Someone on twitter was making smart remarks about how the world is really supposed to end in 2016. Is this true? I know it sounds silly, but I have a bad anxiety problem, and every time I'm worried about something, its to the 10th degree. Please help me like you guys always do. Thanks!
Generic answer for generic claim:
2012 is a hoax. 2016 is a hoax.
It's probably overly optimistic of me to expect anybody to learn from this.
…every time I'm worried about something…
Why worry about the ravings of insane crackpots on the Internet?
The answer will always be: No, the world can't end.
The answer will always be: These people have proven time in time on time again that everything they predict fails.
Can something bad happens to parts of the world? Yes, natural things that happens all the time. Think about Sandy.
Oh, for the love of Jehovah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jesus and Mary, and all that is Holy!! I knew these doomtards would never learn!!
They are backpedaling because they just lost yet another big one. They should never be listened to again — Just mocked like the doomtards that they all are.
2008: The world will end in 2012.
2012: The world will end in 2016.
You won't get yourself anxious another 4 years, alright?
Doomtards will go on with it. There is never science, never evidence. They will go on lying. But what happened yesterday? Nothing. How many has been predicted for yesterday? Billion of things, but they are all nonsense. They earth did not end the 21st Dec. of 2012. It will not end in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 or whatever year has been predicted. You and i survived a lot of doomsday dates. Why? Because nobody can predict something big like the end of the world. They are just doing it for money and attention. Why you would ever believe things like this? Just stop thinking about the end of the world. There can happen so much, but did the world ever stopped turning? Nope.
Twitter? goodness me… people are often mocking this hoax and making fun of the doomtards.
of course this site will help everyone but its another disgusting fraud again… we have made it passed many doomsday lies and im now laughing over it in joy also thanks to Hoax!! but we will laugh again when 2016 comes only GOD knows not some doomsday troll or predictions…. the Mayans also counted years beyond 2012 so don't believe these trolls…
I'm agnostic… so I don't believe in any doomsday or rapture idea and I think it's all silly. We've seen what Harold Camping did to people. It's all the same.

seriously it's 2 days after the last hoax is over and you're already having another scare. If you have this bad anxiety you have to go to psychiatrist to get rid of it because after 2016 you will pick a new date again.

2016 wont happen. the bible revelations suggest summer of 2013 as the true apocalypse.
2016 wont happen. the bible revelations suggest summer of 2013 as the true apocalypse.
Good. If the bible says it, then it definitely won't happen.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
this guy has commented everywhere and i think he is an evil troll…can't someone stop him :(
How about you stop giving trolls what they want? Ridicule or ignore him, he's an idiot.
The great thing about science is, it's true whether you believe in it or not.
well i don't belive this guy. just bothers me when someone acts like this. someone might belivie it
this guy has commented everywhere and i think he is an evil troll…can't someone stop him :(
What bible revelations? The bible doesn't give you a date. And it's ambiguous and ridiculous anyways.
Meagan, you need to stop going to those sites. If you enjoy living in fear and being full of anxiety, then keep going. If not, take our advice and stop. You know very well we are going to tell you that the prediction is a lie before you even come here and ask. At this point you need to take our advice and stop the behavior that is destructive to your well being. That behavior is going to these sites and reading about these stupid made up predictions. If you like the way it makes you feel then keep going there.
i for one will never ever belive in crap like this again i will get anxious over rumours and predictions as ive always done and always will but this is it for me now,it ended on the 21st this is a new me i feel like ive lost 3years off my shoulders of anxiety over this bs…please try not to worry easier said than done trust me i know…merry christmas and happy new year michellex