1ST: Never believe the end of the world hoax unless there is sum "TRUE REAL" data backing it up and u can see for yourself also hope this got people into space more learning astronomy and all about space and about the Mayan culture more. I never believe it from day one since i heard about it years ago i study up on it saw right off the bat it was wrong there was no data backing it all up plus i study astronomy so help me out on it as well but i hope everybody has a great holiday weekend and wanna say thank you to the people who help made this site and people ran it answer questions to help calm people and let them see the real truth
They did not learn in 2000 and will not learn now.
No man knows the day nor the hour when the world will end.
Become a debunker and help out those that are being fed up with lies spread by False scientists going after you'r money.
Practice what you want to and dont give up on you'r dreams my dream is to become a basketball player 'NBA'
Much of this generation (the ones who were too young to remember Y2K) did learn from 2012. I'm more worried about the ones who are now only 4 or 5 years old, too young to even remember this year in the future.
Notice how doomsayers pick dates more than 10 years in the future. People who are little kids now will be teeneagers when the next doom-crap comes up.
I think it will take years before 2022 till a new doomsday "prediction" comes into play. That is just how doomsayers work. After one failed date, they claim that the last date was a coincidental mistake.
It seems to me that doomsday claims are an ongoing scam, especially now we have Youtube which was not around in 2000. Since 2000, and apart from 2012 we also had the "Planet X/Nibiru Pole Shift" in 2003, Harold Camping's two failures last year and Comet Elenin, also last year. Additionally there have been all kinds of claims on Youtube, sometimes with variations on those and sometimes entirely different claims that haven't had as much publicity.
For 2013, we already have claims being made about asteroid 2012 DA14 in February, Comet Pan-STARRS in March and Comet ISON in November, with some claiming that either of those comets is "really Nibiru," as they did with Elenin. It's thought that ISON will be very bright indeed, possibly as bright as the full moon and if (quite a big "if") it does turn out to be that bright, the doomsday nutters will have a field day I reckon. They went nuts over Elenin and that one wasn't even visible to the naked eye.
Many people who were scared by the 2012 claims will have learned not to be fooled by the doomsday peddlars, but there are still some out there who are easily fooled and plenty more who actually want doomsday. For example, a glance at the posts on Patrick Geryl's Facebook page shows that.
Pobody's nerfect