Romney's form of healthcare wasn't his strong suit if you can remember, and obviously he lost the election.
My guess is this: Republicans will be FORCED to allow tax cuts expire on the rich, while conceding in allowing the cuts to continue for the middle class and those who make under $250,000
What exactly do you mean by this, "conceding". Republicans don't want taxes going up on any class, rich or poor. They are fighting for the entire nation, while dems are holding wealthy people hostage to use in their negotiations. Dems are creating class warfare, while spending more than any government in the history of governments has spent… Its undeniable!!! I"m not a fan of Obama and his failed policies, nor was I a fan of Romney. I would have you know that I'm an Independant sitting on the sidelines looking into the hour glass, and I'm very concerned over the way Obama and his scaremongering cabinet do business in Washington. It would be much easier to extend the Bush tax cuts and reduce spending. I love how people claim Obama Care will save money in the long the run, but forget about all the different insurance companies it will put out of business since they won't be able to compete with gov insurance. Lets also not forget the 700billion in cuts that are being made to medicaid to help pay for Obama Care. Which in turn will move doctors away from the form of insurance. I love it when any President promises shit that takes 8 to 10yrs to maticulate. It must be nice trying to prove something will "really" work a decade from now, but we have no way of knowing until 10yrs from now. I love how they say shit like that, and expect us to trust them it will pan out.
I don't know if you have kids, but I have 4 and this scares the hell out of me. My post above wasn't in favor of either party, but I'm obviously distrusting of the most failed presidency in US history as far as I'm concerned. Obama uses the same tactics to do business by scaring the pulbic, dividing the public, and forcing deals down congress throats at the last minute.. Quite a procrastinator!!!! I voted for Obama the first time around, but he and his cabinet don't know the first thing about saving this country. His famous quote first time around was Mainstreet not Wallstreet, yet he appointed all Wall Street guys to work in the Fed, Treasury, economy dept in the US.
The gov needs to stop spending, and should focus on getting people back to work. GDP as you stated, and if you look at the numbers is mostly from the government. Thats in no way a promise of better things to come. Thats why gov needs to continue to spend under Obama to ensure GDP outcomes.
If you remember TARP, which was another great jam down the throats of congress or else the US economy would freeze up, and done at the last minute as well. TARP was intended to rescue banks underwater from the mortgage defaults and homeowners. It was passed, because we were told the US economy would collapse. But how was the money used. The money was lent out from the FED Reserve, to other huge banks. The banks in turn got to write off their bad debts under TARP, and actually used the money to buy other banks. Never in the History of our country have we seen so many bank take overs in such a short period of time. We had healthy banks being bought up cheap because of a manipulated market value. The Wells Fargo's, and Bank of America's of the world become too big to fail under the new TARP money's thanks to our government and Federal Reserve. Instead of having 30 big banks, we are down to about 5 in our country, and they are indeed to big to fail. The banking industry is able to hold the US government hostage any time they have a crisis, and now the government will always have to help them if they are on the verge of failing. Look at the CEO's of those big banks, and their connections to the FED Reserver, and US Treasury, and maybe you will see the bigger picture.
At the end of the day whats on the news is truly irrelevant, and the promises being made should be judged based on that person's history. Business was done the wrong way for the past 6 or 7 yrs, and even under the latter part of Bush with his ridiculous spending in Washington. Agreeable those were scary times in the post 9-11, and our government had to surge into the tech error which is where most of the cost came from.
Obama Care might or might not work, but one thing is for sure more companies will be going out of business because they won't be able to comptete. There is so much policy entwined in the Obama Care that I don't have the time nor patience to go through it all, but it was held back after Obama got re-elected. He has been injecting class war fare in our nation more than any other leader in modern history. Separating the rich and the poor is nonsense, and its honestly only for the ignorance of our society to believe in that. Thats a campaign tactic and nothing more.