I feel a lotmore at ease now the 11:11 went past, thge day is sunny and dry in the part of the UK where I am, although rain is forcasted tomorrow, however the news were at the Hill side in france, and when 11:11 went past, well even the news readers and roving reporter laughed and questioned if the engines had broken down jokingly. Then shown the Mayans in Mexico celebrating there calender, nothing happend there or any where on our earth, These doomtards need locking up like they did in China, they caused people to commit suicide. people like myself and so many any to live in fear for todays date, thanks to some one on here last night they gave me a number and it eased my fears a lot more. I have been through so much fear this week, and thoughts, not of suicide like all the other poor people. Thoughts like, what if the doomtards are right, what if the debunkers, the goverment, nasa and David Morrison are wrong, i had visions in my head holding my children through today being the end. How ever, Nasa, David Morrison and the Debunkers were right. :)
it is 11:11 in the US as i write this, no doomsday is happening.
I do Odo, when I seen the modern Mayans celebrating i was happy for them, when i seen no ufos come out of a mountain in france i lauged.
Today was what doomtards set and time and its gone it wasnt what the Mayans said after all, i never want to come across another doom video on you tube again in my life, what are the doomtards doing now I wonder? I love the Debunkers, I Love Nasa and I Love David Morrison, and Brian Cox, please just tell me this is what they set as the end 11:11 time ive heard a few other times, but the main one was 11:11.
i never want to come across another doom video on you tube again in my life
They will be back.
And you will be one of the people fighting these doomtards because you have become an expert in debunking them. ;-)
I thought it was all day the threat, I was asking myself how would i cope friday not knowing when it would happen then i learned 11:11 as it passed i felt more chilled, why did say 11:11 though? I hate those nasty doomtards so much, and learning that they have made money putting fear into people and causing death I ask who these people are?
I think for the doomtards it's an all the time threat, i think they just hang around and wait for a coincidental date to hang their predictions on!! haha, when I was discussing this date with my father a couple weeks ago he told me he remembered doomsday dates from when he was in school..so unfortunately they won't go away but hopefully we all learn to ignore them, they kind of remind me of those people you see on the side of the road with the signs around their neck saying jesus is coming, funny thing is they are there everyday!!! It's like they say to themselves, dang didn't happen today but there's always tomorrow!! haha
Actually it is based on the Mayan 11:11. The calendar will restart in about 6 minutes. It is about 10:05 where I live, and I go by mountain time. The time for the Yucatan Peninsula is exactly one hour ahead. In fact, the Mayans never actually had a specific hour that their calendar would restart. Even if they did, it would be nothing to worry about. I think their calendar was supposed to restart at sunrise this morning. About 6:30 time for the Yucatan Penninsula
It's now after 11:11 in Chicago. Same time zone as the Mayans, I believe. Heh.
I believe so. Even if the Mayans never said anything about the 11:11 thing though, I believe it was supposed to start at sunrise this morning.