Hi, I posted about my concern a month ago and this website helped me a lot, I could go through the whole month without panic and ll thanks to you. Right now, however, my whole life seems to have been suspended in a moment of deep sadness and fear… since yesterday I've been suffering from a lot of anxiety. I tried going out and distracting myself and all that, but when it is dark… I can't control myself, to make it worse my boyfriend had a coorporate party and he came home very very drunk. I feel alone and devastated because that's when I needed him most, but also I feel very scared that I might not live to see him sober up again… As a matter of fact all I can do now is cry and tremble and check the news in Australia to see if they made it through… But I am just so scared to go sleep and never wake up again!! I tried to be rational, but what's with those photos going round???? and the Rabi group on youtube spreading things about the torah saying it's the end of times???? I don't know what o do… I even considered suicide…
In the dark, scared to death and alone...