I still cannot get over the fact that after 40+ years, the 2012 doomsday hoax is laid to rest. I really hope this website stays up.
Me too, Just so everyone can have a reminder to not believe in any bs that will most certainly come in the future. I used to have extremely severe anxiety about this issue; it clouded my judgement and disabled me from doing many things that I love. But thanks to all the wonderful, kind, and generous people here, I managed to overcome it very quickly. Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year!
actually, yesterday was only the begining of the end. it is no hoax! although the world never ended yestrday, the revelations from the bible just began comming true yesterday. the world will now end in about 2020. the bible prophecies are coming true! the end is near!
everyone can have a reminder to not believe in any bs that will most certainly come in the future
See bibleboy67's post for an example.
Hear the music before the song is over…
Oh, shut up, bibleboy.
you must ask for forgivness before its too late! the bible wanred us!
the bible wanred us!
And I warn you: it won't take too much until you are blocked from this site.
Why wait Tomy? He's obviously a troll.
And not very original either.
Obaeyens already did it, just seconds before me. :-)
Shut up doomtard. You are a troll and idiot. The Bible specifically says that "no one knows, except god, when judgement day will take place"
hun, the bible prophecies are bull horsepocky.
Christ said to his disciples, and I quote: "No one knows the day nor hour. Not the angels in heaven, nor the son. only God the father. Be on guard! Be Alert! for you do not know when that day will come".
Christ wasn't a liar. Christ didn't say, "no one will know the day nor hour (unless you're really good at math and can find the hidden code)" there are no hidden codes as God's word was for EVERYONE.
to say you know the date is to say Christ was a liar. if you think Christ was a liar, or at the very least hiding God's true word in secret codes that only certain people can decipher, then why are you following the bible prophecies since you're going against the bible's teachings anyway?
Bible prophecies… always wrong and the bible itself is a contradictory mess. And where do people get bible prophecies anyways? By misinterpreting certain verses that have already been mistranslated over the years. This is why exactly I am not religious or even identify as such. I used to be a Catholic, but now I'm agnostic. The current pope is a douche anyways… he gave his blessing to a certain Ugandan lawmaker. At any rate, learn something bibleboy… maybe learn something from Harold Camping. Even he threw in the towel and gave up on predicting.
I can't believe that it is over also! When I first heard about this awful con job, I felt totally sick. I couldn't watch the history channel anymore. Thankfully, this site made me less afraid of these stupid doomsday predictions, and now it is all over. If this site didn't exist, I would have probably cried my eyes out on Thursday night because of intense fear. Oh well, it is now over!