We're only a mere few hours away from when the great space cat Garblagh will decend from the sky on his mystical milk saucer and…blah blah blah, I bet I could make a good doomsdayer.
All kidding aside though, I'm here to take a consensus(sp?) on something.
For a short bit, I got caught up in the 2012 anxiety, but through rationality I've overcome the biggest fear of it all (aside form that one part of my brain that's just hanging in there, like a bad gremlin)
I'm less afraid of what will happen to the earth, rather than it's people. I see this 'Doomsday' to be an excuse for people to commit henious acts because 'The end is here, what have I got to lose?" I'm 22, and a pretty lax person for the most part, but some of the things I've been hearing people talk about have turned my beard gray, from "I need to drown my animals to spare them" to "I just want to end my life and not have to deal with this"
My curiousity is this: Do you think a portion of people (bigger than the norm) will do something dumb today because it's the 'end'? IE: commiting a crime they always wanted to, 'saving' themselves or their family from suffering a polar rotation or the moon from Majora's mask slamming into the earth?
If my question is vague, or I'm posting in the wrong place, my apologies ahead of time!