Soooo anybody got popcorn and some soda?:) It starts at 8PM.
Im not watching that bullshit. history channel is just cashing in on peoples fears.
I'm never giving them my patronage again. Bunch of sellouts and sleazebags.
Ah, history. I'll probably pass over this little thing, probably going to be busy tomorrow. Got cleaning to do, college classes need to get picked, and a few other things. Wonder how they'll react when the inevitable nothing happens.
I have this slight feeling that all of their 2012 related productions will be removed from their catalog entirely. Their catalog has encompassed many ridiculous things, including as I mentioned long long ago, a show that had presented Merlin as being a title given to prophets (which were portrayed as stereotypical "weird foreigners" with black beards, wild hair, and basic tattered clothing) and these prophets apparently predicted 2012.
I also vaguely remember in my World History class in 2008 someone mentioning that Hermes (the greek god) had apparently told someone that the world would end in 2012. Ok… heh
I also vaguely remember in my World History class in 2008 someone mentioning that Hermes (the greek god) had apparently told someone that the world would end in 2012. Ok… heh
Oh…..okay, I never had someone say this in any history class. That came out randomly.
I don't think the History Channel would say that it's going to end tomorrow … their specials are about questioning it and not giving a full answer … however I think the way they go about their shows is geared towards making people panic more. I am not watching it and haven't watched any of their Armageddon specials because I attempted to watch one once and the first 5 min were so dumb I had to change the channel
haha yes - which you have to PURCHASE … nice
I watched like 2 minutes worth of that worthless production. One of the lines that I heard went something like this: "Many scientists will say that the Mayans knew nothing of our leap year, but you are missing the point!" What was your point? That the fact that the Mayans said nothing of our leap year meant nothing? I can't wait until tomorrow morning!
…And History Channel now playing 'Pawn Stars'
If the History Channel really believed the world was going to end they wouldn't schedule programming for Saturday.
They do it for money people.
Do you know how many people probably watched this show because of the 'fear' that they along with others generated? I mean seriously, take a step back and look at the actual events and it is pretty easy to see they did it for the cash.
Can't blame them, but I sure hope they didn't cause someone to commit suicide over this terrible hoax. Smh
History Channel has new line-ups for next MONDAY. I think I saw a new preview for the next "American Pickers" I think that's on monday or tuesday of NEXT WEEK… lol.
They even didn't believe the crap they sold.
Anybody want to sign a petition to get Brad Meltzer banned from TV? lol I hate that punk.
He seems like he's a scumbag.