I have never signed up to any website or subscribed to anything online before that allowed me to join a forum. With this I had to doit. Tha k you so much to the people of this website for keeping me sane for the last 3 years. I had very bad time with this until I came here in 2010 and since then everytime I get a little axiety I come look and see a new debunking of a new topic. Wich helped me out more then ever. I dont know the lingo or how any of this blogging works but I just wanted to say thank you to these ppl on this site for making it and helping people get through it. U guys are awsome. P.s if anyone has any links of the doomtards as u call them …backpeddling pr admitong defeat ease post I havnt found any yet..
Tha k you so much again.