe have about 10 people on or so
Aren't 10 people enough to answer your questions? I'm falling asleep in my chair because I stayed up until about 4 AM answering here. I'm hoping that 2012Hoax is on our Facebook page since we've been having a lot of posts there and I haven't been able to get away from here to see if they're getting answers. When I came back on here after sleeping a few hours, I had 1649 new posts, and it's just increasing.
The EOTW definitely is NOT real. There is nothing at all that could end the world at this time or in the foreseeable future.
Well I am living in a country that has already moved to Dec 21st, and there isn't much worth mentioning happening here (I'm in Finland).
All of New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, India, Russia, Eastern Europe, Middle East are also already living the 21st.
And it is already 12:00 or so in New Zealand…
One's convictions should be proportional to one's evidence. - Sam Harris
yes, i live in uk and in nearly mid-night, however nothing will "aparently" happen untill 11:11am in UK for me…
"Nothing" will happen at any time you choose. It's very good at that.
Nothing's happening right now, in fact.
I really wish people would forget about the 11:11 crap, not only is the 21st of December a complete fabrication, 11:11 is a whole other complete fabrication. The two are in no way related, other than being thrown together by imbeciles.
It's gone midnight in the UK now - tada! You survived, go to bed.
Hear the music before the song is over…
As ridiculous as it might seem, for those worrying (like myself) the 11:11 thing kind of eases our or at least my mind. I haven't heard of this until today and it really has given me a sense of calm for the moment and I will easily be able to go about my day when that time passes.
I understand that, I really do.
But my point is: 11:11 is meaningless, there's no reason whatsoever to use it. If you want a time where you can breathe a sigh of relief and tell yourself it's all over, just pick a time. Any time at all. That time that you choose will have just as much meaning. In fact, probably more meaning because you'll be making a conscious decision to start getting over it all.
And if you make it really early in your day, all the better - go to bed right after!
Hear the music before the song is over…
Some of us are also working on last minute things for the semester, so the time here is limited to quick check ins to see what I can do to help with a few spare minutes that I have.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
I've been here almost 24/7 for the past 3 days. Astro is busy doing interviews and such. Nothing is happening, and the doomsayers are giving up.
We've just added patrick geryl to the list, he's shut his YouTube channel down.
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
Nothing is going to happen. The Admins have lives too. This site is to calm fears, they did it with no profitable gain, they've done more than I could have, and on their own accord. Either way, they are here and answer when they can. Theyre not gonna run off. Nothing out of the norm will happen, except alot of people will feel stupid.(Doomtards)
Just posted this from my ps3 and at that time there were no responses…maaaaan
add me Matt-Iz-16 (16 cuz i was tht old when i made account, lol)
Not looking good for the doomsayers………….got to be feeling the pressure right about now.
The time is nigh when the doomtards and troll lose the attention they had at this very moment.
From being worshipped to being ignored and even laughed at.
Out of 1 million how confident are you we will be enjoying Christmas and laughing at the doomtards?
Ditto, one million. All's well here, the animals are happily playing, the weather's seasonable, the earth
is still and the moon looks pretty. :)
What more to say?
Joe (Bigsky770)
If you was refering to obaeyens, he acctually said 1 billion
Ade32 maybe you are not realzing it, but all doomtards are back peddling and removing their youtube clips and alter their doomday sites. The people here are not back peddling. We are not altering claims.
That is because we were right all the time; Epic failure for the 2012 doomsday.
Evidence on the left
Somebody told me that it was UTC time because they only judged on he sunrise etc they seen, So technically it's not the 21st yet.
I am so scared and worried.
Acctually, every contry has different time zones, so yes, some are 21st now, however the world is "claimed" to end at 11:11am in the UK, so, UK 11:11AM, work out the time for your contry using a time zone list online. working out how many hours behind/infront UK are infront of you, and then you will find your answer to what time "aparently" it will end.
That's numerology and it hasn't one shred of proof behind it. It is also irrelevant to the Mayans.
I thought that was on the calendar. Oops… So its like the 12/12/12 thing huh? Idiotic. Either way I know the calendar has nothing to do with the end of the world. This is all too much stupid to keep up with…
11:11 was chosen because the doomsayers thought that's when the solstice is, but it's actually at 11:12. However it doesn't matter because they're all giving up!!! When the doom leaders throw in the towel, it's over. It was their ideas, NOT the Mayans!!
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
This is ridiculous, was it not meant to be 9:11pm? That is what i have heard, where did the 11:11 prediction come from? :S
where did the 11:11 prediction come from?
This. The 9:11 you heard was probably derived from that.
Hear the music before the song is over…
Might start here.
This is ridiculous, was it not meant to be 9:11pm? That is what i have heard, where did the 11:11 prediction come from? :S
See, you heard 9:11, others have heard its 11:11…does this not go to show what a jumbled mess of crap this all is and has been since the beginning?
A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
I am in the U.S. (EST) and heard it would be 6:12am … it's 9:50pm right now …
Anyways, last year during the "2011 Rapture", Mr. Camping told us it would be at 6 pm and that time came and went.
I am not a Scientist and/or Historian but I considered myself pretty well educated and I do not believe the Mayan's had watches/clocks and the only way they told "time" was based on the sunrise & sunset. Many many things have changed since the Mayan's created this calendar, including leap year, time zones, etc.
Will I be worried until 6:12am? Probably. Will I be worried all day? Probably … but I will not let my worry get the best of me. I think it's best to go about your day as normal as possible and when you lay down to go to bed at night you will know you'll wake up to the sunshine, or in my case, a predicted snow storm!
its a11am on Saturday the 22nd now in NZ and beautiful day out…
I see stupid people…
Thanks to everyone who tryed to help me get over the fact the world wont end, and i feel 200x better than i did last night, many thanks to all who helped, i apriciate it all!