Here is a quote from, hint, a source worth listening to.
Castillo used a "Calcium K" (CaK) filter that passes light from singly-ionized calcium in the sun's atmosphere. CaK filters are excellent detectors of magnetic froth—the bubbly, turbulent sea of magnetism that surrounds many large sunspot groups.
See that? "Surrounds many large sunspot groups."
As for the thread you're asking about, as per usual that crowd of hysterical whack jobs are saying this has some relation to magnetic bubbles found by the voyager probe. Magnetic froth on the sun somehow correlates to magnetic bubbles way out there in space. Once again, it's the "find a non-existent connection then declare doom" approach. It's total nonsense. Why are you listening to GLP and cranks like Pane Andov? These people are idiots, ignore them.