that is something that worries me now.. I heard something about them having that.
bleh, why worry about that right now.
It seems like something that could possibly happen :/
Not anytime soon, and if they did the whole world would be on them.
They can't reach the US, they don't have the capability to do so…If, I say if they are able to reach the west coast, North Korea would be turned to ashes in seconds.
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
well that's a bit more reassuring. I just saw something on the internet (bad idea, as always) that struck me and I thought, oh god, that is a very real fear. so I got a rush of anxiety and freaked a bit D;
I heard something on the news a few weeks ago about them shooting something but saying it was just a friendly satellite.
North Korea says it was just a satellite, but it was most likely testing their long range missile capabilities (which they have been doing for years). Every country had told them not to test it but they went ahead and did it anyways. China, their #1 ally has warned them as well as Russia and the US.
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray and those that cannot connect the dots, hey look the other way. People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all ~ John Mellencamp
If the whole world is on North Korea, then I'm sure we don't have to worry so much. plus, I mean, it's North Korea..They're not too far along, are they. Thanks for helping out guys, I feel better about that , like instantly..
I hope we're okay for later times!!
Stop looking for something to be afraid of, for goodness sake.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
actually, you're completely right, Gary.. that's all I'm doing, now that I think about it. Thank you!
Yeah like Korea will nuke America in the next few hours…theres a higher chance of us entering a war in the next few hours than WW3 happening :) you should enjoy the day man since there is no doomsday today !
The one who knows when to fight..will be victorious ! - Sun Tzu
For The Freedom and Honor of the fatherland ! - Serbian motto.